Anfield Rap

Anfield Rap 歌词

歌曲 Anfield Rap
歌手 YoungStar
专辑 This Is Anfield
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[00:00.40] Liverpool F.C. is hard as hell
[00:02.91] United, Tottenham, Arsenal
[00:05.40] Watch my lips, and I will spell
[00:07.70] 'cause they don't just play, but they can rap aswell
[00:11.96] Liverpool F.C.
[00:14.17] Liverpool F.C.
[00:15.42] (My idea was to build Liverpool into a bastion of invincibility...)aah... aah... ahh... aah...(had Napoleon had that idea he'd have conquered the bloody world)
[00:29.73] Walk on... walk on... with hope... in your heart... and you'll ne... ver walk... alone
[00:39.50] Alright Aldo
[00:41.05] Sound as a pound
[00:42.06] I'm cushty la but there's nothing down
[00:44.37] The rest of the lads ain't got it sussed
[00:46.86] We'll have to learn 'em to talk like us
[00:49.44] Well I'm rapping now, I'm rapping for fun
[00:51.66] I'm your goalie, the number one
[00:54.22] You can take the mick, don't call me a clown
[00:56.57] Any more lip and you're going down
[00:59.02] Alright Ace, we're great me and you
[01:01.64] But the other lads don't talk like we do
[01:04.03] No they don't talk like we do, do they do la
[01:06.52] We'll have to learn 'em to talk propah
[01:08.86] Walk on... walk on... with hope... in your heart... and you'll ne... ver walk... alone
[01:18.24] You two scousers are always yapping
[01:21.16] I'm gonna show you some serious rapping
[01:23.68] I come from Jamaica, my name is John Barn-es
[01:26.28] When I do my thing the crowd go bananas
[01:28.51] How's he doing the Jamaica rap?
[01:31.02] He's from just south of the Watford Gap
[01:33.46] He gives us stick about the north/south divide
[01:35.88] 'cause they got the jobs
[01:37.05] Yeah, but we got the side
[01:38.27] Well I came to England looking for fame
[01:40.57] So come on Kenny man, give us a game
[01:43.17] 'cause I'm sat on the bench paying my dues with the blues
[01:45.53] I'm very down under, but my wife disagrees
[01:48.00] They've won the league, bigger stars than Dallas
[01:50.48] They got more silver than Buckingham Palace
[01:53.00] No-one knows quite what to expect
[01:55.25] When the red machine's in full effect
[01:57.80] Well Steve McMahon sure can rap
[02:00.26] It's about time he had an England cap
[02:02.60] So come on Bobby Robson, he's the man
[02:05.10] 'cause if anyone can, Macca can
[02:07.96] Macca-can... Macca-can... Macca-can... Macca-can...
[02:11.51] Liverpool F.C. is hard as hell
[02:14.92] We're Ireland lads
[02:25.94] Och-ai the noo
[02:27.29] And there's four of us
[02:28.50] And only two of you
[02:29.75] So if you want nai trouble
[02:31.10] And you don't want a slap
[02:32.22] You'd better teach us the Anfield rap
[02:34.72] Don't forget us paddies
[02:35.94] And me the Great Dane
[02:37.14] And I'm from London mate so watch your game
[02:39.55] Well you two scousers, you're always squaking
[02:42.03] But we'll just let our feet do the talking
[02:44.47] Our lads have come from all over the place
[02:46.80] They talk dead funny, but they play dead great
[02:49.35] Well now we've gotta learn 'em to talk real cool
[02:51.94] The song you've gotta learn if you're Liverpool
[02:54.31] Walk on... walk on... with hope... in your heart... and you'll ne... ver walk... alone
[03:03.63] You'll never walk alone
[03:13.88] Ho-ho my word
[03:16.02] That's unbelievable, it really is
[03:17.60] I think they should stick to playing football. Terrible
[03:20.96] What do you think Kenny?
[00:00.40] 我军人见把命丧
[00:02.91] 红魔热刺兵工厂
[00:05.40] 看我唇听我说唱
[00:07.70] 我军踢唱一样棒
[00:11.96] 欧洲豪门利物浦~~
[00:14.17] 永不独行利物浦~~
[00:15.42] (我想我军所向披靡)吖…吖…吖…吖…(拿破仑曾有这个想法也做到了)
[00:29.73] 向前…向前…心中…永存希望…而你永远不会…独行……
[00:39.50] 好吧,奥尔德里奇【John Aldridge】
[00:41.05] 我们敬仰你【另:你的RAP很带感】
[00:42.06] 我很屌没什么让我忧闷
[00:44.37] 剩下的小伙子不去做
[00:46.86] 我们得教他们像我们一样说
[00:49.44] 嗯我现在正rap找乐子
[00:51.66] 我是门将,身着一号
[00:54.22] 你可以叫爱尔兰人上,别叫我小丑
[00:56.57] 嘴唇动起来我们继续唱
[00:59.02] 好吧,Ace,我们都很棒
[01:01.64] 但是其他的小伙子不像我们一样说
[01:04.03] 不,他们和我们说的不一样,他们说他们的
[01:06.52] 我们得教他们酷酷地说
[01:08.86] 向前…向前…心中…永存希望…而你永远不会…独行……
[01:18.24] 你们这两个利物浦人总是哇哇乱叫
[01:21.16] 我要秀些真正的rap给你们看
[01:23.68] 我从牙买加来,我叫约翰·巴恩斯
[01:26.28] 我做我的事你们却在那里瞎BB
[01:28.51] 他是怎么唱牙买加RAP的
[01:31.02] 他只是从沃特福德洼地【暂译,可能是南北分界线】的南方来
[01:33.46] 他使我们坚信南北之分
[01:35.88] 因为他们得到了工作
[01:37.05] 但我们有了一支足球队
[01:38.27] 为了名誉我来英格兰
[01:40.57] 所以来吧,肯尼【Kenny Dalglish】,给我们来场比赛
[01:43.17] 因为我坐在长凳上听着蓝调交会费
[01:45.53] 在这之下我非常沮丧【暂译】,但我妻子不同意
[01:48.00] 他们赢了联赛,比达拉斯还屌
[01:50.48] 他们地的银子比白金汉宫的还多
[01:53.00] 没人知道该期盼什么
[01:55.25] 当我军打了鸡血
[01:57.80] 当麦克马洪会说唱
[02:00.26] 他是时候有支英格兰说唱了
[02:02.60] 来吧罗布森,他是个爷们
[02:05.10] 因为麦卡【Paul McCartney】行,大家也行
[02:07.96] 麦卡行…麦卡行…麦卡行……麦卡行……
[02:11.51] 我军人见把命丧
[02:14.92] 我们是爱尔兰的2B青年
[02:25.94] 【苏格兰俚语】对呀!就刚刚
[02:27.29] 我们这边有四个
[02:28.50] 你们只有两个
[02:29.75] 如果你想挑起事端
[02:31.10] 你还不想击掌
[02:32.22] 你最好教我们安菲尔德RAP
[02:34.72] 不要忘记我们这些爱尔兰人
[02:35.94] 还有我这个丹麦人
[02:37.14] 我这个伦敦来的队友看你在球场玩耍
[02:39.55] 你们这两个利物浦人,总是发牢骚
[02:42.03] 我们只是用我们的脚上功夫来说话
[02:44.47] 我们的队友来自世界各地
[02:46.80] 他们说话幽默球技精湛
[02:49.35] 现在我们就要叫他们酷酷地说话
[02:51.94] 如果你是红军迷这首歌你就要赶快学
[02:54.31] 向前…向前…心中…永存希望…而你永远不会…独行……
[03:03.63] 你永远不会独行
[03:13.88] 吼吼看我说的
[03:16.02] 它真的令人难以置信
[03:17.60] 我觉得我们应该忠于足球
[03:20.96] 肯尼,你怎么看
Anfield Rap 歌词
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