Now You See My Life

Now You See My Life 歌词

歌曲 Now You See My Life
歌手 Deuce
歌手 Skee-Lo
专辑 Nine Lives
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[00:00.560] There once was a kid name of Deuce
[00:03.140] Who got sick and tired of being picked on
[00:05.740] So he got himself a nice twenty-two
[00:08.470] Click boom now he's on the ****ing news
[00:11.200] Now who's the king of these rap acts American bad ass
[00:14.240] They say he's a class act no wonder he's jabbed at
[00:17.160] That's why they put me up in lights and I rap back
[00:20.100] And half these critics wanna mimic my crack-ass
[00:23.060] He ain't no cynic but he knows where your dads at
[00:25.890] They ain't go finishing till they send you to Baghdad
[00:28.810] And minute by minute they go pull you right in it
[00:31.180] You go end up at clinics because they put you on Scene
[00:34.200] But don't you worry I'm back yeah Deuce is back with a black hat
[00:37.250] Cape and a black cat baby I'm the new Batman
[00:40.220] (ooh) You know only Angie can grab that
[00:43.170] I don't need no groupies trying a grab at my pants
[00:46.560] Hoping I'm a go back and taxi that
[00:49.170] I ain't ending up in no place with no bad rash
[00:51.950] How come I get laughed at by media trash bags
[00:54.790] Just because I'm white and I sing like I'm half-black
[00:57.810] Now you see my life and it looks so pretty looks so pretty
[01:03.630] You want what you can't have and you know that's too damn bad
[01:09.230] Try and take my pride we both know that's silly know that's silly
[01:15.120] You want what you can't have and you know that's too damn bad
[01:20.730] I'm gonna make it no matter how long it takes me
[01:23.750] I'm sick of lower living I can't allow it to break me
[01:26.450] My neighbors hate me all they do is just make me
[01:29.430] Bounce back get on my hustle achieving great things
[01:32.310] An architect building my future watching it grow
[01:35.000] Reaching out to the youth and I'm teaching me what I know
[01:37.830] I done seen a lot a people do anything for the dough
[01:40.880] Even rob steal kill good girls that turned pro
[01:43.730] Good fellas turned stick-up kids I used to know
[01:46.590] Little Bobby graduated and college he couldn't go
[01:49.400] The Earth rotates a thousand thirty seven and a third
[01:52.500] Cops pull us over tonight I'm on the curb
[01:55.640] Getting handcuffed deputies searching for contraband
[01:58.490] I'm face-down talking to God he understands
[02:01.390] Tomorrow I'm a start a new life a changed man
[02:04.120] But tonight I might be going to jail for eight grams (and)
[02:07.440] Now you see my life and it looks so pretty looks so pretty
[02:13.120] You want what you can't have and you know that's too damn bad
[02:18.650] Try and take my pride we both know that's silly know that's silly
[02:24.610] You want what you can't have and you know that's too damn bad
[02:29.990] I was born to rip shit born with too much wit
[02:32.760] Thats why they call me the Wiz Kid 'cause I drop hits
[02:35.620] Mimic me I'm too sick you can't hang I'm too quick
[02:38.720] What's my name Deuce bitch its the new shit
[02:41.400] Leaving egos bruised and yeah your trapped your stupid
[02:44.390] Trying a step in in my shoes but its foolish
[02:47.360] I'm cuckoo homey I got screws loose
[02:49.990] **** Tool you can kiss my ass too bitch
[02:53.420] You and your Dr Phil affiliates
[02:55.380] You're worth two cents of my time and
[02:57.980] A few bars so move bitch
[03:00.300] As long as I'm doing music
[03:02.120] I'm a be a nuisance
[03:03.500] Its a new movement
[03:05.320] Now you see my life and it looks so pretty looks so pretty
[03:10.940] You want what you can't have and you know that's too damn bad
[03:16.570] Try and take my pride we both know that's silly know that's silly
[03:22.530] You want what you can't have and you know that's too damn bad
[03:28.160] Now you see my life and it looks so pretty looks so pretty
[03:33.930] You want what you can't have and you know that's too damn bad
[03:39.700] Try and take my pride we both know that's silly know that's silly
[03:45.430] You want what you can't have and you know that's too damn bad
[00:00.340] 从前有个名叫Deuce的孩子
[00:03.200] 饱受世人的排挤与欺凌
[00:05.960] 但他在22岁时发布了自己的专辑
[00:08.840] 因此他得到了大家的关注,却也使他处于舆论的中央
[00:11.190] 现将改朝换代,说唱潮流会迎来新的主人
[00:14.410] Kid Rock 拥有杰出的成就但并非所有人都如此认同
[00:17.590] 这就是粉丝们狂热追随的原因,Deuce即将回归
[00:20.280] 有人东施效颦般的模仿我
[00:23.230] 有人愤世嫉俗却无法出淤泥而不染
[00:26.020] 他们排挤我,憎恨我
[00:28.850] 每分每秒的将我推向他们所认为正确的世界
[00:31.460] 他们让我觉得自己已经病态
[00:34.180] 但别担心,在人群之中的我很容易认出,Deuce即将回归
[00:37.590] 披风和帽子,宝贝我将成为新的主宰
[00:40.520] (ooh)你们只知道安吉·伍兹奎兹可令人着迷
[00:43.430] 此时的我也不再需要乐队的其他成员,我只听命于自己
[00:47.000] 坚持你们的初心,我正回归
[00:49.100] 世人将尊敬我,我将进入上层社会
[00:51.980] 即使我被世人所嘲笑
[00:54.940] 只不过天妒英才罢了
[00:57.830] 现在你们看见了我的生活,它看起来是如此的美好
[01:03.800] 你总想去支配别人但你知道这是多么的可笑吗
[01:09.360] 你们将我从我组建的乐队赶走,这是多么的可笑,多么的无耻
[01:15.470] 你总想得到那些遥不可及的东西,你知道这是多么愚蠢的吗
[01:20.870] 我倾尽所有希望让这一切变得更好
[01:23.900] 我身处污秽但绝不同流合污
[01:26.520] 我的邻居所做的一切都使我厌恶,虽然他们也未曾喜欢过我
[01:29.720] 我尽自己所能去做得更好
[01:32.480] 凭借努力去创造着属于自己的未来
[01:35.360] 我遵守社会的法则
[01:38.120] 但却看见世人为了金钱不择手段
[01:40.920] 甚至偷杀抢盗也是被允许的
[01:43.370] 抢劫年幼孩子的消息令我习以为常
[01:46.670] 警察也非神圣的职业,从警校毕业却无法进入大学
[01:49.300] 但生活亦是如此
[01:52.260] 为了生存不得不铤而走险
[01:55.610] 被戴上了手铐静候着裁决
[01:58.620] 我向上帝祈祷希望它能原谅我的过错
[02:01.420] 新的生活即将开始而我亦将改变
[02:04.310] 但今晚就会是我新生的开始
[02:07.410] 现在你们看见了我的生活,它看起来是如此的美好
[02:13.120] 你总想得到那些你无法拥有的东西,即使你知道需要不择手段
[02:18.700] 你夺走了我的荣誉,世人都知道那是卑鄙愚蠢的
[02:24.710] 但你仍想得到本不属于你的东西,即使它们对你毫无价值
[02:30.040] 我出身卑微但才智过人
[02:32.800] 这就是他们称我为天才的原因,因为我未曾深造
[02:35.660] 我特立独行无法模仿
[02:38.700] 却总有人怀小人之心度君子之腹
[02:41.610] 忘记了伤痛你又愚蠢的重蹈覆辙
[02:44.730] 你办事的方法如图刻舟求剑一般愚蠢
[02:47.150] 我如同布谷鸟一样自由
[02:50.040] 你只能向我俯首称臣
[02:53.510] 你和你所谓的成就
[02:55.350] 在我眼里一文不值
[02:57.960] 进入我的夜生活你会发现
[03:00.430] 我会像创作音乐时一样持久
[03:02.150] 会令你筋疲力尽
[03:03.590] 只不过环境有所不同
[03:05.210] 现在你看见了我的生活,它看起来是如此的美好
[03:11.060] 你总想去支配别人但你知道这是多么的可笑吗
[03:16.590] 你们将我从我组建的乐队赶走,这是多么的可笑,多么的无耻
[03:22.550] 你总想得到那些遥不可及的东西,你知道这是多么愚蠢的吗
[03:28.110] 现在你看见了我的生活,它看起来是如此的美好
[03:34.200] 你总想得到那些你无法拥有的东西,即使你知道需要不择手段
[03:39.780] 你夺走了我的荣誉我们都知道那是卑鄙愚蠢的
[03:45.790] 但你仍想得到本不属于你的东西,即使它们对你毫无价值
Now You See My Life 歌词
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