Heading Back

歌曲 Heading Back
歌手 Lizah
专辑 When The Sky Darkens


[00:00.000] 作词 : Lizah栗哲
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Lizah栗哲
[00:18.70] Hook
[00:19.20] Reminiscing the old days/回忆过去
[00:21.94] I got so many dreams to chase/眼中曾有数不尽的梦想
[00:24.45] How could I end this race/我该如何结束这场残酷竞争
[00:26.95] I'm heading back my way home/请让我踏上回家的路途
[00:39.19] Verse 1
[00:39.69] It’s the fake one/是假的
[00:40.69] Its mistaken/更是错的
[00:41.95] Why was it taken/怎么会遗失掉
[00:42.70] Did not resist stand against start shaking/曾经与之对抗的勇气如今开始了颤抖
[00:44.44] Its part of human nature/它是人性的一部分
[00:45.70] it’s the fear driven/被恐惧驱使
[00:46.95] Who is the savior of this youth massacre/谁能来拯救这场青少年大屠杀
[00:49.45] I raised my hands to be the one /我举起双手
[00:50.70] who enters the battle/决心走上战场
[00:51.94] Put up my pants pretend/提起裤子
[00:53.20] that I am the superhero/假装我就是那个超级英雄
[00:54.45] Pretend I am in the movies living/假装我活在梦里
[00:55.69] dreaming of marvel/活在漫威的电影当中
[00:56.95] To what extend will I comprehend/我要怎样才能
[00:58.45] to not let it crumble/不让这一切崩塌
[00:59.44] What’s the noise/哪里传来的噪音
[01:00.44] it’s the voice of the narrate of the story/这是故事叙述的声音
[01:01.70] Listen up boys you don’t have a choice/听着男孩们你们没有选择的权力
[01:04.70] you seize it for own glory/你要为了自己的荣耀而抓住每一个机会
[01:05.45] In the next morning/明早开始
[01:07.20] no more sobbing/不再哭泣
[01:07.70] you gotta walk it out slowly/一步一步地走出去
[01:08.45] Come closely my baby/靠近点我的宝贝
[01:08.95] our dreams are on you to complete/我们未完成的梦想交由你来替我们实现
[01:09.70] You are the talent genius/你是个天才
[01:10.69] you are masterpiece/你是我们的杰作
[01:11.95] you are the only kid only hope of me and him/你是我和他唯一的孩子和希望
[01:14.20] but I cant really see/但我什么也看不到
[01:15.70] what’s coming to me/前方是什么
[01:16.95] its happiness or catastrophe/将要迎接的是幸福还是一场灾难
[01:19.20] Hook
[01:19.70] Reminiscing the old days/回忆过去
[01:21.94] I got so many dreams to chase/眼中曾有数不尽的梦想
[01:24.45] How could I end this race/我该如何结束这场残酷竞争
[01:26.70] I'm heading back my way home/请让我踏上回家的路途
[01:38.70] Verse 2
[01:39.70] Stay on the beat/跟着这段节奏
[01:40.69] here comes me to tell my story/听我的故事
[01:42.20] My memories are locked/我试图将一部分回忆封锁
[01:43.45] deep and fuzzy/它们深刻而模糊
[01:44.70] But I mma still salvage them/现在我仍然将他们捞起来
[01:45.70] out of me/拿出我的身体
[01:46.95] To share the sickest pieces/以此来分享这些令我疯狂的
[01:47.95] that had driven me crazy/不堪回忆
[01:49.70] I was bullied then robbed/被欺负被抢劫
[01:50.95] pointing a knife at me/刀紧贴着我的脖子
[01:52.20] My water bottle was painted/水壶曾被
[01:53.24] with the color of pee/装满了尿
[01:54.70] Sharpers love me/骗子们也喜欢我
[01:55.45] love me and my money/喜欢骗我的钱
[01:56.71] Cuz I am stupid and weak/愚蠢而懦弱的我
[01:57.95] Sometimes I cant even buy a freaking bread to eat/有时甚至被骗到买不起一块面来饱腹
[01:59.70] Am I twisted am I still gifted/是我扭曲了吗 我还是那个天才吗
[02:01.95] I am the one who lost his way home in Christmas/我是那个在圣诞夜找不到回家的路的人
[02:04.45] I am the one who walk like zombies but still breathing/我仍在呼吸 却像行尸走肉般活着
[02:07.44] Asking who the **** can save me in this foreign country/请问到底谁才能在这个陌生异乡拯救我
[02:09.69] Stress and desperate/压力和绝望
[02:10.69] is everything that I owned/是我所拥有的一切
[02:12.20] Lack of power to be a real hero/缺乏成为真正英雄的力量
[02:14.45] Loneliness becomes the bomb explodes/孤单和无助变成炸弹爆炸开来
[02:17.20] Sparks spitting out in the sky falls/火花漫天绽放
[02:19.95] I see home/在路的尽头
[02:21.95] at the end of the road/看到了我久违的家
[02:39.20] Hook
[02:39.70] Reminiscing the old days/回忆过去
[02:41.95] I got so many dreams to chase/眼中曾有数不尽的梦想
[02:44.20] How could I end this race/我该如何结束这场残酷竞争
[02:58.70] I'm heading back my way home/请让我踏上回家的路途
[03:00.94] Verse 3
[03:02.20] The wind blows me and the storm freeze me/狂风刮过我的身体 风暴冻结着我
[03:03.69] There’s always place with peace mama told me/妈妈曾告诉过有一个地方充满了和平和幸福
[03:04.70] No betrays but homies everybody knows me/没有背叛只有亲人朋友 每个人都懂我
[03:07.20] A place I believe y’all deserve to be having/一个你们所有人都应当拥有的地方
[03:09.70] The length of stagnation/这一段停滞不前
[03:11.71] the strength of conviction/我感受到了信念的力量
[03:13.45] misery has taught me what I should be seeking/苦难教会了我应该寻求的东西
[03:16.20] I have been waiting/我一直在等待着的
[03:17.20] Not the savior or redeemer/不是救世主
[03:18.95] Here’s me standing anxiously awaiting/我站在这里焦急的望着彼岸
[03:21.45] Please sent me home/请送我回家
[03:23.96] Hook
[03:24.70] Reminiscing the old days/回忆过去
[03:26.70] I got so many dreams to chase/眼中曾有数不尽的梦想
[03:29.20] How could I end this race/我该如何结束这场残酷竞争
[03:31.70] I'm heading back my way home/请让我踏上回家的路途


[00:00.000] zuò cí : Lizah lì zhé
[00:01.000] zuò qǔ : Lizah lì zhé
[00:18.70] Hook
[00:19.20] Reminiscing the old days huí yì guò qù
[00:21.94] I got so many dreams to chase yǎn zhōng céng yǒu shù bu jìn de mèng xiǎng
[00:24.45] How could I end this race wǒ gāi rú hé jié shù zhè chǎng cán kù jìng zhēng
[00:26.95] I' m heading back my way home qǐng ràng wǒ tà shàng huí jiā de lù tú
[00:39.19] Verse 1
[00:39.69] It' s the fake one shì jiǎ de
[00:40.69] Its mistaken gèng shì cuò de
[00:41.95] Why was it taken zěn me huì yí shī diào
[00:42.70] Did not resist stand against start shaking céng jīng yǔ zhī duì kàng de yǒng qì rú jīn kāi shǐ le chàn dǒu
[00:44.44] Its part of human nature tā shì rén xìng de yī bù fen
[00:45.70] it' s the fear driven bèi kǒng jù qū shǐ
[00:46.95] Who is the savior of this youth massacre shuí néng lái zhěng jiù zhè chǎng qīng shào nián dà tú shā
[00:49.45] I raised my hands to be the one wǒ jǔ qǐ shuāng shǒu
[00:50.70] who enters the battle jué xīn zǒu shàng zhàn chǎng
[00:51.94] Put up my pants pretend tí qǐ kù zi
[00:53.20] that I am the superhero jiǎ zhuāng wǒ jiù shì nà gè chāo jí yīng xióng
[00:54.45] Pretend I am in the movies living jiǎ zhuāng wǒ huó zài mèng lǐ
[00:55.69] dreaming of marvel huó zài màn wēi de diàn yǐng dāng zhōng
[00:56.95] To what extend will I comprehend wǒ yào zěn yàng cái néng
[00:58.45] to not let it crumble bù ràng zhè yī qiè bēng tā
[00:59.44] What' s the noise nǎ lǐ chuán lái de zào yīn
[01:00.44] it' s the voice of the narrate of the story zhè shì gù shì xù shù de shēng yīn
[01:01.70] Listen up boys you don' t have a choice tīng zhe nán hái men nǐ men méi yǒu xuǎn zé de quán lì
[01:04.70] you seize it for own glory nǐ yào wèi le zì jǐ de róng yào ér zhuā zhù měi yí gè jī huì
[01:05.45] In the next morning míng zǎo kāi shǐ
[01:07.20] no more sobbing bù zài kū qì
[01:07.70] you gotta walk it out slowly yī bù yī bù dì zǒu chū qù
[01:08.45] Come closely my baby kào jìn diǎn wǒ de bǎo bèi
[01:08.95] our dreams are on you to complete wǒ men wèi wán chéng de mèng xiǎng jiāo yóu nǐ lái tì wǒ men shí xiàn
[01:09.70] You are the talent genius nǐ shì gè tiān cái
[01:10.69] you are masterpiece nǐ shì wǒ men de jié zuò
[01:11.95] you are the only kid only hope of me and him nǐ shì wǒ hé tā wéi yī de hái zi hé xī wàng
[01:14.20] but I cant really see dàn wǒ shén me yě kàn bú dào
[01:15.70] what' s coming to me qián fāng shì shén me
[01:16.95] its happiness or catastrophe jiāng yào yíng jiē de shì xìng fú hái shì yī chǎng zāi nàn
[01:19.20] Hook
[01:19.70] Reminiscing the old days huí yì guò qù
[01:21.94] I got so many dreams to chase yǎn zhōng céng yǒu shù bu jìn de mèng xiǎng
[01:24.45] How could I end this race wǒ gāi rú hé jié shù zhè chǎng cán kù jìng zhēng
[01:26.70] I' m heading back my way home qǐng ràng wǒ tà shàng huí jiā de lù tú
[01:38.70] Verse 2
[01:39.70] Stay on the beat gēn zhe zhè duàn jié zòu
[01:40.69] here comes me to tell my story tīng wǒ de gù shì
[01:42.20] My memories are locked wǒ shì tú jiāng yī bù fen huí yì fēng suǒ
[01:43.45] deep and fuzzy tā men shēn kè ér mó hu
[01:44.70] But I mma still salvage them xiàn zài wǒ réng rán jiāng tā men lāo qǐ lái
[01:45.70] out of me ná chū wǒ de shēn tǐ
[01:46.95] To share the sickest pieces yǐ cǐ lái fēn xiǎng zhèi xiē lìng wǒ fēng kuáng de
[01:47.95] that had driven me crazy bù kān huí yì
[01:49.70] I was bullied then robbed bèi qī fù bèi qiǎng jié
[01:50.95] pointing a knife at me dāo jǐn tiē zhe wǒ de bó zi
[01:52.20] My water bottle was painted shuǐ hú céng bèi
[01:53.24] with the color of pee zhuāng mǎn le niào
[01:54.70] Sharpers love me piàn zi men yě xǐ huān wǒ
[01:55.45] love me and my money xǐ huān piàn wǒ de qián
[01:56.71] Cuz I am stupid and weak yú chǔn ér nuò ruò de wǒ
[01:57.95] Sometimes I cant even buy a freaking bread to eat yǒu shí shèn zhì bèi piàn dào mǎi bu qǐ yí kuài miàn lái bǎo fù
[01:59.70] Am I twisted am I still gifted shì wǒ niǔ qū le ma wǒ hái shì nà gè tiān cái ma
[02:01.95] I am the one who lost his way home in Christmas wǒ shì nà gè zài shèng dàn yè zhǎo bu dào huí jiā de lù de rén
[02:04.45] I am the one who walk like zombies but still breathing wǒ réng zài hū xī què xiàng xíng shī zǒu ròu bān huó zhe
[02:07.44] Asking who the can save me in this foreign country qǐng wèn dào dǐ shuí cái néng zài zhè gè mò shēng yì xiāng zhěng jiù wǒ
[02:09.69] Stress and desperate yā lì hé jué wàng
[02:10.69] is everything that I owned shì wǒ suǒ yōng yǒu de yī qiè
[02:12.20] Lack of power to be a real hero quē fá chéng wéi zhēn zhèng yīng xióng de lì liàng
[02:14.45] Loneliness becomes the bomb explodes gū dān hé wú zhù biàn chéng zhà dàn bào zhà kāi lái
[02:17.20] Sparks spitting out in the sky falls huǒ huā màn tiān zhàn fàng
[02:19.95] I see home zài lù de jìn tóu
[02:21.95] at the end of the road kàn dào le wǒ jiǔ wéi de jiā
[02:39.20] Hook
[02:39.70] Reminiscing the old days huí yì guò qù
[02:41.95] I got so many dreams to chase yǎn zhōng céng yǒu shù bu jìn de mèng xiǎng
[02:44.20] How could I end this race wǒ gāi rú hé jié shù zhè chǎng cán kù jìng zhēng
[02:58.70] I' m heading back my way home qǐng ràng wǒ tà shàng huí jiā de lù tú
[03:00.94] Verse 3
[03:02.20] The wind blows me and the storm freeze me kuáng fēng guā guò wǒ de shēn tǐ fēng bào dòng jié zhe wǒ
[03:03.69] There' s always place with peace mama told me mā mā céng gào sù guò yǒu yí gè dì fāng chōng mǎn le hé píng hé xìng fú
[03:04.70] No betrays but homies everybody knows me méi yǒu bèi pàn zhǐ yǒu qīn rén péng yǒu měi ge rén dōu dǒng wǒ
[03:07.20] A place I believe y' all deserve to be having yí gè nǐ men suǒ yǒu rén dōu yīng dāng yōng yǒu de dì fāng
[03:09.70] The length of stagnation zhè yī duàn tíng zhì bù qián
[03:11.71] the strength of conviction wǒ gǎn shòu dào le xìn niàn de lì liàng
[03:13.45] misery has taught me what I should be seeking kǔ nàn jiào huì le wǒ yīng gāi xún qiú de dōng xī
[03:16.20] I have been waiting wǒ yī zhí zài děng dài zhe de
[03:17.20] Not the savior or redeemer bú shì jiù shì zhǔ
[03:18.95] Here' s me standing anxiously awaiting wǒ zhàn zài zhè lǐ jiāo jí de wàng zhe bǐ àn
[03:21.45] Please sent me home qǐng sòng wǒ huí jiā
[03:23.96] Hook
[03:24.70] Reminiscing the old days huí yì guò qù
[03:26.70] I got so many dreams to chase yǎn zhōng céng yǒu shù bu jìn de mèng xiǎng
[03:29.20] How could I end this race wǒ gāi rú hé jié shù zhè chǎng cán kù jìng zhēng
[03:31.70] I' m heading back my way home qǐng ràng wǒ tà shàng huí jiā de lù tú