merry christmas !!!

merry christmas !!! 歌词

歌曲 merry christmas !!!
歌手 submarine boy
专辑 merry christmas !!!
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[00:03.883] Charlie Brown:Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?
[00:11.333] Linus:Sure, Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about.
[00:21.400] Lights,please.
[00:48.513] Lights,please.
[00:50.764] Linus:And there were in the same country Shepards abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
[00:57.214] And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, (and the glory of the Lord shone round about them, )and they were sore afraid.
[01:01.513] And the angel said unto them, "fear not, for behold, I bring you tidings of great joy which will be to all people."
[01:09.005] For unto you is born this day in the city of David a savior, which is Christ the Lord.
[01:15.956] And this shall be a sign unto you.
[01:18.317] Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in the manger.
[01:22.901] And suddenly, there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, "glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, good will toward men."
[01:35.132] That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.
[01:37.377] ...
[01:40.902] Hey guys!Is here.Submarine boy.Hope you guys enjoyed the track.
[01:48.330] Had a lot of fun making was a little cold in the night..
[01:52.119] That is my little sister, so shout outs to her.
[01:56.267] And thank you as well for listening to my stuff is really amazing.
[02:01.913] Such as being able to make music that I enjoy making and that you guys seem to enjoy listening to so thank you.
[02:09.666] And merry Christmas, happy holidays!I hope you guys had a great and wonderful family and friends.The great time of the year,so I hope you guys have a good one.
[02:23.903] What else..Statute and got some tracks and collapsed, lined up for the next few months and hopefully stick around for that pretty cool.
[02:42.169] I think that's me signing off for the year.
[02:45.584] So thank you so much for an amazing young have you guys had a great one and here is 2018, see you in the next month.
[02:55.636] Alright cool~Submarine boy.God bless.See you<3
[00:03.883] 有谁知道圣诞节的意义究竟是什么吗?
[00:11.333] 当然了,查理布朗,我可以告诉你圣诞节是什么。
[00:21.400] 灯光师,准备。
[00:48.513] 灯光,谢谢。
[00:50.764] 在伯利恒之野地里有牧羊的人,夜间按着更次看守羊群。
[00:57.214] 有主的使者站在他们旁边,(主的荣光四面照着他们,)牧羊的人就甚惧怕。
[01:01.513] 那天使对他们说:“不要惧怕!我报给你们大喜的信息,是关乎万民的。”
[01:09.005] 因今天在大卫的城里,为你们生了救主,就是主基督。
[01:15.956] 这会标志着你们。
[01:18.317] 你们会看见一个婴孩,包着布,卧在马槽里,那就是记号了。
[01:22.901] 忽然,有一大队天兵同那天使赞美,神说:“在至高之处荣耀归与神!在地上平安归与他所喜悦的人。”
[01:35.132] 这就是圣诞节的意义,查理布朗。
[01:37.377] (台词对话来源于查理布朗的圣诞节,而莱恩斯的阐述引用了《路加福音》第二章8-17,翻译则来源于中文译本)
[01:40.902] 朋友们晚上好!这里是Submarine boy.希望你们喜欢我的新歌♪
[01:48.330] 制作时我们很嗨皮..晚上天气有些冷哈...
[01:52.119] 这是我老妹的作品,为她疯狂打call!
[01:56.267] 感谢收听啦,这首真滴很棒!
[02:01.913] 制作音乐时我们都很享受其中,你们好像也非常喜欢这首,真的感谢大伙!
[02:09.666] 祝大家圣诞快乐,节日过得开心哈!希望你们和家人和朋友过得愉快!这是一年中最快乐的时光,所以朋友们要记得开心嗷!
[02:23.903] 要有啥补充的…我的一些作品接下来几个月会陆续发出来,请耐心等待嗷!这些真的很棒:)
[02:42.169] 好了好了,我应该说结束语了
[02:45.584] 真的真的感谢各位啦,对于我来说,这是属于我的高光时刻!让我们迎接2018年,下个月见!
[02:55.636] ok,这里是submarine boy,上帝保佑(结束的祝福语),古德拜~
merry christmas !!! 歌词
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