Hands Held High

歌曲 Hands Held High
歌手 Linkin Park
专辑 Minutes To Midnight


[00:23.200] Turn my mic up louder, I've got to say something
[00:25.410] Lightweights stepping aside when we come in
[00:27.650] Feel it in your chest, the syllables get pumpin
[00:29.890] People on the street, they panic and start running
[00:32.320] Words on loose leaf sheet complete coming
[00:34.560] Jump in my mind, I summon the rhyme I'm dumpin
[00:36.800] I'm healing the blind, I promise to let the sun in
[00:39.220] Sick of the dark ways we march to the drumming
[00:41.790] Jump when they tell us that they want to see jump
[00:43.850] **** that, I want to see some fists pumpin
[00:46.300] I missed something, take back what's yours
[00:48.540] Say something that you know they might attack you for
[00:50.600] 'Cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before
[00:52.800] Like I'm stupid standing for what I'm standing for
[00:55.320] Like this war's really just a different brand of war
[00:57.500] Like it doesn't cater to rich and abandon poor
[00:59.960] Like they understand you in the back of the jet
[01:03.220] When you can't put gas in your tank
[01:04.630] These ****ers are laughing their way to the bank
[01:06.530] And cashing their check, asking you
[01:07.900] To have compassion and have some respect
[01:09.550] For a leader so nervous in an obvious way
[01:11.880] Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
[01:14.220] The rest of the world watching at the end of the day
[01:16.580] In the living room, laughing, like, what did he say?
[01:19.060] Amen... Amen... Amen... Amen...
[01:36.580] Amen...
[01:41.910] In my living room, watching, but I am not laughing
[01:45.010] 'Cause when it gets tense, I know what might happen
[01:47.310] The world is cold, and bold men take action
[01:49.580] Have to react or get blown into fractions
[01:51.850] Ten years old, and something to see
[01:54.160] Is another kid my age drugged under a jeep
[01:56.270] Taken abound and found later under a tree
[01:58.540] I wonder if he thought the next one could be me
[02:00.780] Do you see? The soldiers that are out today
[02:03.150] That brush the dust with bullet proof vests away
[02:05.420] It's ironic, at times like this you pray
[02:07.690] But a bomb blew tha mosque up yesterday
[02:10.050] There's bombs on the buses, bikes, roads
[02:12.570] Inside your market, your shops, your clothes
[02:14.780] My dad, he's got a lot of fear I know
[02:16.930] But enough pride inside not to let that show
[02:19.470] My brother had a book he would hold with pride
[02:21.860] A little red cover with a broken spine
[02:24.010] In the back, he hand wrote a quote inside
[02:26.370] 'When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die'
[02:28.610] Meanwhile, their leader just talks away
[02:30.790] Stuttering and mumbling for Nightly News to replay
[02:33.120] The rest of the world watching at the end of the day
[02:35.610] Both scared and angry, like, what did he say?
[02:38.010] Amen... Amen... Amen... Amen...
[02:56.670] With hands held high into a sky so blue
[03:01.110] As the ocean opens up to swallow you
[03:05.590] With hands held high into a sky so blue
[03:10.130] As the ocean opens up to swallow you
[03:14.610] With hands held high into a sky so blue
[03:19.370] As the ocean opens up to swallow you
[03:23.790] With hands held high into a sky so blue
[03:28.670] As the ocean opens up to swallow you
[03:33.250] With hands held high into a sky so blue
[03:37.970] As the ocean opens up to swallow you


[00:23.200] jiāng wǒ de mài kè fēng diào dà wǒ yǒu huà yào shuō
[00:25.410] dāng wǒ men jìn zhù de shí hòu ruò zhě tuì ràng
[00:27.650] yīn jié zài nǐ de xiōng kǒu tiào dòng zhe
[00:29.890] jiē shàng de rén men yīn wèi kǒng jù ér táo
[00:32.320] huá yǔ bèi wán zhěng dì xiě zài huó yè zhǐ shàng
[00:34.560] wǒ de sī xiǎng chén jìn yú xuán lǜ dāng zhōng wǒ yòng jì quán lì
[00:36.800] wǒ zhì yù máng rén wǒ chéng ruò ràng tā men kàn dào yáng guāng
[00:39.220] yàn juàn le hēi àn de rì zi wǒ men àn guī lǜ xíng shì
[00:41.790] dāng tā men gào sù wǒ men tā men xiǎng kàn dào wǒ men tiào yuè
[00:43.850] wǒ xiǎng kàn jiàn yī xiē huī dòng de quán tou
[00:46.300] wò cuò guò yī xiē dōng xī ná huí shǔ yú nǐ de dōng xī
[00:48.540] shuō nǐ zhī dào tā men huì xí jī nǐ
[00:50.600] yīn wèi wǒ yàn juàn le shòu dào yǐ qián nà yàng de nüè dài
[00:52.800] jiù xiàng wǒ men yú chǔn rěn shòu zhè wǒ wèi zhī jiān chí de dōng xī
[00:55.320] hǎo xiàng zhè chǎng zhàn zhēng yǒu suǒ bù tóng
[00:57.500] hǎo xiàng tā bú huì yíng hé fù rén yí qì qióng rén
[00:59.960] hǎo xiàng tā men zhī dào nǐ jiù zài pēn shè jī de bèi hòu
[01:03.220] dāng nǐ bù néng wéi nǐ de yóu xiāng jiā yóu
[01:04.630] tā men zài dà xiào yòng tā men de fāng shì cóng yín háng
[01:06.530] qǔ zǒu tā men de jīn qián
[01:07.900] gào sù nǐ yào yōng yǒu jī qíng hé zūn zhòng
[01:09.550] yīn wèi lǐng dǎo bù yīng gāi yǐ míng xiǎn de fāng shì biàn xiàn chū jǐn zhāng
[01:11.880] tūn tūn tǔ tǔ dì huí bō wǎn jiān xīn wén
[01:14.220] shì jiè shang qí yú de rén zài kàn zhe jīn tiān de jié shù
[01:16.580] zài fáng jiān lǐ dà xiào jiù xiàng tā nà tiān shuō de
[01:19.060] ā mén... ā mén... ā mén... ā mén...
[01:36.580] ā mén...
[01:41.910] wǒ zài fáng jiān lǐ guān kàn dàn wǒ méi yǒu xiào
[01:45.010] yīn wèi jú shì jǐn zhāng wǒ zhī dào huì fā shēng shén me
[01:47.310] zhè shì jiè rú cǐ bīng lěng yǒng gǎn de rén huì cǎi qǔ xíng dòng
[01:49.580] yí dìng yào huán jī huò zhě bèi cuī huǐ chéng suì piàn
[01:51.850] 10 suì de shí hòu kàn jǐn a yī xiē shì qíng
[01:54.160] wǒ de tóng líng hái zi zài jí pǔ chē xià xī dú
[01:56.270] guò huì ér zài shù xià zhǎo dào tā men
[01:58.540] wǒ xiǎng zhī dào xià yī ge shì fǒu jiù shì wǒ
[02:00.780] nǐ kàn jiàn shì bīng men jīn tiān chū dòng le ma
[02:03.150] tā men shuā zǒu fáng dàn bèi xīn shàng de huī chén
[02:05.420] zhēn shì fěng cì yǒu shí nǐ huì qí dǎo
[02:07.690] dàn shì zuó tiān zhà dàn cuī huǐ le yī zuò qīng zhēn sì
[02:10.050] yóu zhà dàn zài gōng gòng qì chē hé zì xíng chē de dào lù shàng
[02:12.570] nǐ de shì chǎng lǐ shāng diàn lǐ yī fú lǐ
[02:14.780] wǒ zhī dào wǒ de fù qīn fēi cháng kǒng jù
[02:16.930] dàn zú gòu de zì háo ràng kǒng jù wèi xiǎn xiàn chū lái
[02:19.470] wǒ de gē ge yǒu běn shū lìng tā zì háo
[02:21.860] hóng sè de fēng pí bèi hòu pò jiù de shū jí
[02:24.010] zài shū hòu tā xiě le yī tiáo biāo yǔ
[02:26.370] dāng fù rén yíng le qióng rén jiù huì sǐ wáng
[02:28.610] tóng shí tā men de lǐng dǎo zhǐ shì bù duàn de tán huà
[02:30.790] tūn tūn tǔ tǔ dì huí bō wǎn jiān xīn wén
[02:33.120] shì jiè shang qí yú de rén zài kàn zhe jīn tiān de jié shù
[02:35.610] dōu xiàng tā shuō de yí yàng chōng mǎn kǒng jù hé fèn nù
[02:38.010] ā mén... ā mén... ā mén... ā mén...
[02:56.670] jiāng shǒu jǔ xiàng lán tiān
[03:01.110] hào hàn de dà hǎi huì yǒng xiàng nǐ tūn shì nǐ
[03:05.590] jiāng shǒu jǔ xiàng lán tiān
[03:10.130] hào hàn de dà hǎi huì yǒng xiàng nǐ tūn shì nǐ
[03:14.610] jiāng shǒu jǔ xiàng lán tiān
[03:19.370] hào hàn de dà hǎi huì yǒng xiàng nǐ tūn shì nǐ
[03:23.790] jiāng shǒu jǔ xiàng lán tiān
[03:28.670] hào hàn de dà hǎi huì yǒng xiàng nǐ tūn shì nǐ
[03:33.250] jiāng shǒu jǔ xiàng lán tiān
[03:37.970] hào hàn de dà hǎi huì yǒng xiàng nǐ tūn shì nǐ