歌手 While She Sleeps
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[00:10.540] We won't leave till you realise
[00:13.153] These are the reasons why we won't survive on our own
[00:17.620] Nobody gets left behind
[00:31.882] Don't say you didn't see it coming
[00:33.842] All the world's in disarray
[00:36.402] And all that I have said comes back to haunt me
[01:01.975] I didn't see the lights
[01:05.424] Even though they're blinding me right in the eyes
[01:07.331] Couldn't read the signs
[01:09.969] Telling me to swim against the current
[01:11.667] As they're pulling me under
[01:13.234] I'm intoxicated, led astray by the fake
[01:17.780] Unconscious to the right solution
[01:19.451] Our minds are barely moving
[01:20.679] We might deserve a second chance
[01:22.482] If I can prove we're alive
[01:25.433] Don't say you didn't see it coming
[01:28.620] Now the world's in disarray
[01:31.259] And all that I have said comes back to haunt me
[01:35.726] Don't say you couldn't see the warnings
[01:39.043] Or the wolves outside the gates
[01:41.682] And all that I have said comes back to haunt me
[01:47.272] We won't leave till you realise
[01:49.675] These are the reasons why we won't survive on our own
[01:54.142] Nobody gets left behind (Who told you it's)
[01:57.538] It's ours for the taking
[01:59.758] Every man for himself
[02:01.979] In favour of all who trade intelligence
[02:03.990] Order for the selfish who don't deserve a second chance
[02:06.759] If they're still picking a side
[02:18.279] It's the dose that makes it poisonous
[02:20.735] It tastes better but we're keeping our head above the surface
[02:23.843] We're still alive although we've been bitten
[02:26.455] It's like a sickness written into our anatomy
[02:30.948] This is the sound of no one listening to you running your mouth
[02:33.744] Are you thinking out loud
[02:35.024] Or just can't see through the amount of ****
[02:36.695] You feel the need to surround yourself with
[02:39.255] You feel the need to surround yourself with
[02:44.898] Back up I'm sick of telling you enough is enough
[03:01.956] It takes my breath away
[03:05.770] But I don't feel like I deserve the taste
[03:10.890] You're missing the point
[03:12.222] Can't understand my pain
[03:15.566] Some people never change
[03:18.047] It's like a fire without a flame
[03:22.697] Don't say you didn't see it coming
[03:25.936] Now the world's in disarray
[03:28.548] And all that I have said comes back to haunt me
[03:34.452] Don't say you didn't see it coming
[03:37.691] Now the world's in disarray
[03:40.304] And all that I have said comes back to haunt me
[03:44.849] Don't say you couldn't see the warnings
[03:48.088] Or the wolves outside the gates
[03:50.700] And all that I have said comes back to haunt me
[03:55.350] It takes my breath away
[03:59.216] But I don't feel like I deserve the taste
[04:04.336] You're missing the point
[04:05.773] Can't understand my pain
[04:08.986] Some people never change
[04:11.311] It's like a fire without a flame
[00:10.540] 我们不会离开直到你们察觉到我们
[00:13.153] 这些就是我们不能单单靠自己走下去的原因
[00:17.620] 我们不会抛弃任何人
[00:31.882] 别说你没有看到这一切的到来
[00:33.842] 世间一片狼藉
[00:36.402] 我所吐露的话语又回到我身边困扰我
[01:01.975] 我看不到光芒
[01:05.424] 即使他们不让我睁开双眼
[01:07.331] 我读不懂这些指示
[01:09.969] 请告诉我逆水行舟会如何
[01:11.667] 他们把我拖下水
[01:13.234] 我迷茫了 因骗子们我误入歧途
[01:17.780] 想不出解决问题的好方法
[01:19.451] 我们开始无法左右自己的思想
[01:20.679] 或许我们还有第二次机会
[01:22.482] 如果我能证明我们还活着
[01:25.433] 不要说你望不见我们的到来
[01:28.620] 如今世间混沌不堪
[01:31.259] 曾经所说的话语又再从勾起我的回忆
[01:35.726] 不要说你看不到我们对你的警告
[01:39.043] 或者是门外贪婪饥渴的狼群
[01:41.682] 我所说的一切又回过来纠缠我
[01:47.272] 在你意识到之前 我们不会离开
[01:49.675] 这些就是我们不能就靠自己生存的原因
[01:54.142] 没有人会被遗忘(这是谁告诉你的)
[01:57.538] 是我们告诉你的
[01:59.758] 人人为己
[02:01.979] 为了所有交易情报的人
[02:03.990] 为了那些不值得给他们第二次机会的小人下命令
[02:06.759] 如果他们还在选择何去何从的话
[02:18.279] 变成了有毒之物
[02:20.735] 虽然它现在十分美味 但我仍然强装镇定
[02:23.843] 虽然我们被伤害了 但我们依旧宁死不屈
[02:26.455] 这就像一种融入我们身心的疾病
[02:30.948] 这是无人倾听时的声音也跑进你的嘴里
[02:33.744] 你在费劲思考吗
[02:35.024] 或者就是看破不了这个该死世界
[02:36.695] 你觉得有必要让自己置身其中
[02:39.255] 你觉得有必要让自己接受试炼
[02:44.898] 我已厌倦 请你适可而止
[03:01.956] 这使我无法呼吸
[03:05.770] 但我觉得我不适合那种滋味
[03:10.890] 你错过了重点
[03:12.222] 无法理解我的痛苦
[03:15.566] 有些人永远不会改变
[03:18.047] 就像失去热情火焰
[03:22.697] 不要说你什么也不知道
[03:25.936] 此刻世界是混乱的
[03:28.548] 曾经所说的话又来困扰我的思绪
[03:34.452] 别说你没有看到这一切的到来
[03:37.691] 世间一片狼藉
[03:40.304] 我所吐露的话语又回到我身边困扰我
[03:44.849] 不要说你看不到我们对你的警告
[03:48.088] 或者是门外贪婪饥渴的狼群
[03:50.700] 我所说的一切又回过来纠缠我
[03:55.350] 我无法呼吸
[03:59.216] 我不想品尝这种滋味了
[04:04.336] 你没有察觉到事情的重要性
[04:05.773] 你是不会懂得我的痛不欲生
[04:08.986] 一些人永远会保持自我
[04:11.311] 就像失去热情的熊熊烈火一样……
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