
歌曲 自然
歌手 张维良
歌手 张建
歌手 吴军
专辑 北京2008年奥运会歌曲音乐选集


[04:05.42] 大气变暖了
[04:07.86] The air is warming
[04:11.85] 冰川融化了
[04:15.00] Ice cap is melting
[04:18.58] 陆地变小了
[04:21.36] Land becomes smaller
[04:25.19] 鸟儿不见了
[04:28.50] Birds are vanishing
[04:31.78] 我们来植树
[04:34.00] We plant trees
[04:37.34] 我们来种草
[04:40.39] We grass seeds
[04:43.05] 大地变绿了
[04:46.10] The earth turns green
[04:49.53] 天空变蓝了
[04:52.34] The sky is blue indeed
[04:56.31] 春天又来了
[04:59.73] Spring again we see
[05:02.89] 鸟儿回来了
[05:06.16] Birds fly back with glee


[04:05.42] dà qì biàn nuǎn le
[04:07.86] The air is warming
[04:11.85] bīng chuān róng huà le
[04:15.00] Ice cap is melting
[04:18.58] lù dì biàn xiǎo le
[04:21.36] Land becomes smaller
[04:25.19] niǎo ér bú jiàn le
[04:28.50] Birds are vanishing
[04:31.78] wǒ men lái zhí shù
[04:34.00] We plant trees
[04:37.34] wǒ men lái zhǒng cǎo
[04:40.39] We grass seeds
[04:43.05] dà dì biàn lǜ le
[04:46.10] The earth turns green
[04:49.53] tiān kōng biàn lán le
[04:52.34] The sky is blue indeed
[04:56.31] chūn tiān yòu lái le
[04:59.73] Spring again we see
[05:02.89] niǎo ér huí lái le
[05:06.16] Birds fly back with glee