Encore 2: One Day More

歌曲 Encore 2: One Day More
歌手 Various Artists
专辑 Les Miserables - The Musical That Swept the World (10th Anniversary Concert at the Royal Albert Hall


[ti:Encore 2: One Day More]
[al:Les Miserables - The Musical That Swept the World (10th Anniversary Concert at the Royal Albert Hall]
[00:05.61] Do you hear the people sing
[00:07.82] Singing a song of angry men?
[00:10.58] It is the music of a people
[00:13.37] Who will not be slaves again!
[00:16.26] When the beating of your heart
[00:19.03] Echoes the beating of the drums
[00:21.64] There is a life about to start
[00:24.46] When tomorrow comes!
[00:27.73] A la volonté du peuple
[00:30.43] Et à la santé du progrès
[00:33.22] Das ist die Sinfonie von Menschen
[00:36.39] Die nicht länger Sklaven sind
[00:38.95] 新たに熱い
[00:41.55] 生命が始まる
[00:44.56] 明日がきたとき
[00:46.81] そうさ明日が
[00:50.33] Állsz-e mellénk, hogyha kell?
[00:53.36] Kiállsz-e értünk, harcunkért?
[00:56.22] I från vår barrikad
[00:58.64] Så kan man se ett framtidsland
[01:01.59] Så kom med och slåss
[01:03.26] Du ska kämpa med oss om du kan!!
[01:06.99] Wytęż słuch to śpiewa lud
[01:09.65] Co nie chce tkwić w niewoli znów
[01:12.34] Van al die mensen die verdommen
[01:14.92] Om nog langer slaaf te zijn
[01:18.04] When the beating of your heart
[01:20.67] Echoes the beating of the drums
[01:23.58] There is a life about to start
[01:26.02] When tomorrow comes!
[01:29.27] Wenn du kämpfst mit ganzer Kraft
[01:31.88] hat bald ein Ende alle Not
[01:34.90] Some will fall and some will live
[01:36.99] Will you stand up and take your chance?
[01:40.28] The blood of the martyrs will
[01:42.28] Water the meadows of France
[01:45.51] Kan du høyre folkets song?
[01:48.12] Det er ein song frå arge menn!
[01:50.96] Chcem tady žít už máme bídy dost i běd i svévolí
[01:56.51] Når de dumpe trommers bud svares af stærke hjerteslag
[02:01.97] Da skal et bedre liv gå ud i den nye dag
[02:07.63] Will you join in our crusade?
[02:10.28] Who will be strong and stand with me?
[02:13.05] Þannig er söngur þeirra sem að
[02:15.89] þrældóm aldrei vilja meir
[02:18.65] Do you hear the people sing?
[02:21.53] say do you hear the distant drums?
[02:24.25] It is the future that they bring
[02:26.92] When tomorrow comes!
[02:36.19] One day more!
[02:38.06] I did not live until today!
[02:41.01] One more day all on my own...
[02:44.06] How can I live when we are parted?
[02:47.77] One day more!
[02:49.20] Tomorrow you'll be worlds away
[02:52.22] What a life I might have known!
[02:54.83] And yet with you my world has started
[02:57.36] Tomorrow we'll be far away
[02:58.26] Tomorrow is the judgement day
[03:00.27] Tomorrow we'll discover
[03:01.90] What our God in Heaven has in store!
[03:07.52] One more dawn
[03:14.52] One more day
[03:19.99] One day more!


ti: Encore 2: One Day More
al: Les Miserables The Musical That Swept the World 10th Anniversary Concert at the Royal Albert Hall
[00:05.61] Do you hear the people sing
[00:07.82] Singing a song of angry men?
[00:10.58] It is the music of a people
[00:13.37] Who will not be slaves again!
[00:16.26] When the beating of your heart
[00:19.03] Echoes the beating of the drums
[00:21.64] There is a life about to start
[00:24.46] When tomorrow comes!
[00:27.73] A la volonté du peuple
[00:30.43] Et à la santé du progrè s
[00:33.22] Das ist die Sinfonie von Menschen
[00:36.39] Die nicht l nger Sklaven sind
[00:38.95] xīn rè
[00:41.55] shēng mìng shǐ
[00:44.56] míng rì
[00:46.81] míng rì
[00:50.33] Á llsze mellé nk, hogyha kell?
[00:53.36] Kiá llsze é rtü nk, harcunké rt?
[00:56.22] I fr n v r barrikad
[00:58.64] S kan man se ett framtidsland
[01:01.59] S kom med och sl ss
[01:03.26] Du ska k mpa med oss om du kan!!
[01:06.99] Wyt s uch to piewa lud
[01:09.65] Co nie chce tkwi w niewoli znó w
[01:12.34] Van al die mensen die verdommen
[01:14.92] Om nog langer slaaf te zijn
[01:18.04] When the beating of your heart
[01:20.67] Echoes the beating of the drums
[01:23.58] There is a life about to start
[01:26.02] When tomorrow comes!
[01:29.27] Wenn du k mpfst mit ganzer Kraft
[01:31.88] hat bald ein Ende alle Not
[01:34.90] Some will fall and some will live
[01:36.99] Will you stand up and take your chance?
[01:40.28] The blood of the martyrs will
[01:42.28] Water the meadows of France
[01:45.51] Kan du h yre folkets song?
[01:48.12] Det er ein song fr arge menn!
[01:50.96] Chcem tady í t u má me bí dy dost i bě d i své volí
[01:56.51] N r de dumpe trommers bud svares af st rke hjerteslag
[02:01.97] Da skal et bedre liv g ud i den nye dag
[02:07.63] Will you join in our crusade?
[02:10.28] Who will be strong and stand with me?
[02:13.05] annig er s ngur eirra sem a
[02:15.89] r ldó m aldrei vilja meir
[02:18.65] Do you hear the people sing?
[02:21.53] say do you hear the distant drums?
[02:24.25] It is the future that they bring
[02:26.92] When tomorrow comes!
[02:36.19] One day more!
[02:38.06] I did not live until today!
[02:41.01] One more day all on my own...
[02:44.06] How can I live when we are parted?
[02:47.77] One day more!
[02:49.20] Tomorrow you' ll be worlds away
[02:52.22] What a life I might have known!
[02:54.83] And yet with you my world has started
[02:57.36] Tomorrow we' ll be far away
[02:58.26] Tomorrow is the judgement day
[03:00.27] Tomorrow we' ll discover
[03:01.90] What our God in Heaven has in store!
[03:07.52] One more dawn
[03:14.52] One more day
[03:19.99] One day more!


[00:05.61] yīng Colm Wilkinson nǐ kě tīng jiàn rén mín zhī gē
[00:07.82] fèn nù rén mín de gē shēng?
[00:10.58] Phil Cavill United Kingdom nà shi rén mín zài gē chàng
[00:13.37] zài yě bù yuàn wèi nú de gē shēng
[00:16.26] dāng nǐ tiào dòng de xīn zàng
[00:19.03] yìng hè zhàn gǔ shēng xiǎng
[00:21.64] xīn shēng huó kāi shǐ
[00:24.46] suí míng tiān lái dào
[00:27.73] fǎ Robert Marien France wèi le rén mín de yì zhì
[00:30.43] wèi le jiàn kāng de jìn bù
[00:33.22] dé Jerzy Jeszke Germany zhè shì rén mín zài gē chàng
[00:36.39] zài yě bù yuàn wèi nú de gē shēng
[00:38.95] rì lù hè zhàng shǐ Japan: zhǎn xīn shēng huó
[00:41.55] jí jiāng kāi shǐ
[00:44.56] dāng míng tiān lái dào
[00:46.81] shǔ guāng jiàng lín
[00:50.33] xiōng Gyula Vikidá l Hungary nǐ kě yuàn jiā rù wǒ men?
[00:53.36] bìng jiān zhàn dòu dào dǐ
[00:56.22] ruì diǎn Tommy K rberg Sweden jiē lěi zhī shàng
[00:58.64] kě yǒu nǐ lǐ xiǎng zhī bāng
[01:01.59] qǐng jiā rù wǒ men ba
[01:03.26] ruò nǐ yuàn yì bìng jiān zhàn dòu
[01:06.99] bō lán Krzysztof Stasierowski Poland nǐ kě tīng jiàn rén mín zhī gē
[01:09.65] fèn nù rén mín de gē shēng?
[01:12.34] hé lán Henk Poort Netherlands nà shi rén mín zài gē chàng
[01:14.92] zài yě bù yuàn wèi nú de gē shēng
[01:18.04] yīng Michael Burgess Canada dāng nǐ tiào dòng de xīn zàng
[01:20.67] yìng hè zhàn gǔ shēng xiǎng
[01:23.58] xīn shēng huó kāi shǐ
[01:26.02] suí míng tiān lái dào
[01:29.27] dé Reinhard Brussmann Austria nǐ kě yuàn qīng jìn suǒ yǒu
[01:31.88] wèi jié shù yī qiè kǔ nàn
[01:34.90] yīng Rob Guest Australia huò xǔ zhèn wáng huò xǔ xìng cún
[01:36.99] nǐ kě yuàn zhàn qǐ lái fàng shǒu yī bó?
[01:40.28] liè shì de xiān xuè jiāng
[01:42.28] guàn gài fǎ lán xī de cǎo chǎng
[01:45.51] nuó wēi ystein Wiik Norway nǐ kě tīng jiàn rén mín zhī gē
[01:48.12] fèn nù rén mín de gē shēng?
[01:50.96] jié kè Jan Je ek Czech Republic nà shi kǔ nàn zhōng rén mín de gē shēng
[01:56.51] dān mài Kurt Ravn Denmark dāng nǐ tiào dòng de xīn zàng yìng hè zhàn gǔ shēng xiǎng
[02:01.97] xīn shēng huó kāi shǐ suí shǔ guāng lái dào
[02:07.63] yīng Jeff Leyton Ireland nǐ kě yuàn jiā rù wǒ men?
[02:10.28] bìng jiān zhàn dòu dào dǐ?
[02:13.05] bīng dǎo Egill Ó lafsson Iceland nà shi rén mín zài gē chàng
[02:15.89] zài yě bù yuàn wèi nú de gē shēng
[02:18.65] yīng Craig Schulman United States nǐ kě tīng jiàn rén mín zhī gē
[02:21.53] nǐ kě tīng jiàn yuǎn fāng zhàn gǔ
[02:24.25] nà shi quán xīn de wèi lái
[02:26.92] suí míng tiān lái dào
[02:36.19] dài míng tiān
[02:38.06] wǒ bù céng zhēn zhèng huó guò
[02:41.01] míng tiān wǒ réng jié rán yī shēn
[02:44.06] méi nǐ wǒ rú hé huó xià qù?
[02:47.77] dài míng tiān!
[02:49.20] míng tiān jiù yào tiān gè yī fāng
[02:52.22] wǒ de shēng huó huì shì shén me yàng
[02:54.83] yǒu nǐ wǒ de shì jiè cái kāi shǐ
[02:57.36] míng tiān wǒ men jiāng yào fēn lí
[02:58.26] míng tiān jiù shì shěn pàn rì
[03:00.27] míng tiān jiù huì zhī dào
[03:01.90] shàng dì rú hé ān pái
[03:07.52] dài lí míng
[03:14.52] dài zhāo yáng
[03:19.99] dài míng tiān