歌手 Lowke Dre
专辑 MORAL GAP(Lil Pump diss)


[00:00.000] 作词 : 无
[00:00.350] 作曲 : 无
[00:00.700] Mix by Guro Li
[00:03.000] 编曲:Young Mai
[00:05.600] MORAL GAP
[00:13.900] hook
[00:14.200] This is the Oriental Dragon: China x3(这里是东方之龙:中国x3)
[00:20.000] We are not only a dragon, but also a tiger(我们不仅是一条龙,还是一条老虎)
[00:22.220] This is the Oriental Dragon: China x3(这里是东方之龙:中国x3)
[00:27.420] Represent my motherland cause I'm a Chinese rapper(代表我的祖国因为我是个中国说唱歌手)
[00:29.410] verse1
[00:29.590] I heard your new song, you coward(我听到了你的新歌,你这个胆小鬼)
[00:31.810] The vocabulary of a song is not more than ten words(一首歌的词汇量都不超过10个单词)
[00:34.510] What you did really shocked the civilized world(你的举动确实震惊了这个文明世界)
[00:36.210] So you'd better take back your dirty words(所以你最好收回你的脏话)
[00:37.490] You have provoked a big country with a population of 1.4 billion(你激怒了一个拥有14亿人口的大国)
[00:40.480] Prejudice can't be the reason why you discriminate against China(偏见不能成为你歧视中国的原因)
[00:44.120] Do you know what is MORAL GAP?(你知道什么是道德差距吗?)
[00:45.870] Do you think your lyrics are fab?(你认为你的歌词很好听吗?)
[00:47.510] But China will certainly fight you back(但中国肯定会反击你)
[00:49.560] Then your results will be terrible,pet(那么你的结果会很难看,宝贝儿)
[00:51.470] I've heard too much of this flapdoodle(我听说过太多这类花招了)
[00:53.320] I can find your disgusting behavior on Google(我可以在谷歌上找到你那些令人厌恶的行为)
[00:55.210] Hold on to your“handle”(抓好你的“把手”吧)
[00:57.020] Didn't you learn to be humble?(难道你没学会谦虚吗?)
[00:59.080] hook
[00:59.250] This is the Oriental Dragon: China x3(这里是东方之龙:中国x3)
[01:04.420] We are not only a dragon, but also a tiger(我们不仅是一条龙,还是一条老虎)
[01:06.350] This is the Oriental Dragon: China x3(这里是东方之龙:中国x3)
[01:11.750] Represent my motherland cause I'm a Chinese rapper(代表我的祖国因为我是个中国说唱歌手)
[01:13.690] verse2
[01:13.860] We were all born in 2000(我们都出生于2000年)
[01:15.500] You're a hooligan, but I'm a civilized person(你是个流氓,但我是个文明人)
[01:17.440] I respect all cultures.No one can have shelter in such matters(我尊重所有的文化,在种族歧视这种事情上,没有人能得到庇护)
[01:19.160] But you volunteered to be a idiot(但你自愿成为一个白痴)
[01:21.180] In my opinion you're not rapper, you're a repeater(在我看来,你不是说唱歌手,你是个复读机)
[01:23.760] But your friend Tentacion is an Anti-racial Discriminators(但是你的一位朋友XXXTentacion是反种族歧视者)
[01:26.710] And I really don't want to mention your scumbag career(还有我真的不想提你的卑鄙生涯)
[01:29.170] When you say to the Chinese, blablabla(当你对中国人说blablabla)
[01:31.370] It's like saying "what"to a black man(就像对一个黑人说了句黑鬼)
[01:33.460] They will pull the trigger(他们会扣动扳机)
[01:34.600] But you're lucky(但你很幸运)
[01:35.360] Because China does not allow civilians to use guns(因为中国不允许平民使用枪支)
[01:37.840] Don't think you're funny and want to have some fun.(别以为你自己很有趣还想找点乐子)
[01:39.460] So you'd better figure it out.Gazzy(那么你最好弄清楚)
[01:41.190] Such words are no different from Nazis(这类话跟纳粹没什么区别)
[01:43.190] hook
[01:43.390] This is the Oriental Dragon: China x3(这里是东方之龙:中国x3)
[01:48.610] We are not only a dragon, but also a tiger(我们不仅是一条龙,还是一条老虎)
[01:50.750] This is the Oriental Dragon: China x3(这里是东方之龙:中国x3)
[01:56.040] Represent my motherland cause I'm a Chinese rapper(代表我的祖国因为我是个中国说唱歌手)
[01:58.050] Verse3
[01:58.260] Your hairstyle and your tattoos are a mess of(你的发型和你的纹身丑爆了)
[02:01.020] You said that,You'll pay for it(你讲了那些废话就要付出代价)
[02:03.010] So I don't think you're any better than me(所以我也不觉得你比我强)
[02:05.300] I tell you Warner Brothers really regret signing you(我告诉你吧华纳兄弟真的后悔签了你)
[02:07.270] JCole wants to k you. It's a wise move(JCole想k你是个明智之举)
[02:09.150] If you can hear this song, please stay cool(如果你能听到这首歌请保持冷静)
[02:11.060] Gucci dares not provoke China(Gucci都不敢惹中国)
[02:13.060] So Gucci Gang goes to hell(那么古驰帮下地狱吧)
[02:18.060] R.I.P Lil Pump


[00:00.000] zuò cí : wú
[00:00.350] zuò qǔ : wú
[00:00.700] Mix by Guro Li
[00:03.000] biān qǔ: Young Mai
[00:05.600] MORAL GAP
[00:13.900] hook
[00:14.200] This is the Oriental Dragon: China x3 zhè lǐ shì dōng fāng zhī lóng: zhōng guó x3
[00:20.000] We are not only a dragon, but also a tiger wǒ men bù jǐn shì yī tiáo lóng, hái shì yī tiáo lǎo hǔ
[00:22.220] This is the Oriental Dragon: China x3 zhè lǐ shì dōng fāng zhī lóng: zhōng guó x3
[00:27.420] Represent my motherland cause I' m a Chinese rapper dài biǎo wǒ de zǔ guó yīn wèi wǒ shì gè zhōng guó shuō chàng gē shǒu
[00:29.410] verse1
[00:29.590] I heard your new song, you coward wǒ tīng dào le nǐ de xīn gē, nǐ zhè gè dǎn xiǎo guǐ
[00:31.810] The vocabulary of a song is not more than ten words yī shǒu gē de cí huì liàng dōu bù chāo guò 10 gè dān cí
[00:34.510] What you did really shocked the civilized world nǐ de jǔ dòng què shí zhèn jīng le zhè gè wén míng shì jiè
[00:36.210] So you' d better take back your dirty words suǒ yǐ nǐ zuì hǎo shōu huí nǐ de zāng huà
[00:37.490] You have provoked a big country with a population of 1. 4 billion nǐ jī nù le yí gè yōng yǒu 14 yì rén kǒu de dà guó
[00:40.480] Prejudice can' t be the reason why you discriminate against China piān jiàn bù néng chéng wéi nǐ qí shì zhōng guó de yuán yīn
[00:44.120] Do you know what is MORAL GAP? nǐ zhī dào shén me shì dào dé chā jù ma?
[00:45.870] Do you think your lyrics are fab? nǐ rèn wéi nǐ de gē cí hěn hǎo tīng ma?
[00:47.510] But China will certainly fight you back dàn zhōng guó kěn dìng huì fǎn jī nǐ
[00:49.560] Then your results will be terrible, pet nà me nǐ de jié guǒ huì hěn nán kàn, bǎo bèi r
[00:51.470] I' ve heard too much of this flapdoodle wǒ tīng shuō guò tài duō zhè lèi huā zhāo le
[00:53.320] I can find your disgusting behavior on Google wǒ kě yǐ zài gǔ gē shàng zhǎo dào nǐ nèi xiē lìng rén yàn wù de xíng wéi
[00:55.210] Hold on to your" handle" zhuā hǎo nǐ de" bǎ shǒu" ba
[00:57.020] Didn' t you learn to be humble? nán dào nǐ méi xué huì qiān xū ma?
[00:59.080] hook
[00:59.250] This is the Oriental Dragon: China x3 zhè lǐ shì dōng fāng zhī lóng: zhōng guó x3
[01:04.420] We are not only a dragon, but also a tiger wǒ men bù jǐn shì yī tiáo lóng, hái shì yī tiáo lǎo hǔ
[01:06.350] This is the Oriental Dragon: China x3 zhè lǐ shì dōng fāng zhī lóng: zhōng guó x3
[01:11.750] Represent my motherland cause I' m a Chinese rapper dài biǎo wǒ de zǔ guó yīn wèi wǒ shì gè zhōng guó shuō chàng gē shǒu
[01:13.690] verse2
[01:13.860] We were all born in 2000 wǒ men dōu chū shēng yú 2000 nián
[01:15.500] You' re a hooligan, but I' m a civilized person nǐ shì gè liú máng, dàn wǒ shì gè wén míng rén
[01:17.440] I respect all cultures. No one can have shelter in such matters wǒ zūn zhòng suǒ yǒu de wén huà, zài zhǒng zú qí shì zhè zhǒng shì qíng shàng, méi yǒu rén néng dé dào bì hù
[01:19.160] But you volunteered to be a idiot dàn nǐ zì yuàn chéng wéi yí gè bái chī
[01:21.180] In my opinion you' re not rapper, you' re a repeater zài wǒ kàn lái, nǐ bú shì shuō chàng gē shǒu, nǐ shì gè fù dú jī
[01:23.760] But your friend Tentacion is an Antiracial Discriminators dàn shì nǐ de yī wèi péng yǒu XXXTentacion shì fǎn zhǒng zú qí shì zhě
[01:26.710] And I really don' t want to mention your scumbag career hái yǒu wǒ zhēn de bù xiǎng tí nǐ de bēi bǐ shēng yá
[01:29.170] When you say to the Chinese, blablabla dāng nǐ duì zhōng guó rén shuō blablabla
[01:31.370] It' s like saying " what" to a black man jiù xiàng duì yí gè hēi rén shuō le jù hēi guǐ
[01:33.460] They will pull the trigger tā men huì kòu dòng bān jī
[01:34.600] But you' re lucky dàn nǐ hěn xìng yùn
[01:35.360] Because China does not allow civilians to use guns yīn wèi zhōng guó bù yǔn xǔ píng mín shǐ yòng qiāng zhī
[01:37.840] Don' t think you' re funny and want to have some fun. bié yǐ wéi nǐ zì jǐ hěn yǒu qù hái xiǎng zhǎo diǎn lè zǐ
[01:39.460] So you' d better figure it out. Gazzy nà me nǐ zuì hǎo nòng qīng chǔ
[01:41.190] Such words are no different from Nazis zhè lèi huà gēn nà cuì méi shén me qū bié
[01:43.190] hook
[01:43.390] This is the Oriental Dragon: China x3 zhè lǐ shì dōng fāng zhī lóng: zhōng guó x3
[01:48.610] We are not only a dragon, but also a tiger wǒ men bù jǐn shì yī tiáo lóng, hái shì yī tiáo lǎo hǔ
[01:50.750] This is the Oriental Dragon: China x3 zhè lǐ shì dōng fāng zhī lóng: zhōng guó x3
[01:56.040] Represent my motherland cause I' m a Chinese rapper dài biǎo wǒ de zǔ guó yīn wèi wǒ shì gè zhōng guó shuō chàng gē shǒu
[01:58.050] Verse3
[01:58.260] Your hairstyle and your tattoos are a mess of nǐ de fà xíng hé nǐ de wén shēn chǒu bào le
[02:01.020] You said that, You' ll pay for it nǐ jiǎng le nèi xiē fèi huà jiù yào fù chū dài jià
[02:03.010] So I don' t think you' re any better than me suǒ yǐ wǒ yě bù jué de nǐ bǐ wǒ qiáng
[02:05.300] I tell you Warner Brothers really regret signing you wǒ gào sù nǐ ba huà nà xīong dì zhēn de hòu huǐ qiān le nǐ
[02:07.270] JCole wants to k you. It' s a wise move JCole xiǎng k nǐ shì gè míng zhì zhī jǔ
[02:09.150] If you can hear this song, please stay cool rú guǒ nǐ néng tīng dào zhè shǒu gē qǐng bǎo chí lěng jìng
[02:11.060] Gucci dares not provoke China Gucci dōu bù gǎn rě zhōng guó
[02:13.060] So Gucci Gang goes to hell nà me gǔ chí bāng xià dì yù ba
[02:18.060] R. I. P Lil Pump