Fast Life

歌曲 Fast Life
歌手 Grandy
歌手 Yammo


[00:00.000] 作词 : .com/Yammo
[00:01.000] 作曲 : .com/Wil Phil
[00:13.050] fast life fast life ye im living
[00:15.430] fast life fast life ye im living
[00:18.081] fast life fast life ye im living
[00:21.027] fast life fast life ye im living
[00:24.052] she got a fat ass
[00:26.231] and i lick her titty cop
[00:27.993] that **** lv버클
[00:29.288] on my 허리
[00:30.821] 오늘 번 돈은 전부 오늘 쓰는 거지
[00:33.308] 나를 사랑하지 말어
[00:34.721] i aint mf sorry
[00:35.970] im so hype
[00:37.843] 너는 즐길 줄을 몰라
[00:39.871] in my sight
[00:40.804] 남산타워 꼭대기로 올라가
[00:43.212] 내 인생은 오직 나만 살다가
[00:46.334] 빨리 가는 시간 속에
[00:47.946] 어서 너도 올라타
[00:49.543] pour up hard liquor
[00:52.359] 잠 안자는 여자들은 지금 어디 있어
[00:55.130] i cant wait for a weekend
[00:57.256] 오늘밤이 가기전에빨리나와
[00:59.930] you know how we party
[01:01.696] 짧은 젊음은 대신 할 수 없지
[01:04.004] 예쁜 여자들과 노는 건 재밌어 역시
[01:07.106] 일 끝나면 아침까지
[01:08.883] 핸드폰은 turn off
[01:10.723] 일단 질러보는 거야 전 재산을 털어
[01:13.319] fast life fast life ye im living
[01:16.570] fast life fast life ye im living
[01:20.107] fast life fast life ye im living
[01:22.465] fast life fast life ye im living
[01:25.710] fast life fast life ye im living
[01:28.830] fast life fast life ye im living
[01:31.910] fast life fast life ye im living
[01:34.800] fast life fast life ye im living
[01:38.090] you can feel it if its about the time
[01:41.398] i dont like to talk with you
[01:43.477] though youre such a dime
[01:44.933] 하고 싶은걸 하자
[01:46.141] 중요한 얘기는 다음에
[01:47.884] 시간이 많지 않다는 걸 알기에
[01:50.731] living the fast life on my own
[01:53.502] lane now living the fast life
[01:55.935] im not afraid now
[01:57.271] you can bring a friend tonight
[01:59.045] i know your friend can deny it
[02:03.350] 그 간 받았지 시기 익숙해 졌어
[02:05.706] 이미 익숙해 졌어
[02:07.352] 이미 gotta go for it
[02:10.333] i make it work i make it work
[02:12.457] gotta go for it
[02:16.231] living the fast life on my own
[02:17.457] lane now living the fast life
[02:19.637] im not afraid now
[02:21.830] 뒤를 돌아보는 사이에도 시간은 가
[02:24.489] 앞을 보고 달리기에도 우리는 벅차
[02:27.546] fast life fast life ye im living
[02:30.333] fast life fast life ye im living
[02:33.572] fast life fast life ye im living
[02:36.595] fast life fast life ye im living
[02:39.698] fast life fast life ye im living
[02:42.719] fast life fast life ye im living
[02:45.798] fast life fast life ye im living
[02:48.911] fast life fast life ye im living


[00:00.000] zuò cí : . com Yammo
[00:01.000] zuò qǔ : . com Wil Phil
[00:13.050] fast life fast life ye im living
[00:15.430] fast life fast life ye im living
[00:18.081] fast life fast life ye im living
[00:21.027] fast life fast life ye im living
[00:24.052] she got a fat ass
[00:26.231] and i lick her titty cop
[00:27.993] that lv
[00:29.288] on my
[00:34.721] i aint mf sorry
[00:35.970] im so hype
[00:39.871] in my sight
[00:49.543] pour up hard liquor
[00:55.130] i cant wait for a weekend
[00:59.930] you know how we party
[01:08.883] turn off
[01:13.319] fast life fast life ye im living
[01:16.570] fast life fast life ye im living
[01:20.107] fast life fast life ye im living
[01:22.465] fast life fast life ye im living
[01:25.710] fast life fast life ye im living
[01:28.830] fast life fast life ye im living
[01:31.910] fast life fast life ye im living
[01:34.800] fast life fast life ye im living
[01:38.090] you can feel it if its about the time
[01:41.398] i dont like to talk with you
[01:43.477] though youre such a dime
[01:50.731] living the fast life on my own
[01:53.502] lane now living the fast life
[01:55.935] im not afraid now
[01:57.271] you can bring a friend tonight
[01:59.045] i know your friend can deny it
[02:07.352] gotta go for it
[02:10.333] i make it work i make it work
[02:12.457] gotta go for it
[02:16.231] living the fast life on my own
[02:17.457] lane now living the fast life
[02:19.637] im not afraid now
[02:27.546] fast life fast life ye im living
[02:30.333] fast life fast life ye im living
[02:33.572] fast life fast life ye im living
[02:36.595] fast life fast life ye im living
[02:39.698] fast life fast life ye im living
[02:42.719] fast life fast life ye im living
[02:45.798] fast life fast life ye im living
[02:48.911] fast life fast life ye im living