
歌曲 Obvious
歌手 All Ends
专辑 A Road To Depression


I told you not to mess with me*
I´m not like any other girl
But now it´s obvious you never
Heard a word I said
Knew that I was stupid thinking
I could make it better for me
Trusting you with every detail of my life
Then I saw your eyes..
Can´t stand your lies anymore
You betrayed my trust
Now, there´s no goodbye´s or no tomorrow..
This can´t be right
It´s just not me
I used to think that
I was strong enough to carry on..
You know that every time we meet
It´s hard for me to turn the other way
Or even stop to say the things I need to tell you
Time and time again you pull me back
Into your arms but never
Once give me a chance to see
What´s really going on..
I saw your eyes..
Now there´s no goodbye´s or no tomorrow..
This can´t be right
It´s just not me
I used to think that
I was strong enough
to carry on..
So, here is were it went wrong
I stopped being myself for you
I tried so hard to move on
I stopped being myself for you
- Thought you´d be there!
This can´t be right
It´s just not me
I used to think that
I was strong enough
to carry on


I told you not to mess with me
I m not like any other girl
But now it s obvious you never
Heard a word I said
Knew that I was stupid thinking
I could make it better for me
Trusting you with every detail of my life
Then I saw your eyes..
Can t stand your lies anymore
You betrayed my trust
Now, there s no goodbye s or no tomorrow..
This can t be right
It s just not me
I used to think that
I was strong enough to carry on..
You know that every time we meet
It s hard for me to turn the other way
Or even stop to say the things I need to tell you
Time and time again you pull me back
Into your arms but never
Once give me a chance to see
What s really going on..
I saw your eyes..
Now there s no goodbye s or no tomorrow..
This can t be right
It s just not me
I used to think that
I was strong enough
to carry on..
So, here is were it went wrong
I stopped being myself for you
I tried so hard to move on
I stopped being myself for you
Thought you d be there!
This can t be right
It s just not me
I used to think that
I was strong enough
to carry on