Thought You Were On My Side

歌曲 Thought You Were On My Side
歌手 Cock Robin
专辑 Best Ballads


作曲 : Kingsberry
Not without reason have I been wrong
Just a few tough demands
On a personal friend I could lean on
Desperate and selfish, I know that I was[...]
Unfortunately, we are not licensed to display the full lyrics for this song at the moment. Hopefully we will be able to in the future. Until then, how about a
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zuò qǔ : Kingsberry
Not without reason have I been wrong
Just a few tough demands
On a personal friend I could lean on
Desperate and selfish, I know that I was...
Unfortunately, we are not licensed to display the full lyrics for this song at the moment. Hopefully we will be able to in the future. Until then, how about a
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