Cursed Choice 被诅咒的抉择

歌曲 Cursed Choice 被诅咒的抉择
歌手 贾逸可
专辑 被诅咒的抉择 Cursed Choice(逆境抉择史诗三部曲EP1)


[00:00.000] 作词 : 贾逸可
[00:00.096] 作曲 : 贾逸可
[00:00.193] 被诅咒的抉择
[00:00.442] 《逆境抉择》史诗三部曲之一
[00:00.442] 作词、作曲、编曲、演奏、演唱:贾逸可
[00:00.693] 【EP1】
[00:01.192] Another morning haze
[00:04.693] 翌日晨雾
[00:06.692] Across the same forest
[00:09.691] 氤氲密林
[00:11.693] Step on the usual ways
[00:14.442] 故地重游
[00:17.442] But never the same facts to face
[00:21.695] 物是人非
[00:24.943] 【EP2】
[00:38.941] If it is so called fate
[00:41.941] 所谓命运
[00:45.190] Those who chase
[00:46.691] 穷追不舍
[00:47.692] were once my mate
[00:49.444] 反目成仇
[00:53.193] Brescia,my dear place
[00:56.193] 赤诚故土
[00:59.942] Can neither miss to be,betrayed
[01:05.941] 亦难幸免
[01:14.442] 【EP3】
[01:18.195] Alone alone,along the ridge
[01:20.944] 拔山
[01:22.193] Alone alone,along the lake
[01:25.195] 涉水
[01:26.194] Alone alone,along the hate
[01:29.443] 亦忿亦恨
[01:30.443] Alone alone,along the fake
[01:32.943] 亦幻亦真
[01:33.942] Always awake
[01:37.692] 常醒
[01:38.192] 【EP4】
[01:38.692] (Can not tell)
[01:39.443] good or evil or devil or smile
[01:41.192] 不辨是非
[01:42.441] (Can not tell)
[01:42.942] bless or trap or heaven or hell
[01:44.440] 难解善恶
[01:45.695] (Can not help)
[01:46.445] unsheathe and breathe for the final chaos
[01:48.195] 剑拔弩张
[01:49.445] Dare you bet your luck?
[01:50.694] 敢赌否?
[01:51.443] Oh,it is not a joke.
[01:52.694] 切莫玩笑
[01:53.444] (Can not tell)
[01:53.693] good or evil or devil or smile
[01:55.195] 不辨是非
[01:56.943] (Can not tell)
[01:57.693] bless or trap or heaven or hell
[01:59.444] 难解善恶
[02:00.694] (Can not help)
[02:01.194] just fight and struggle for the final hopes
[02:02.444] 背水一战
[02:06.441] Dare you bet your luck?
[02:07.193] 敢赌否?
[02:08.943] Oh,trust your sense.
[02:10.941] 相信直觉
[02:12.192] #MUSIC#
[02:27.943] 【EP5】
[02:30.442] The truth is coming near
[02:33.692] 真相大白
[02:37.443] But trust no one to share
[02:40.192] 守口如瓶
[02:44.694] Revenge is on the way
[02:46.445] 复仇在即
[02:51.693] I swear You will die
[02:53.945] 誓让你
[02:57.443] before you cry
[03:00.193] 死不瞑目
[03:03.192] (Can not tell)
[03:03.694] good or evil or devil or smile
[03:05.693] 不辨是非
[03:06.943] (Can not tell)
[03:07.443] bless or trap or heaven or hell
[03:09.192] 难解善恶
[03:10.692] (Can not help)
[03:10.941] unsheathe and breathe for the final chaos
[03:13.446] 剑拔弩张
[03:14.445] Dare you bet your luck?
[03:15.694] 敢赌否?
[03:16.196] Oh,it is not a joke.
[03:17.695] 切莫玩笑
[03:17.944] (Can not tell)
[03:18.445] good or evil or devil or smile
[03:19.945] 不辨是非
[03:21.694] (Can not tell)
[03:22.195] bless or trap or heaven or hell
[03:24.445] 难解善恶
[03:25.444] (Can not help)
[03:25.943] just fight and struggle for the final hopes
[03:29.443] 背水一战
[03:31.444] Dare you bet your luck?
[03:32.942] 敢赌否?
[03:34.692] Oh,trust your sense.
[03:36.692] 相信直觉
[03:39.442] Would you choose the same one?
[03:41.695] 如若再临
[03:43.696] After a second eye.
[03:45.694] 可曾反悔?
[03:54.194] END


[00:00.000] zuò cí : jiǎ yì kě
[00:00.096] zuò qǔ : jiǎ yì kě
[00:00.193] bèi zǔ zhòu de jué zé
[00:00.442] nì jìng jué zé shǐ shī sān bù qǔ zhī yī
[00:00.442] zuò cí zuò qǔ biān qǔ yǎn zòu yǎn chàng: jiǎ yì kě
[00:00.693] EP1
[00:01.192] Another morning haze
[00:04.693] yì rì chén wù
[00:06.692] Across the same forest
[00:09.691] yīn yūn mì lín
[00:11.693] Step on the usual ways
[00:14.442] gù dì chóng yóu
[00:17.442] But never the same facts to face
[00:21.695] wù shì rén fēi
[00:24.943] EP2
[00:38.941] If it is so called fate
[00:41.941] suǒ wèi mìng yùn
[00:45.190] Those who chase
[00:46.691] qióng zhuī bù shě
[00:47.692] were once my mate
[00:49.444] fǎn mù chéng chóu
[00:53.193] Brescia, my dear place
[00:56.193] chì chéng gù tǔ
[00:59.942] Can neither miss to be, betrayed
[01:05.941] yì nán xìng miǎn
[01:14.442] EP3
[01:18.195] Alone alone, along the ridge
[01:20.944] bá shān
[01:22.193] Alone alone, along the lake
[01:25.195] shè shuǐ
[01:26.194] Alone alone, along the hate
[01:29.443] yì fèn yì hèn
[01:30.443] Alone alone, along the fake
[01:32.943] yì huàn yì zhēn
[01:33.942] Always awake
[01:37.692] cháng xǐng
[01:38.192] EP4
[01:38.692] Can not tell
[01:39.443] good or evil or devil or smile
[01:41.192] bù biàn shì fēi
[01:42.441] Can not tell
[01:42.942] bless or trap or heaven or hell
[01:44.440] nán jiě shàn è
[01:45.695] Can not help
[01:46.445] unsheathe and breathe for the final chaos
[01:48.195] jiàn bá nǔ zhāng
[01:49.445] Dare you bet your luck?
[01:50.694] gǎn dǔ fǒu?
[01:51.443] Oh, it is not a joke.
[01:52.694] qiè mò wán xiào
[01:53.444] Can not tell
[01:53.693] good or evil or devil or smile
[01:55.195] bù biàn shì fēi
[01:56.943] Can not tell
[01:57.693] bless or trap or heaven or hell
[01:59.444] nán jiě shàn è
[02:00.694] Can not help
[02:01.194] just fight and struggle for the final hopes
[02:02.444] bèi shuǐ yī zhàn
[02:06.441] Dare you bet your luck?
[02:07.193] gǎn dǔ fǒu?
[02:08.943] Oh, trust your sense.
[02:10.941] xiāng xìn zhí jué
[02:12.192] MUSIC
[02:27.943] EP5
[02:30.442] The truth is coming near
[02:33.692] zhēn xiàng dà bái
[02:37.443] But trust no one to share
[02:40.192] shǒu kǒu rú píng
[02:44.694] Revenge is on the way
[02:46.445] fù chóu zài jí
[02:51.693] I swear You will die
[02:53.945] shì ràng nǐ
[02:57.443] before you cry
[03:00.193] sǐ bù míng mù
[03:03.192] Can not tell
[03:03.694] good or evil or devil or smile
[03:05.693] bù biàn shì fēi
[03:06.943] Can not tell
[03:07.443] bless or trap or heaven or hell
[03:09.192] nán jiě shàn è
[03:10.692] Can not help
[03:10.941] unsheathe and breathe for the final chaos
[03:13.446] jiàn bá nǔ zhāng
[03:14.445] Dare you bet your luck?
[03:15.694] gǎn dǔ fǒu?
[03:16.196] Oh, it is not a joke.
[03:17.695] qiè mò wán xiào
[03:17.944] Can not tell
[03:18.445] good or evil or devil or smile
[03:19.945] bù biàn shì fēi
[03:21.694] Can not tell
[03:22.195] bless or trap or heaven or hell
[03:24.445] nán jiě shàn è
[03:25.444] Can not help
[03:25.943] just fight and struggle for the final hopes
[03:29.443] bèi shuǐ yī zhàn
[03:31.444] Dare you bet your luck?
[03:32.942] gǎn dǔ fǒu?
[03:34.692] Oh, trust your sense.
[03:36.692] xiāng xìn zhí jué
[03:39.442] Would you choose the same one?
[03:41.695] rú ruò zài lín
[03:43.696] After a second eye.
[03:45.694] kě zēng fǎn huǐ?
[03:54.194] END