Never Be Nervous

歌曲 Never Be Nervous
歌手 Uncle Damn
专辑 市民公约


[00:00.000] 作词 : Uncle Damn
[00:00.040] 作曲 : J. Cole
[00:00.80] 12.Never Be Nervous
[00:01.81] Mix By Uncle Damn
[00:02.90] "We just spread the love in here,(我们在这里只传播爱)
[00:03.76] because this is nervous."(因为这里是NERVOUS厂牌)
[00:06.11] Ay you know who is this(你知道这是谁)
[00:08.90] is the uncle damn AKA if you have a dream then i will break it down(这是你的丹姆叔叔)
[00:12.95] shout out to J.Cole i appreciate this music(感谢J.cole的Love yourz,那首歌对我的感触很深)
[00:15.24] Hook:
[00:15.49] Dont be Nervous just remember,(请你记住不要紧张)
[00:17.58] All the Pain will flush away as the time go faster(所有痛苦与困难都会随着时间流逝而慢慢褪色)
[00:20.98] Dont be Nervous just remember,(请你记住不要紧张)
[00:23.19] All the Pain will flush away as the time go faster(所有痛苦与困难都会随着时间流逝而慢慢褪色)
[00:25.70] Verse:
[00:26.85] I seen a man who can hold the sand in his hand(我曾经见过一个争分夺秒的人)
[00:29.55] i ask him "listen fly away,what u think'bout that"(我问他“你认为《Fly Away》这首歌怎么样”)
[00:32.49] he said"its a golden single" so i started fast listen(他说会是一首金曲,所以我放下心很快就开始诉说我的故事)
[00:35.71] i rather let a kiddo listen to my music pieces(我宁愿让一些孩子听我的歌)
[00:38.41] than i let yall guys,standing on my side,(我也不愿你们站在我的身边)
[00:39.95] judging my music and judging my life(批判着我的音乐和生活)
[00:43.33] askin how im living then push to side(一边问着我过得怎么样另一边又排挤我)
[00:45.48] let me consuming the lies(让我无时无刻的吸收着你们的谎言)
[00:47.23] ay, i dont really wanna do this anymore(唉,我真的不想这么做下去了)
[00:49.82] espacilly when they started phony(尤其是当他们开始虚伪)
[00:51.37] said that i can better than anyone(说我可以变得比其他人都好)
[00:52.93] turn their back and stab me(结果转身就**)
[00:54.28] deep inside im lucky than everyone(其实在内心我知道我是最幸运的一个)
[00:55.68] sadness was my emotion only(曾经我的确很伤心)
[00:57.18] recognized my little one timid one(自从我认知了我的懦弱的一面的时候)
[00:58.57] how can i survive in this(我该怎么活下去)
[01:01.07] my mama said to me "dont do this anymore,you are bout to senior third, (我妈妈对我说“你已经要高三了不要再做音乐了”)
[01:04.97] if you need some money, then ask me i'll give you that,(“如果你需要钱你可以问我,”)
[01:07.81] more than when you sitting here and make two hundred bucks(“这比你坐在地下室做后期赚200元好太多了”)
[01:10.45] its meaningless maybe for you its meaningful(“你这么做真的没有意义也许对你很有意义”)
[01:12.90] but what you can do to your life son,i love u(“但是这就是现实宝贝,我真的很爱你”)
[01:15.90] i only give you advice to make you a better guy,a better rapper maybe."(“我能做到的就是给你建议让你变成一个更好的人,也许是更好的Rapper”)
[01:19.94] i told her too"baby mama listen to this, maybe one day i can make it maybe i can not(我就对她说“妈妈,也许有一天我会成功也许有一天我不会”)
[01:25.00] knowing rot in the dirt or shine on the earth(“知道不是在土地里埋葬着或者在天空闪耀着”)
[01:27.30] is my only choice but i live it good(“是我的选择,但是我会选择对的路”)
[01:29.44] trust me mama i will let you proud,(“相信我妈妈我会让你骄傲的”)
[01:31.74] i will let you proud, i will let you happy(“我会让你骄傲的,我会让你开心的”)
[01:34.69] i will let you said 'hey that is my son!'"(“我会让你在电视上看到我时你会大喊‘那是我的儿子!’的”)
[01:36.84] Hook:
[01:37.74] Dont be Nervous just remember,(请你记住不要紧张)
[01:38.93] All the Pain will flush away as the time go faster(所有痛苦与困难都会随着时间流逝而慢慢褪色)
[01:41.58] Dont be Nervous just remember,(请你记住不要紧张)
[01:44.03] All the Pain will flush away as the time go faster(所有痛苦与困难都会随着时间流逝而慢慢褪色)
[01:47.53] Dont be Nervous just remember,(请你记住不要紧张)
[01:49.83] All the Pain will flush away as the time go faster(所有痛苦与困难都会随着时间流逝而慢慢褪色)
[01:53.27] Dont be Nervous just remember,(请你记住不要紧张)
[01:55.52] All the Pain will flush away as the time go faster(所有痛苦与困难都会随着时间流逝而慢慢褪色)
[01:58.47] Verse:
[01:59.16] Never be Nervous when you open eyes(在你出生睁开双眼时千万不要紧张)
[02:01.91] Never be Nervous when you stared cry(在你哭泣时千万不要紧张)
[02:04.87] Never be Nervous when you just try to walk(在你开始学会走路时千万不要紧张)
[02:07.56] Never be Nervous when you just try to talk(在你开始牙牙学语的时候千万不要紧张)
[02:10.35] Never be Nervous when you go to school(在你第一天去学校的时候千万不要紧张)
[02:13.29] Never be Nervous when you just have a test(在你考第一次试的时候千万不要紧张)
[02:16.23] Never be Nervous when you just be a gook(在你快变成书呆子的时候千万不要紧张)
[02:19.18] Never be Nervous when you just got a tag(在别人给你取外号的时候你千万不要紧张)
[02:21.88] Never be Nervous if you got bulling by the kids,(千万不要在别的孩子欺负你的时候紧张)
[02:24.82] they just always jealous but you have to move your feet.(他们只是出于嫉妒但是你必须给他们好看)
[02:27.72] Never be Nervous if you got kisses on your checks,(千万不要在一个女生亲吻你的脸颊时紧张)
[02:30.77] one day you will find your true love you just have to wait(有一天你会找到你的真爱你只需要等待)
[02:33.51] Never be Nervous when you just walking into cenima,(当时你第一次步入电影院时千万不要紧张)
[02:36.26] thats the first time i know its good for you anime(那是你第一次我知道,好的电影对你的灵魂有所帮助)
[02:39.26] Never be Nervous when you just listen to rap music,(当你第一次听rap的时候千万不要紧张)
[02:42.21] its your soul and body take it let it keep the beating(让她融进你的体内让鼓点与你心智重合)
[02:44.96] Never be Nervous when you just met the new friends(千万不要认识新的朋友的时候感到紧张)
[02:47.71] Never be Nervous when you just got a new chance(千万不要在手握机会的时候感到紧张)
[02:50.55] Never be Nervous when you just picked up your pens(千万不要在你拿起笔的时候感到紧张)
[02:53.61] write the lyrics down, on the paper let it fly,(把歌词写到纸上让你的言语腾飞)
[02:56.54] Never be Nervous when you just protecting the thing you love(千万不要在保护你爱的东西的时候感到紧张)
[02:59.30] Never be Nervous when you just stand in front of all the crowds(千万不要在站在舞台万人面前时感到紧张)
[03:02.25] Never be Nervous when you just tell the story of yourself(千万不要在诉说你的故事的时候感到紧张)
[03:05.24] Never be Nervous when you just craft yourself, Peace And Love.(千万不要在你铸造自己的时候感到紧张,记住永远和平与爱)
[03:10.64] "Shout out to NERVOUS,(感谢NERVOUS)
[03:14.33] thank you,(感谢你)
[03:17.28] you made this album,(你成就了《市民公约》这张专辑)
[03:19.86] NERVOUS forever,(NERVOUS大家庭永远存在)
[03:25.61] and most of all(最重要的是)
[03:28.31] I gotta thank one thing(我还要最感谢某人)
[03:29.95] that is my family,(那就是我的家人)
[03:32.50] Peace."(再见,Uncle Damn真心感谢您收听《市民公约》)


[00:00.000] zuò cí : Uncle Damn
[00:00.040] zuò qǔ : J. Cole
[00:00.80] 12. Never Be Nervous
[00:01.81] Mix By Uncle Damn
[00:02.90] " We just spread the love in here, wǒ men zài zhè lǐ zhǐ chuán bō ài
[00:03.76] because this is nervous." yīn wèi zhè lǐ shì NERVOUS chǎng pái
[00:06.11] Ay you know who is this nǐ zhī dào zhè shì shuí
[00:08.90] is the uncle damn AKA if you have a dream then i will break it down zhè shì nǐ de dān mǔ shū shū
[00:12.95] shout out to J. Cole i appreciate this music gǎn xiè J. cole de Love yourz, nà shǒu gē duì wǒ de gǎn chù hěn shēn
[00:15.24] Hook:
[00:15.49] Dont be Nervous just remember, qǐng nǐ jì zhù bú yào jǐn zhāng
[00:17.58] All the Pain will flush away as the time go faster suǒ yǒu tòng kǔ yǔ kùn nán dōu huì suí zhe shí jiān liú shì ér màn màn tuì shǎi
[00:20.98] Dont be Nervous just remember, qǐng nǐ jì zhù bú yào jǐn zhāng
[00:23.19] All the Pain will flush away as the time go faster suǒ yǒu tòng kǔ yǔ kùn nán dōu huì suí zhe shí jiān liú shì ér màn màn tuì shǎi
[00:25.70] Verse:
[00:26.85] I seen a man who can hold the sand in his hand wǒ céng jīng jiàn guò yí gè zhēng fēn duó miǎo de rén
[00:29.55] i ask him " listen fly away, what u think' bout that" wǒ wèn tā" nǐ rèn wéi Fly Away zhè shǒu gē zěn me yàng"
[00:32.49] he said" its a golden single" so i started fast listen tā shuō huì shì yī shǒu jīn qū, suǒ yǐ wǒ fàng xià xīn hěn kuài jiù kāi shǐ sù shuō wǒ de gù shì
[00:35.71] i rather let a kiddo listen to my music pieces wǒ nìng yuàn ràng yī xiē hái zi tīng wǒ de gē
[00:38.41] than i let yall guys, standing on my side, wǒ yě bù yuàn nǐ men zhàn zài wǒ de shēn biān
[00:39.95] judging my music and judging my life pī pàn zhe wǒ de yīn yuè hé shēng huó
[00:43.33] askin how im living then push to side yī biān wèn zhe wǒ guò de zěn me yàng lìng yī biān yòu pái jǐ wǒ
[00:45.48] let me consuming the lies ràng wǒ wú shí wú kè de xī shōu zhe nǐ men de huǎng yán
[00:47.23] ay, i dont really wanna do this anymore āi, wǒ zhēn de bù xiǎng zhè me zuò xià qù le
[00:49.82] espacilly when they started phony yóu qí shì dāng tā men kāi shǐ xū wěi
[00:51.37] said that i can better than anyone shuō wǒ kě yǐ biàn de bǐ qí tā rén dōu hǎo
[00:52.93] turn their back and stab me jié guǒ zhuǎn shēn jiù
[00:54.28] deep inside im lucky than everyone qí shí zài nèi xīn wǒ zhī dào wǒ shì zuì xìng yùn de yí gè
[00:55.68] sadness was my emotion only céng jīng wǒ dí què hěn shāng xīn
[00:57.18] recognized my little one timid one zì cóng wǒ rèn zhī liǎo wǒ de nuò ruò de yī miàn dí shí hòu
[00:58.57] how can i survive in this wǒ gāi zěn me huó xià qù
[01:01.07] my mama said to me " dont do this anymore, you are bout to senior third, wǒ mā mā duì wǒ shuō" nǐ yǐ jīng yào gāo sān liǎo bù yào zài zuò yīn yuè le"
[01:04.97] if you need some money, then ask me i' ll give you that," rú guǒ nǐ xū yào qián nǐ kě yǐ wèn wǒ,"
[01:07.81] more than when you sitting here and make two hundred bucks" zhè bǐ nǐ zuò zài dì xià shì zuò hòu qī zhuàn 200 yuán hǎo tài duō le"
[01:10.45] its meaningless maybe for you its meaningful" nǐ zhè me zuò zhēn de méi yǒu yì yì yě xǔ duì nǐ hěn yǒu yì yì"
[01:12.90] but what you can do to your life son, i love u" dàn shì zhè jiù shì xiàn shí bǎo bèi, wǒ zhēn de hěn ài nǐ"
[01:15.90] i only give you advice to make you a better guy, a better rapper maybe."" wǒ néng zuò dào de jiù shì gěi nǐ jiàn yì ràng nǐ biàn chéng yí gè gèng hǎo de rén, yě xǔ shì gèng hǎo de Rapper"
[01:19.94] i told her too" baby mama listen to this, maybe one day i can make it maybe i can not wǒ jiù duì tā shuō" mā mā, yě xǔ yǒu yì tiān wǒ huì chéng gōng yě xǔ yǒu yì tiān wǒ bú huì"
[01:25.00] knowing rot in the dirt or shine on the earth" zhī dào bú shì zài tǔ dì lǐ mái zàng zhe huò zhě zài tiān kōng shǎn yào zhe"
[01:27.30] is my only choice but i live it good" shì wǒ de xuǎn zé, dàn shì wǒ huì xuǎn zé duì de lù"
[01:29.44] trust me mama i will let you proud," xiāng xìn wǒ mā mā wǒ huì ràng nǐ jiāo ào de"
[01:31.74] i will let you proud, i will let you happy" wǒ huì ràng nǐ jiāo ào de, wǒ huì ràng nǐ kāi xīn de"
[01:34.69] i will let you said ' hey that is my son!'"" wǒ huì ràng nǐ zài diàn shì shàng kàn dào wǒ shí nǐ huì dà hǎn' nà shi wǒ de ér zi!' de"
[01:36.84] Hook:
[01:37.74] Dont be Nervous just remember, qǐng nǐ jì zhù bú yào jǐn zhāng
[01:38.93] All the Pain will flush away as the time go faster suǒ yǒu tòng kǔ yǔ kùn nán dōu huì suí zhe shí jiān liú shì ér màn màn tuì shǎi
[01:41.58] Dont be Nervous just remember, qǐng nǐ jì zhù bú yào jǐn zhāng
[01:44.03] All the Pain will flush away as the time go faster suǒ yǒu tòng kǔ yǔ kùn nán dōu huì suí zhe shí jiān liú shì ér màn màn tuì shǎi
[01:47.53] Dont be Nervous just remember, qǐng nǐ jì zhù bú yào jǐn zhāng
[01:49.83] All the Pain will flush away as the time go faster suǒ yǒu tòng kǔ yǔ kùn nán dōu huì suí zhe shí jiān liú shì ér màn màn tuì shǎi
[01:53.27] Dont be Nervous just remember, qǐng nǐ jì zhù bú yào jǐn zhāng
[01:55.52] All the Pain will flush away as the time go faster suǒ yǒu tòng kǔ yǔ kùn nán dōu huì suí zhe shí jiān liú shì ér màn màn tuì shǎi
[01:58.47] Verse:
[01:59.16] Never be Nervous when you open eyes zài nǐ chū shēng zhēng kāi shuāng yǎn shí qiān wàn bú yào jǐn zhāng
[02:01.91] Never be Nervous when you stared cry zài nǐ kū qì shí qiān wàn bú yào jǐn zhāng
[02:04.87] Never be Nervous when you just try to walk zài nǐ kāi shǐ xué huì zǒu lù shí qiān wàn bú yào jǐn zhāng
[02:07.56] Never be Nervous when you just try to talk zài nǐ kāi shǐ yá yá xué yǔ de shí hòu qiān wàn bú yào jǐn zhāng
[02:10.35] Never be Nervous when you go to school zài nǐ dì yì tiān qù xué xiào de shí hòu qiān wàn bú yào jǐn zhāng
[02:13.29] Never be Nervous when you just have a test zài nǐ kǎo dì yī cì shì de shí hòu qiān wàn bú yào jǐn zhāng
[02:16.23] Never be Nervous when you just be a gook zài nǐ kuài biàn chéng shū dāi zi de shí hòu qiān wàn bú yào jǐn zhāng
[02:19.18] Never be Nervous when you just got a tag zài bié rén gěi nǐ qǔ wài hào de shí hòu nǐ qiān wàn bú yào jǐn zhāng
[02:21.88] Never be Nervous if you got bulling by the kids, qiān wàn bú yào zài bié de hái zi qī fù nǐ de shí hòu jǐn zhāng
[02:24.82] they just always jealous but you have to move your feet. tā men zhǐ shì chū yú jí dù dàn shì nǐ bì xū gěi tā men hǎo kàn
[02:27.72] Never be Nervous if you got kisses on your checks, qiān wàn bú yào zài yí gè nǚ shēng qīn wěn nǐ de liǎn jiá shí jǐn zhāng
[02:30.77] one day you will find your true love you just have to wait yǒu yì tiān nǐ huì zhǎo dào nǐ dí zhēn ài nǐ zhǐ xū yào děng dài
[02:33.51] Never be Nervous when you just walking into cenima, dāng shí nǐ dì yī cì bù rù diàn yǐng yuàn shí qiān wàn bú yào jǐn zhāng
[02:36.26] thats the first time i know its good for you anime nà shi nǐ dì yī cì wǒ zhī dào, hǎo de diàn yǐng duì nǐ de líng hún yǒu suǒ bāng zhù
[02:39.26] Never be Nervous when you just listen to rap music, dāng nǐ dì yī cì tīng rap de shí hòu qiān wàn bú yào jǐn zhāng
[02:42.21] its your soul and body take it let it keep the beating ràng tā róng jìn nǐ de tǐ nèi ràng gǔ diǎn yǔ nǐ xīn zhì chóng hé
[02:44.96] Never be Nervous when you just met the new friends qiān wàn bú yào rèn shi xīn de péng yǒu de shí hòu gǎn dào jǐn zhāng
[02:47.71] Never be Nervous when you just got a new chance qiān wàn bú yào zài shǒu wò jī huì de shí hòu gǎn dào jǐn zhāng
[02:50.55] Never be Nervous when you just picked up your pens qiān wàn bú yào zài nǐ ná qǐ bǐ de shí hòu gǎn dào jǐn zhāng
[02:53.61] write the lyrics down, on the paper let it fly, bǎ gē cí xiě dào zhǐ shàng ràng nǐ de yán yǔ téng fēi
[02:56.54] Never be Nervous when you just protecting the thing you love qiān wàn bú yào zài bǎo hù nǐ ài de dōng xī de shí hòu gǎn dào jǐn zhāng
[02:59.30] Never be Nervous when you just stand in front of all the crowds qiān wàn bú yào zài zhàn zài wǔ tái wàn rén miàn qián shí gǎn dào jǐn zhāng
[03:02.25] Never be Nervous when you just tell the story of yourself qiān wàn bú yào zài sù shuō nǐ de gù shì de shí hòu gǎn dào jǐn zhāng
[03:05.24] Never be Nervous when you just craft yourself, Peace And Love. qiān wàn bú yào zài nǐ zhù zào zì jǐ de shí hòu gǎn dào jǐn zhāng, jì zhù yǒng yuǎn hé píng yǔ ài
[03:10.64] " Shout out to NERVOUS, gǎn xiè NERVOUS
[03:14.33] thank you, gǎn xiè nǐ
[03:17.28] you made this album, nǐ chéng jiù le shì mín gōng yuē zhè zhāng zhuān jí
[03:19.86] NERVOUS forever, NERVOUS dà jiā tíng yǒng yuǎn cún zài
[03:25.61] and most of all zuì zhòng yào de shì
[03:28.31] I gotta thank one thing wǒ hái yào zuì gǎn xiè mǒu rén
[03:29.95] that is my family, nà jiù shì wǒ de jiā rén
[03:32.50] Peace." zài jiàn, Uncle Damn zhēn xīn gǎn xiè nín shōu tīng shì mín gōng yuē