
P2theI2theC 歌词

歌曲 P2theI2theC
歌手 PICFamily
歌手 刘翔宇M.Shower
歌手 Lazzy J
专辑 将至 PartⅠ
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[00:00.000] 作曲 : PICFamily/Lazzy J
[00:01.000] 作词 : PICFamily/Lazzy J
[00:04.112] Beat by Another.L
[00:05.605] Record by 滕飞
[00:07.856] Mix by 辣子SpicyBoy
[00:10.608] HOOK:
[00:11.855] Power in campus is ur name (我们的名字是P.I.C)
[00:14.853] Promoting hiphop Is our dream (宣传hiphop文化是我们一直以来的梦想)
[00:17.605] Peace n love made us into a team (和平与爱让我们组成了一个团队)
[00:20.356] Seeking for help is not shame (找其他人寻求帮助一点也不尴尬)
[00:22.853] P to the I to the c U already know (pic的名字已经宣扬在外)
[00:25.861] P to the I to the c Still on the road (pic已经准备出发上路了)
[00:28.858] P to the I to the c U already know (你已经知道了pic是我们的名字)
[00:31.610] P to the I to the c We gotta go (pic已经开启了新的征程)
[00:34.362] Lazzy J:
[00:34.608] Chasing dream eating cream (我们在成长的路上追着自己梦想)
[00:36.112] Looking for a audio driver (寻找一个可以供我们录音的声卡驱动)
[00:37.606] Keeping thrill do not chill (时刻保持冷静让头脑清醒)
[00:39.354] Waving that hiphop banner (手里拿着黑怕的旗帜慢慢挥起)
[00:40.357] Doing right like a knight (像个骑士一样做正义的事情)
[00:41.606] I will get u out the plight (别怕我会把你带出现在的困境)
[00:43.110] Hold on mic keep it tight (这里有个麦克你得抓紧它)
[00:44.858] Singing till the nightlight (一直说唱到夜晚都不停歇)
[00:46.362] We dids it on our own no promo (我们自己做自己喜欢的事)
[00:49.104] Peace n love is our logo (和平与爱是我们的信仰)
[00:52.112] We did it on our own no promo 我们自己做自己喜欢的事)
[00:54.852] Peace n love is our logo (和平与爱是我们的信仰)
[00:57.605] Nowadays college rappers are slowing pullulate (最近大学生rapper正在慢慢崛起)
[01:00.603] Plenty of bad gossip cant let u concentrate (也有很多的流言蜚语在网络上纵行)
[01:03.611] But you can just keep your faith (但是你只要保持自己的信念)
[01:05.605] And one day you will be an ace (总有一天你会变的很强)
[01:07.109] Not afraid like Eminem wroting things great (像eminem写的《not afraid》一样勇无畏惧)
[01:09.360] Thinkin straight then get some fame (努力去思考问题)
[01:12.113] And u dont wanna forget about dre (你也不别忘记启蒙导师dr.dre)
[01:15.354] Tryna be a best rapper never ever lie (去做一个从不会说谎正直的rapper)
[01:18.106] The heart of hiphop will never die (喜欢hiphop的心永远不会逝去)
[01:21.104] Wanna rap like a god (想做一个说唱很厉害的人)
[01:22.608] But always getting stuck (但是思绪经常被卡住)
[01:24.112] Writing things are really suck (写了一些很低产的词)
[01:25.360] Rap like a duck (说唱起来像鼠来宝)
[01:26.853] And we always keep on fighting (但我们坚持为了梦想奋斗)
[01:27.856] Ryhmes are still writing (也为了写词积累着韵脚)
[01:29.606] Audience are waithing (台下的观众也在等着我们的作品)
[01:31.110] The enemy tryna stealing (对你有敌意的人也想要偷取你的词)
[01:32.357] 但是我们还是不能放弃说唱这个梦想
[01:34.853] 哪怕这条路上 一片漆黑 也要学会成长
[01:38.107] 英文说唱只是展现 我 的技术
[01:41.104] 中文也一样给你PI C 的力度
[01:44.236] HOOK:
[01:44.520] Power in campus is ur name (我们的名字是P.I.C)
[01:47.490] Promoting hiphop Is our dream (宣传hiphop文化是我们一直以来的梦想)
[01:50.242] Peace n love made us into a team (和平与爱让我们组成了一个团队)
[01:52.738] Seeking for help is not shame (找其他人寻求帮助一点也不尴尬)
[01:55.491] P to the I to the c U already know (pic的名字已经宣扬在外)
[01:58.743] P to the I to the c Still on the road (pic已经准备出发上路了)
[02:01.741] P to the I to the c U already know (你已经知道了pic是我们的名字)
[02:06.242] P to the I to the c We gotta go (pic已经开启了新的征程)
[02:07.244] 刘翔宇M.Shower:
[02:07.746] 网易云里找到beat 都说拿了拿了
[02:09.741] 评论区里飙着戏 都说发歌发歌
[02:12.738] 没有声卡用嘴发歌就是我们 这 种
[02:15.491] 没设备在说唱 就由我们 歌 颂
[02:18.488] 苦思冥想的韵脚 写了 一本又一本
[02:21.240] 无法发歌的困扰 好似 痴人留遗恨
[02:23.991] 找个beat 填了词 只能 唱给自己听
[02:26.990] 写尽人间芳华 浮花 浪蕊戏子情
[02:29.741] 其实一切并没 经历过 却要写进歌里
[02:32.493] 总是成熟 装寂寞 时刻不愿搁笔
[02:35.491] 套上伪装 编个故事 以为逻辑 显得合理
[02:38.488] 飘向北方 不为物质 躲在自己 虚假壳里
[02:41.497] 热爱音乐的身份代入却忘记了初心
[02:44.493] 到处蹭粉蹭热度只想躲在黑怕树荫
[02:47.491] 大学rapper误入歧途 只为台上的名气
[02:50.488] pic铺开新地图 只为黑怕不为盈利
[02:53.740] 我们目的Drop in 校园 嘻哈思想
[02:55.746] 让 自由气息将这生命 激发滋养
[02:59.491] 站在顶峰 俯瞰下面井底 之蛙熙攘
[03:01.741] 保持 循规 蹈矩 只能 躲在 低洼痴想
[03:04.494] power in campus 给你最嘻哈的态度
[03:07.244] power in campus 让这旋律不断代入
[03:10.243] power in campus 带你感受黑怕力量
[03:12.995] power in campus 释放大学rapper理想
[03:16.493] HOOK:
[03:16.739] P to the I to the c U already know (pic的名字已经宣扬在外)
[03:19.491] P to the I to the c Still on the road (pic已经准备出发上路了)
[03:21.987] P to the I to the c U already know (你已经知道了pic是我们的名字)
[03:24.994] P to the I to the c We gotta go (pic已经开启了新的征程)
[03:26.990] P to the I to the c U already know (pic的名字已经宣扬在外)
[03:30.744] P to the I to the c Still on the road (pic已经准备出发上路了)
[03:33.740] P to the I to the c U already know (你已经知道了pic是我们的名字)
[03:39.746] P to the I to the c We gotta go (pic已经开启了新的征程)
[00:00.000] zuo qu : PICFamily Lazzy J
[00:01.000] zuo ci : PICFamily Lazzy J
[00:04.112] Beat by Another. L
[00:05.605] Record by teng fei
[00:07.856] Mix by la zi SpicyBoy
[00:10.608] HOOK:
[00:11.855] Power in campus is ur name wo men de ming zi shi P. I. C
[00:14.853] Promoting hiphop Is our dream xuan chuan hiphop wen hua shi wo men yi zhi yi lai de meng xiang
[00:17.605] Peace n love made us into a team he ping yu ai rang wo men zu cheng le yi ge tuan dui
[00:20.356] Seeking for help is not shame zhao qi ta ren xun qiu bang zhu yi dian ye bu gan ga
[00:22.853] P to the I to the c U already know pic de ming zi yi jing xuan yang zai wai
[00:25.861] P to the I to the c Still on the road pic yi jing zhun bei chu fa shang lu le
[00:28.858] P to the I to the c U already know ni yi jing zhi dao le pic shi wo men de ming zi
[00:31.610] P to the I to the c We gotta go pic yi jing kai qi le xin de zheng cheng
[00:34.362] Lazzy J:
[00:34.608] Chasing dream eating cream wo men zai cheng zhang de lu shang zhui zhe zi ji meng xiang
[00:36.112] Looking for a audio driver xun zhao yi ge ke yi gong wo men lu yin de sheng ka qu dong
[00:37.606] Keeping thrill do not chill shi ke bao chi leng jing rang tou nao qing xing
[00:39.354] Waving that hiphop banner shou li na zhe hei pa de qi zhi man man hui qi
[00:40.357] Doing right like a knight xiang ge qi shi yi yang zuo zheng yi de shi qing
[00:41.606] I will get u out the plight bie pa wo hui ba ni dai chu xian zai de kun jing
[00:43.110] Hold on mic keep it tight zhe li you ge mai ke ni de zhua jin ta
[00:44.858] Singing till the nightlight yi zhi shuo chang dao ye wan dou bu ting xie
[00:46.362] We dids it on our own no promo wo men zi ji zuo zi ji xi huan de shi
[00:49.104] Peace n love is our logo he ping yu ai shi wo men de xin yang
[00:52.112] We did it on our own no promo wo men zi ji zuo zi ji xi huan de shi
[00:54.852] Peace n love is our logo he ping yu ai shi wo men de xin yang
[00:57.605] Nowadays college rappers are slowing pullulate zui jin da xue sheng rapper zheng zai man man jue qi
[01:00.603] Plenty of bad gossip cant let u concentrate ye you hen duo de liu yan fei yu zai wang luo shang zong xing
[01:03.611] But you can just keep your faith dan shi ni zhi yao bao chi zi ji de xin nian
[01:05.605] And one day you will be an ace zong you yi tian ni hui bian de hen qiang
[01:07.109] Not afraid like Eminem wroting things great xiang eminem xie de not afraid yi yang yong wu wei ju
[01:09.360] Thinkin straight then get some fame nu li qu si kao wen ti
[01:12.113] And u dont wanna forget about dre ni ye bu bie wang ji qi meng dao shi dr. dre
[01:15.354] Tryna be a best rapper never ever lie qu zuo yi ge cong bu hui shuo huang zheng zhi de rapper
[01:18.106] The heart of hiphop will never die xi huan hiphop de xin yong yuan bu hui shi qu
[01:21.104] Wanna rap like a god xiang zuo yi ge shuo chang hen li hai de ren
[01:22.608] But always getting stuck dan shi si xu jing chang bei ka zhu
[01:24.112] Writing things are really suck xie le yi xie hen di chan de ci
[01:25.360] Rap like a duck shuo chang qi lai xiang shu lai bao
[01:26.853] And we always keep on fighting dan wo men jian chi wei le meng xiang fen dou
[01:27.856] Ryhmes are still writing ye wei le xie ci ji lei zhe yun jiao
[01:29.606] Audience are waithing tai xia de guan zhong ye zai deng zhe wo men de zuo pin
[01:31.110] The enemy tryna stealing dui ni you di yi de ren ye xiang yao tou qu ni de ci
[01:32.357] dan shi wo men hai shi bu neng fang qi shuo chang zhe ge meng xiang
[01:34.853] na pa zhe tiao lu shang yi pian qi hei ye yao xue hui cheng zhang
[01:38.107] ying wen shuo chang zhi shi zhan xian wo de ji shu
[01:41.104] zhong wen ye yi yang gei ni PI C de li du
[01:44.236] HOOK:
[01:44.520] Power in campus is ur name wo men de ming zi shi P. I. C
[01:47.490] Promoting hiphop Is our dream xuan chuan hiphop wen hua shi wo men yi zhi yi lai de meng xiang
[01:50.242] Peace n love made us into a team he ping yu ai rang wo men zu cheng le yi ge tuan dui
[01:52.738] Seeking for help is not shame zhao qi ta ren xun qiu bang zhu yi dian ye bu gan ga
[01:55.491] P to the I to the c U already know pic de ming zi yi jing xuan yang zai wai
[01:58.743] P to the I to the c Still on the road pic yi jing zhun bei chu fa shang lu le
[02:01.741] P to the I to the c U already know ni yi jing zhi dao le pic shi wo men de ming zi
[02:06.242] P to the I to the c We gotta go pic yi jing kai qi le xin de zheng cheng
[02:07.244] liu xiang yu M. Shower:
[02:07.746] wang yi yun li zhao dao beat dou shuo na le na le
[02:09.741] ping lun qu li biao zhe xi dou shuo fa ge fa ge
[02:12.738] mei you sheng ka yong zui fa ge jiu shi wo men zhe zhong
[02:15.491] mei she bei zai shuo chang jiu you wo men ge song
[02:18.488] ku si ming xiang de yun jiao xie le yi ben you yi ben
[02:21.240] wu fa fa ge de kun rao hao si chi ren liu yi hen
[02:23.991] zhao ge beat tian le ci zhi neng chang gei zi ji ting
[02:26.990] xie jin ren jian fang hua fu hua lang rui xi zi qing
[02:29.741] qi shi yi qie bing mei jing li guo que yao xie jin ge li
[02:32.493] zong shi cheng shu zhuang ji mo shi ke bu yuan ge bi
[02:35.491] tao shang wei zhuang bian ge gu shi yi wei luo ji xian de he li
[02:38.488] piao xiang bei fang bu wei wu zhi duo zai zi ji xu jia ke li
[02:41.497] re ai yin yue de shen fen dai ru que wang ji le chu xin
[02:44.493] dao chu ceng fen ceng re du zhi xiang duo zai hei pa shu yin
[02:47.491] da xue rapper wu ru qi tu zhi wei tai shang de ming qi
[02:50.488] pic pu kai xin di tu zhi wei hei pa bu wei ying li
[02:53.740] wo men mu di Drop in xiao yuan xi ha si xiang
[02:55.746] rang zi you qi xi jiang zhe sheng ming ji fa zi yang
[02:59.491] zhan zai ding feng fu kan xia mian jing di zhi wa xi rang
[03:01.741] bao chi xun gui dao ju zhi neng duo zai di wa chi xiang
[03:04.494] power in campus gei ni zui xi ha de tai du
[03:07.244] power in campus rang zhe xuan lv bu duan dai ru
[03:10.243] power in campus dai ni gan shou hei pa li liang
[03:12.995] power in campus shi fang da xue rapper li xiang
[03:16.493] HOOK:
[03:16.739] P to the I to the c U already know pic de ming zi yi jing xuan yang zai wai
[03:19.491] P to the I to the c Still on the road pic yi jing zhun bei chu fa shang lu le
[03:21.987] P to the I to the c U already know ni yi jing zhi dao le pic shi wo men de ming zi
[03:24.994] P to the I to the c We gotta go pic yi jing kai qi le xin de zheng cheng
[03:26.990] P to the I to the c U already know pic de ming zi yi jing xuan yang zai wai
[03:30.744] P to the I to the c Still on the road pic yi jing zhun bei chu fa shang lu le
[03:33.740] P to the I to the c U already know ni yi jing zhi dao le pic shi wo men de ming zi
[03:39.746] P to the I to the c We gotta go pic yi jing kai qi le xin de zheng cheng
[00:00.000] zuò qǔ : PICFamily Lazzy J
[00:01.000] zuò cí : PICFamily Lazzy J
[00:04.112] Beat by Another. L
[00:05.605] Record by téng fēi
[00:07.856] Mix by là zǐ SpicyBoy
[00:10.608] HOOK:
[00:11.855] Power in campus is ur name wǒ men de míng zì shì P. I. C
[00:14.853] Promoting hiphop Is our dream xuān chuán hiphop wén huà shì wǒ men yī zhí yǐ lái de mèng xiǎng
[00:17.605] Peace n love made us into a team hé píng yǔ ài ràng wǒ men zǔ chéng le yí gè tuán duì
[00:20.356] Seeking for help is not shame zhǎo qí tā rén xún qiú bāng zhù yì diǎn yě bù gān gà
[00:22.853] P to the I to the c U already know pic de míng zì yǐ jīng xuān yáng zài wài
[00:25.861] P to the I to the c Still on the road pic yǐ jīng zhǔn bèi chū fā shàng lù le
[00:28.858] P to the I to the c U already know nǐ yǐ jīng zhī dào le pic shì wǒ men de míng zì
[00:31.610] P to the I to the c We gotta go pic yǐ jīng kāi qǐ le xīn de zhēng chéng
[00:34.362] Lazzy J:
[00:34.608] Chasing dream eating cream wǒ men zài chéng zhǎng de lù shàng zhuī zhe zì jǐ mèng xiǎng
[00:36.112] Looking for a audio driver xún zhǎo yí gè kě yǐ gōng wǒ men lù yīn de shēng kǎ qū dòng
[00:37.606] Keeping thrill do not chill shí kè bǎo chí lěng jìng ràng tóu nǎo qīng xǐng
[00:39.354] Waving that hiphop banner shǒu lǐ ná zhe hēi pà de qí zhì màn màn huī qǐ
[00:40.357] Doing right like a knight xiàng gè qí shì yí yàng zuò zhèng yì de shì qíng
[00:41.606] I will get u out the plight bié pà wǒ huì bǎ nǐ dài chū xiàn zài de kùn jìng
[00:43.110] Hold on mic keep it tight zhè lǐ yǒu gè mài kè nǐ dé zhuā jǐn tā
[00:44.858] Singing till the nightlight yī zhí shuō chàng dào yè wǎn dōu bù tíng xiē
[00:46.362] We dids it on our own no promo wǒ men zì jǐ zuò zì jǐ xǐ huān de shì
[00:49.104] Peace n love is our logo hé píng yǔ ài shì wǒ men de xìn yǎng
[00:52.112] We did it on our own no promo wǒ men zì jǐ zuò zì jǐ xǐ huān de shì
[00:54.852] Peace n love is our logo hé píng yǔ ài shì wǒ men de xìn yǎng
[00:57.605] Nowadays college rappers are slowing pullulate zuì jìn dà xué shēng rapper zhèng zài màn màn jué qǐ
[01:00.603] Plenty of bad gossip cant let u concentrate yě yǒu hěn duō de liú yán fēi yǔ zài wǎng luò shàng zòng xíng
[01:03.611] But you can just keep your faith dàn shì nǐ zhǐ yào bǎo chí zì jǐ de xìn niàn
[01:05.605] And one day you will be an ace zǒng yǒu yì tiān nǐ huì biàn de hěn qiáng
[01:07.109] Not afraid like Eminem wroting things great xiàng eminem xiě de not afraid yí yàng yǒng wú wèi jù
[01:09.360] Thinkin straight then get some fame nǔ lì qù sī kǎo wèn tí
[01:12.113] And u dont wanna forget about dre nǐ yě bù bié wàng jì qǐ méng dǎo shī dr. dre
[01:15.354] Tryna be a best rapper never ever lie qù zuò yí gè cóng bú huì shuō huǎng zhèng zhí de rapper
[01:18.106] The heart of hiphop will never die xǐ huān hiphop de xīn yǒng yuǎn bú huì shì qù
[01:21.104] Wanna rap like a god xiǎng zuò yí gè shuō chàng hěn lì hài de rén
[01:22.608] But always getting stuck dàn shì sī xù jīng cháng bèi kǎ zhù
[01:24.112] Writing things are really suck xiě le yī xiē hěn dī chǎn de cí
[01:25.360] Rap like a duck shuō chàng qǐ lái xiàng shǔ lái bǎo
[01:26.853] And we always keep on fighting dàn wǒ men jiān chí wèi le mèng xiǎng fèn dòu
[01:27.856] Ryhmes are still writing yě wèi le xiě cí jī lěi zhe yùn jiǎo
[01:29.606] Audience are waithing tái xià de guān zhòng yě zài děng zhe wǒ men de zuò pǐn
[01:31.110] The enemy tryna stealing duì nǐ yǒu dí yì de rén yě xiǎng yào tōu qǔ nǐ de cí
[01:32.357] dàn shì wǒ men hái shì bù néng fàng qì shuō chàng zhè gè mèng xiǎng
[01:34.853] nǎ pà zhè tiáo lù shàng yī piàn qī hēi yě yào xué huì chéng zhǎng
[01:38.107] yīng wén shuō chàng zhǐ shì zhǎn xiàn wǒ de jì shù
[01:41.104] zhōng wén yě yí yàng gěi nǐ PI C de lì dù
[01:44.236] HOOK:
[01:44.520] Power in campus is ur name wǒ men de míng zì shì P. I. C
[01:47.490] Promoting hiphop Is our dream xuān chuán hiphop wén huà shì wǒ men yī zhí yǐ lái de mèng xiǎng
[01:50.242] Peace n love made us into a team hé píng yǔ ài ràng wǒ men zǔ chéng le yí gè tuán duì
[01:52.738] Seeking for help is not shame zhǎo qí tā rén xún qiú bāng zhù yì diǎn yě bù gān gà
[01:55.491] P to the I to the c U already know pic de míng zì yǐ jīng xuān yáng zài wài
[01:58.743] P to the I to the c Still on the road pic yǐ jīng zhǔn bèi chū fā shàng lù le
[02:01.741] P to the I to the c U already know nǐ yǐ jīng zhī dào le pic shì wǒ men de míng zì
[02:06.242] P to the I to the c We gotta go pic yǐ jīng kāi qǐ le xīn de zhēng chéng
[02:07.244] liú xiáng yǔ M. Shower:
[02:07.746] wǎng yì yún lǐ zhǎo dào beat dōu shuō ná le ná le
[02:09.741] píng lùn qū lǐ biāo zhe xì dōu shuō fā gē fā gē
[02:12.738] méi yǒu shēng kǎ yòng zuǐ fā gē jiù shì wǒ men zhè zhǒng
[02:15.491] méi shè bèi zài shuō chàng jiù yóu wǒ men gē sòng
[02:18.488] kǔ sī míng xiǎng de yùn jiǎo xiě le yī běn yòu yī běn
[02:21.240] wú fǎ fā gē de kùn rǎo hǎo sì chī rén liú yí hèn
[02:23.991] zhǎo gè beat tián le cí zhǐ néng chàng gěi zì jǐ tīng
[02:26.990] xiě jìn rén jiān fāng huá fú huā làng ruǐ xì zǐ qíng
[02:29.741] qí shí yī qiè bìng méi jīng lì guò què yào xiě jìn gē lǐ
[02:32.493] zǒng shì chéng shú zhuāng jì mò shí kè bù yuàn gē bǐ
[02:35.491] tào shàng wěi zhuāng biān gè gù shì yǐ wéi luó ji xiǎn de hé lǐ
[02:38.488] piāo xiàng běi fāng bù wéi wù zhì duǒ zài zì jǐ xū jiǎ ké lǐ
[02:41.497] rè ài yīn yuè de shēn fèn dài rù què wàng jì le chū xīn
[02:44.493] dào chù cèng fěn cèng rè dù zhǐ xiǎng duǒ zài hēi pà shù yīn
[02:47.491] dà xué rapper wù rù qí tú zhǐ wèi tái shàng de míng qì
[02:50.488] pic pù kāi xīn dì tú zhǐ wèi hēi pà bù wéi yíng lì
[02:53.740] wǒ men mù dì Drop in xiào yuán xī hā sī xiǎng
[02:55.746] ràng zì yóu qì xī jiāng zhè shēng mìng jī fā zī yǎng
[02:59.491] zhàn zài dǐng fēng fǔ kàn xià miàn jǐng dǐ zhī wā xī rǎng
[03:01.741] bǎo chí xún guī dǎo jǔ zhǐ néng duǒ zài dī wā chī xiǎng
[03:04.494] power in campus gěi nǐ zuì xī hā de tài dù
[03:07.244] power in campus ràng zhè xuán lǜ bù duàn dài rù
[03:10.243] power in campus dài nǐ gǎn shòu hēi pà lì liàng
[03:12.995] power in campus shì fàng dà xué rapper lǐ xiǎng
[03:16.493] HOOK:
[03:16.739] P to the I to the c U already know pic de míng zì yǐ jīng xuān yáng zài wài
[03:19.491] P to the I to the c Still on the road pic yǐ jīng zhǔn bèi chū fā shàng lù le
[03:21.987] P to the I to the c U already know nǐ yǐ jīng zhī dào le pic shì wǒ men de míng zì
[03:24.994] P to the I to the c We gotta go pic yǐ jīng kāi qǐ le xīn de zhēng chéng
[03:26.990] P to the I to the c U already know pic de míng zì yǐ jīng xuān yáng zài wài
[03:30.744] P to the I to the c Still on the road pic yǐ jīng zhǔn bèi chū fā shàng lù le
[03:33.740] P to the I to the c U already know nǐ yǐ jīng zhī dào le pic shì wǒ men de míng zì
[03:39.746] P to the I to the c We gotta go pic yǐ jīng kāi qǐ le xīn de zhēng chéng
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