Departure Towards a Nautical Curse

Departure Towards a Nautical Curse 歌词

歌曲 Departure Towards a Nautical Curse
歌手 Carach Angren
专辑 Death Came Through A Phantom Ship
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[00:31.95] The crew froze as he wiped the blood off on his coat
[00:35.92] And threw the helmsman ruthlessly overboard.
[00:40.62] In defiance of the storm, that kept them anchored for so long, he swore an oath to forfeit right and wring.
[00:52.30] Irreverent he cussed loudly: "I will round the cape,
[00:57.05] even if I have to sail until doomsday!"
[01:02.87] Their petrified facial expressions could tell: their master was like a devil on this floating piece of hell.
[01:45.60] There and then he gave the signal of departure.
[01:50.11] "Make sail and weigh the hook!"
[01:52.15] And so they left the harbor.
[01:55.13] Hear the Easter bells tolling through the roaring sound of a rough sea, accompanied by the sight of a ship sailing towards her destiny.
[02:05.23] What a spectacle of Blasphemy.
[02:19.37] There was no rejoice after his mad choice.
[02:28.58] Sails were lost, decks were flooded and lightning turned their ship into a coal-black carcass.
[02:37.95] Anxiety replaced vainglory.
[03:39.14] The storm died down but a sinister shroud of darkness remained, for the daylight came no more.
[03:56.18] Floating in unending dusk, adrift on liquid ground.
[04:03.56] Months went by and land was never found.
[04:09.07] Food supplies putrefied and pestilence broke out.
[04:13.04] Suicide became routine, some chose suspension, others jumped and drowned.
[04:18.96] The dead were sown in hammocks and disposed of in the sea, buried in a watery grave, after a short ceremony.
[04:47.72] The crew froze as he left his cabin with knife and gun, slaughtering what was left of them one by one.
[04:56.67] There was an evil murderous glimpse in his eyes.
[04:59.06] By the time he was done, the ship was desecrated by death and demise.
[05:07.64] Van der Decken lashes himself to the wheel, swearing at Christ: "I shall not yield!"
[05:12.55] All at once a new storm rose and lightning struck.
[05:17.50] The top mast broke off, impaling him, a shard of the crest piercing his chest, in a standing position nailed to the deck.
[05:24.59] And so a man dies, and a ghost resurrects.
[00:31.95] 船员身躯逐渐冰冷,他用大衣拭去手上血迹
[00:35.92] 随即,将那舵手无情抛下了船
[00:40.62] 他狠道种种对叛徒的惩罚,全然不顾那迫使船抛锚的风浪
[00:52.30] 猖狂咒骂着:“我将驶遍好望角,
[00:57.05] 哪怕直至世界末日!”
[01:02.87] 而水手们战栗的脸说明了一切:他们的船长有如恶魔,凌驾海上这方寸地狱
[01:45.60] 他当即下令起航
[01:50.11] “扬帆悬钩!”
[01:52.15] 于是,船缓缓驶离港口
[01:55.13] 伴着响彻汹涌汪洋的复活节钟声,驶向目的地
[02:05.23] 好一渎神的景象
[02:19.37] 这疯狂的选择并无好结果
[02:28.58] 帆被刮飞,水漫甲板,一道电闪而过,大船只剩下焦黑骨架
[02:37.95] 自负终于为忧虑所侵蚀
[03:39.14] 风暴沉息,徒留险恶黑暗笼罩,日光不再
[03:56.18] 飘荡茫茫暮色间,涉过无尽洋流
[04:03.56] 数月已逝,陆地踪迹全无
[04:09.07] 食粮耗尽,瘟疫爆发
[04:13.04] 日日有人寻死,或是跳海,或是自缢
[04:18.96] 短暂祷告后,死者被沉入海中,深葬于那流淌之墓
[04:47.72] 又一日,船长携着刀枪踏过一间间舱房;所经之处,徒留余下船员冰冷的尸体
[04:56.67] 阴邪杀意掠过他双眼,一瞬而逝
[04:59.06] 一切终于结束,至此,全船已被死亡染就
[05:07.64] 范德戴肯船长猛撞向舵轮,斥骂上帝:“我绝不屈服!”
[05:12.55] 下一刻,风暴又起,闪电劈下
[05:17.50] 主桅干断裂,瞬间刺入他胸膛,贯穿身躯——他僵立着被钉于甲板
[05:24.59] 自此,一狂妄凡人死去,逐化鬼魂重生
Departure Towards a Nautical Curse 歌词
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