It is said about...Medusa |
"Thousand years ago Far west Gorgon's sisters ruled. |
Medusa was one of the three Gorgons, a beautiful young woman with |
Magnificent long hair. |
One day she fooled around with the god Poseidon, what angered Athena. |
So Athena changed her beautiful hair into hissing serpents. |
Medusa - who was the only mortal of her sisters - became so horrible that |
Any living creature that looked upon her turned to stone forever. |
When Perseus chopped off her head while looking at her through the mirror of |
His shield, |
She gave birth to Pegasus which was born out of her blood in the moment Of |
Her death." |
Thousand years to go, before christ would come. |
Far west, Andromeda was sacrificed. |
Three evil sisters ruled, time brought the enemy. |
They took his love, now it was up for them to die. |
Perseus wondering in his mind, Reflection in the shield so strong. |
Warrior Look into my eyes. |
Warrior, your end will come tonight. |
The blade cuts through her neck, Medusa's end is near. |
As Pegasus was born, his mother died. |
Her snakehaired head still turns the rivals into stone. |
Athena's shield - feared by the warriors sight. |
Thousand years ago Far west Gorgon's sisters ruled. |
When the blade ran through her neck. |
Pegasus was created from her own blood, while his mother faded away. |