
独善其身 歌词

歌曲 独善其身
歌手 Caroline Sue
专辑 独善其身
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[00:00.000] 作词 : CARO苏艾
[00:00.517] 作曲 : CARO苏艾
[00:01.35] 独善其身
[00:04.13] 词:CARO苏艾
[00:05.70] 曲:CARO苏艾
[00:07.19] 和声编配:CARO苏艾
[00:08.84] 编曲:翁腾
[00:10.43] 混音/母带:韦敬民
[00:13.22] CARO
[00:16.14] 没人要完美
[00:17.93] 只求活得纯粹
[00:20.28] 从来没想过要活成另一个谁
[00:23.79] 他们自以为很对
[00:25.70] 可灵魂浸着罪
[00:27.64] 千篇一律本就局限爱的范围
[00:31.02] See, they always love to meddle.(你看,他们总是爱多管闲事)
[00:32.87] 因为他们跟不上现代的节奏
[00:34.73] 带着我们独有的天赋 在天台放烟花庆祝
[00:38.26] 我就爱球鞋打领带
[00:40.14] 你今天眼妆有点帅
[00:42.33] 男孩女孩在比赛
[00:44.23] 看谁活的更可爱
[00:45.90] I say!
[00:47.13] 不要轻易接受他人下的定义
[00:51.84] Being yourself is not a sin(做你自己并不是罪过)
[00:54.31] 你本就美的像件独一无二的艺术品
[00:59.45] Shining up to the sky(你的闪耀足以照亮天际)
[01:01.84] Take me down dear,kick me out baby?(击溃我 踢我出局?)
[01:03.76] They should know we will not be defeated(他们应该知道我们不会被打败)
[01:05.66] All eyes on us,tell the world how to see the beautiful inside(所有人的目光都在我们身上,告诉世界怎么去发现灵魂的美)
[01:09.41] Take me down dear,kick me out baby?(击溃我 踢我出局?)
[01:11.40] They should know we will not be defeated(他们应该知道我们不会被打败)
[01:13.30] All eyes on us,let the world know we are the brightest(所有人的目光都在我们身上,让世界知道我们是最闪闪惹人爱的)
[01:19.97] God gave it to me(这是上帝赐予我的)
[01:23.83] Everyone is the same(每个人都没什么不一样)
[01:32.36] 没人要完美
[01:34.13] 只求活得纯粹
[01:36.51] 全靠自己活成心中的那个谁
[01:40.21] 他们自以为很对
[01:41.80] 可灵魂浸着罪
[01:43.95] 任无知去干自以为是的行为
[01:47.10] 他们说娘娘腔是病态不配活在这世上
[01:50.76] 他们说男人婆活该吸引不到男人目光
[01:54.48] 永远要记住一个道理 足够优秀才够格评比
[01:58.22] 不求能够感同身受 但求学会互相尊重
[02:01.97] Ok?
[02:03.23] 不要轻易接受他人下的定义
[02:07.85] Being yourself is not a sin(做你自己并不是罪过)
[02:10.55] 你本就美的像件独一无二的艺术品
[02:15.64] Shining up to the sky(你的闪耀足以照亮天际)
[02:18.08] Take me down dear,kick me out baby?(击溃我 踢我出局?)
[02:19.93] They should know we will not be defeated(他们应该知道我们不会被打败)
[02:21.87] All eyes on us,tell the world how to see the beautiful inside(所有人的目光都在我们身上,告诉世界怎么去发现灵魂的美)
[02:25.69] Take me down dear,kick me out baby?(击溃我 踢我出局?)
[02:27.57] They should know we will not be defeated(他们应该知道我们不会被打败)
[02:29.52] All eyes on us,let the world know we are the brightest(所有人的目光都在我们身上,让世界知道我们是最闪闪惹人爱的)
[02:36.15] God gave it to me(这是上帝赐予我的)
[02:40.01] Everyone is the same(每个人都没什么不一样)
[00:00.000] zuo ci : CARO su ai
[00:00.517] zuo qu : CARO su ai
[00:01.35] du shan qi shen
[00:04.13] ci: CARO su ai
[00:05.70] qu: CARO su ai
[00:07.19] he sheng bian pei: CARO su ai
[00:08.84] bian qu: weng teng
[00:10.43] hun yin mu dai: wei jing min
[00:13.22] CARO
[00:16.14] mei ren yao wan mei
[00:17.93] zhi qiu huo de chun cui
[00:20.28] cong lai mei xiang guo yao huo cheng ling yi ge shui
[00:23.79] ta men zi yi wei hen dui
[00:25.70] ke ling hun jin zhe zui
[00:27.64] qian pian yi lv ben jiu ju xian ai de fan wei
[00:31.02] See, they always love to meddle. ni kan, ta men zong shi ai duo guan xian shi
[00:32.87] yin wei ta men gen bu shang xian dai de jie zou
[00:34.73] dai zhe wo men du you de tian fu zai tian tai fang yan hua qing zhu
[00:38.26] wo jiu ai qiu xie da ling dai
[00:40.14] ni jin tian yan zhuang you dian shuai
[00:42.33] nan hai nv hai zai bi sai
[00:44.23] kan shui huo de geng ke ai
[00:45.90] I say!
[00:47.13] bu yao qing yi jie shou ta ren xia de ding yi
[00:51.84] Being yourself is not a sin zuo ni zi ji bing bu shi zui guo
[00:54.31] ni ben jiu mei di xiang jian du yi wu er de yi shu pin
[00:59.45] Shining up to the sky ni de shan yao zu yi zhao liang tian ji
[01:01.84] Take me down dear, kick me out baby? ji kui wo ti wo chu ju?
[01:03.76] They should know we will not be defeated ta men ying gai zhi dao wo men bu hui bei da bai
[01:05.66] All eyes on us, tell the world how to see the beautiful inside suo you ren de mu guang dou zai wo men shen shang, gao su shi jie zen me qu fa xian ling hun de mei
[01:09.41] Take me down dear, kick me out baby? ji kui wo ti wo chu ju?
[01:11.40] They should know we will not be defeated ta men ying gai zhi dao wo men bu hui bei da bai
[01:13.30] All eyes on us, let the world know we are the brightest suo you ren de mu guang dou zai wo men shen shang, rang shi jie zhi dao wo men shi zui shan shan re ren ai de
[01:19.97] God gave it to me zhe shi shang di ci yu wo de
[01:23.83] Everyone is the same mei ge ren dou mei shen me bu yi yang
[01:32.36] mei ren yao wan mei
[01:34.13] zhi qiu huo de chun cui
[01:36.51] quan kao zi ji huo cheng xin zhong de na ge shui
[01:40.21] ta men zi yi wei hen dui
[01:41.80] ke ling hun jin zhe zui
[01:43.95] ren wu zhi qu gan zi yi wei shi de xing wei
[01:47.10] ta men shuo niang niang qiang shi bing tai bu pei huo zai zhe shi shang
[01:50.76] ta men shuo nan ren po huo gai xi yin bu dao nan ren mu guang
[01:54.48] yong yuan yao ji zhu yi ge dao li zu gou you xiu cai gou ge ping bi
[01:58.22] bu qiu neng gou gan tong shen shou dan qiu xue hui hu xiang zun zhong
[02:01.97] Ok?
[02:03.23] bu yao qing yi jie shou ta ren xia de ding yi
[02:07.85] Being yourself is not a sin zuo ni zi ji bing bu shi zui guo
[02:10.55] ni ben jiu mei di xiang jian du yi wu er de yi shu pin
[02:15.64] Shining up to the sky ni de shan yao zu yi zhao liang tian ji
[02:18.08] Take me down dear, kick me out baby? ji kui wo ti wo chu ju?
[02:19.93] They should know we will not be defeated ta men ying gai zhi dao wo men bu hui bei da bai
[02:21.87] All eyes on us, tell the world how to see the beautiful inside suo you ren de mu guang dou zai wo men shen shang, gao su shi jie zen me qu fa xian ling hun de mei
[02:25.69] Take me down dear, kick me out baby? ji kui wo ti wo chu ju?
[02:27.57] They should know we will not be defeated ta men ying gai zhi dao wo men bu hui bei da bai
[02:29.52] All eyes on us, let the world know we are the brightest suo you ren de mu guang dou zai wo men shen shang, rang shi jie zhi dao wo men shi zui shan shan re ren ai de
[02:36.15] God gave it to me zhe shi shang di ci yu wo de
[02:40.01] Everyone is the same mei ge ren dou mei shen me bu yi yang
[00:00.000] zuò cí : CARO sū ài
[00:00.517] zuò qǔ : CARO sū ài
[00:01.35] dú shàn qí shēn
[00:04.13] cí: CARO sū ài
[00:05.70] qū: CARO sū ài
[00:07.19] hé shēng biān pèi: CARO sū ài
[00:08.84] biān qǔ: wēng téng
[00:10.43] hùn yīn mǔ dài: wéi jìng mín
[00:13.22] CARO
[00:16.14] méi rén yào wán měi
[00:17.93] zhǐ qiú huó dé chún cuì
[00:20.28] cóng lái méi xiǎng guò yào huó chéng lìng yí gè shuí
[00:23.79] tā men zì yǐ wéi hěn duì
[00:25.70] kě líng hún jìn zhe zuì
[00:27.64] qiān piān yī lǜ běn jiù jú xiàn ài de fàn wéi
[00:31.02] See, they always love to meddle. nǐ kàn, tā men zǒng shì ài duō guǎn xián shì
[00:32.87] yīn wèi tā men gēn bu shàng xiàn dài de jié zòu
[00:34.73] dài zhe wǒ men dú yǒu de tiān fù zài tiān tāi fàng yān huā qìng zhù
[00:38.26] wǒ jiù ài qiú xié dǎ lǐng dài
[00:40.14] nǐ jīn tiān yǎn zhuāng yǒu diǎn shuài
[00:42.33] nán hái nǚ hái zài bǐ sài
[00:44.23] kàn shuí huó de gèng kě ài
[00:45.90] I say!
[00:47.13] bú yào qīng yì jiē shòu tā rén xià de dìng yì
[00:51.84] Being yourself is not a sin zuò nǐ zì jǐ bìng bú shì zuì guò
[00:54.31] nǐ běn jiù měi dí xiàng jiàn dú yī wú èr de yì shù pǐn
[00:59.45] Shining up to the sky nǐ de shǎn yào zú yǐ zhào liàng tiān jì
[01:01.84] Take me down dear, kick me out baby? jī kuì wǒ tī wǒ chū jú?
[01:03.76] They should know we will not be defeated tā men yīng gāi zhī dào wǒ men bú huì bèi dǎ bài
[01:05.66] All eyes on us, tell the world how to see the beautiful inside suǒ yǒu rén de mù guāng dōu zài wǒ men shēn shàng, gào sù shì jiè zěn me qù fā xiàn líng hún de měi
[01:09.41] Take me down dear, kick me out baby? jī kuì wǒ tī wǒ chū jú?
[01:11.40] They should know we will not be defeated tā men yīng gāi zhī dào wǒ men bú huì bèi dǎ bài
[01:13.30] All eyes on us, let the world know we are the brightest suǒ yǒu rén de mù guāng dōu zài wǒ men shēn shàng, ràng shì jiè zhī dào wǒ men shì zuì shǎn shǎn rě rén ài de
[01:19.97] God gave it to me zhè shì shàng dì cì yǔ wǒ de
[01:23.83] Everyone is the same měi ge rén dōu méi shén me bù yí yàng
[01:32.36] méi rén yào wán měi
[01:34.13] zhǐ qiú huó dé chún cuì
[01:36.51] quán kào zì jǐ huó chéng xīn zhōng de nà gè shuí
[01:40.21] tā men zì yǐ wéi hěn duì
[01:41.80] kě líng hún jìn zhe zuì
[01:43.95] rèn wú zhī qù gàn zì yǐ wéi shì de xíng wéi
[01:47.10] tā men shuō niáng niang qiāng shì bìng tài bù pèi huó zài zhè shì shàng
[01:50.76] tā men shuō nán rén pó huó gāi xī yǐn bú dào nán rén mù guāng
[01:54.48] yǒng yuǎn yào jì zhù yí gè dào lǐ zú gòu yōu xiù cái gòu gé píng bǐ
[01:58.22] bù qiú néng gòu gǎn tóng shēn shòu dàn qiú xué huì hù xiāng zūn zhòng
[02:01.97] Ok?
[02:03.23] bú yào qīng yì jiē shòu tā rén xià de dìng yì
[02:07.85] Being yourself is not a sin zuò nǐ zì jǐ bìng bú shì zuì guò
[02:10.55] nǐ běn jiù měi dí xiàng jiàn dú yī wú èr de yì shù pǐn
[02:15.64] Shining up to the sky nǐ de shǎn yào zú yǐ zhào liàng tiān jì
[02:18.08] Take me down dear, kick me out baby? jī kuì wǒ tī wǒ chū jú?
[02:19.93] They should know we will not be defeated tā men yīng gāi zhī dào wǒ men bú huì bèi dǎ bài
[02:21.87] All eyes on us, tell the world how to see the beautiful inside suǒ yǒu rén de mù guāng dōu zài wǒ men shēn shàng, gào sù shì jiè zěn me qù fā xiàn líng hún de měi
[02:25.69] Take me down dear, kick me out baby? jī kuì wǒ tī wǒ chū jú?
[02:27.57] They should know we will not be defeated tā men yīng gāi zhī dào wǒ men bú huì bèi dǎ bài
[02:29.52] All eyes on us, let the world know we are the brightest suǒ yǒu rén de mù guāng dōu zài wǒ men shēn shàng, ràng shì jiè zhī dào wǒ men shì zuì shǎn shǎn rě rén ài de
[02:36.15] God gave it to me zhè shì shàng dì cì yǔ wǒ de
[02:40.01] Everyone is the same měi ge rén dōu méi shén me bù yí yàng
独善其身 歌词
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