Six Million Ways To Live

Six Million Ways To Live 歌词

歌曲 Six Million Ways To Live
歌手 Dub Pistols
专辑 Six Million Ways To Live
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[00:30.06] Six million ways to live, we live lavish
[00:32.73] Superior deluxe rap status
[00:34.27] To carry that mattress with no bounce
[00:36.49] A sharp cactus, blanket
[00:38.03] Leavin' scratches across the atlas
[00:39.91] Buildin' above civilians
[00:41.32] Takes two looks to recognize the villain
[00:43.54] Two blinks to make your heart sink
[00:45.06] Three-sixty degrees like a roller rink
[00:47.12] That's how my life moves upon a solar ring
[00:49.65] Try so hard my soul to sing
[00:50.52] But still my pen moves on to bolder things
[00:52.29] Can't hang like a soldier around you
[00:54.17] He who can't compete against a flowing thing
[00:56.03] Blood is the life through the mainframe
[00:57.91] Keep it up top of stray slayings
[01:00.52] Stayin' strong so I maintain
[01:01.46] Through the snow of rain
[01:02.82] Plus the growing pain
[01:04.15] Did someone leave a glowing stain?
[01:05.67] It evaporates my flow's a burning flame
[01:07.52] In a bit it freeze so just relax a bit
[01:10.40] Cause there's Six million ways to live
[01:11.68] Six million, six million ways to live life
[01:14.16] Boy, there's six million ways to live life
[01:16.51] Whole lot to give yo, So we grab mics
[01:19.77] Cause there's six million ways to live lavish
[01:22.23] Beyond all the misery and mathematics
[01:24.74] Cause there's six million ways to live
[01:27.04] Six million ways to live
[01:30.87] How you livin', power driven to the maximus, passionate
[01:32.34] Innocent to where the action is
[01:34.22] A small fraction of the population
[01:36.20] Holding down its occupation
[01:37.59] It's wrong concentration
[01:38.95] A simple conversation
[01:40.17] I'll listen to the rhythm
[01:41.43] Sometimes we don't agree
[01:42.71] But not afraid to talk about it openly
[01:45.06] I took it overseas to lock it down totally
[01:47.18] Package it like groceries
[01:48.56] You take it to the apex
[01:50.86] Even straight brothers golden
[01:53.05] To my peeps across the ocean
[01:55.06] Brother you sober or stay smokin'
[01:57.08] Down-Down to earth or stay floatin'
[01:59.35] Flood gates about to break open
[02:01.83] Six million ways to live
[02:02.64] Six, Six-Six-Six million ways to live life
[02:04.70] Boy, there's six million ways to live life
[02:06.98] Whole lot to give yo, So we grab mice
[02:09.61] Cause there's six million ways to live lavish
[02:11.94] Beyond all the misery and mathematics
[02:14.79] Oh, there's six million ways to live
[02:17.09] Six million ways to live
[02:19.75] Cause there's six million ways to live lavish
[02:22.26] Beyond all the misery and mathematics
[02:24.79] Six million ways to live
[02:26.91] Six million ways to live
[02:30.96] Six million pieces is the puzzle that I'm tryin' to solve
[02:32.60] Over the years evolved
[02:34.01] Thought we'd never fall
[02:35.24] Invincible, on any instrumental
[02:37.44] I live like the Count of Monte Cristo
[02:39.68] Point blank out the pistol
[02:41.25] Dub it while I rip through you
[02:42.53] I got more important things
[02:44.15] Holding championship rings
[02:45.45] If not for the bling
[02:46.84] It fall apart like everything
[02:48.30] I live this way for a while
[02:49.74] Cut the strings and the seams
[02:51.36] We on to better things
[02:52.48] We on to better things (things, things)
[02:54.73] Still livin' (livin', livin', livin')
[02:57.13] Still chillin' (chillin', chillin', chillin')
[03:00.32] Six million ways to live
[03:01.83] Six-Six-Six million ways to live life
[03:04.26] Boy, there's six million ways to live life
[03:06.90] Whole lot to give yo, So we grab mice
[03:09.62] Cause there's six million ways to live lavish
[03:11.94] Beyond all the misery and mathematics
[03:14.69] Oh, there's six million ways to live (Six million)
[03:17.74] Six million ways to live (Six million)
[03:19.99] Cause there's six million ways to live lavish
[03:22.10] Beyond all the misery and mathematics
[03:24.77] Six million ways to live
[03:26.73] Six million ways to live
[04:00.30] Six million ways to live
[04:01.97] Six-Six-Six million ways to live life
[04:04.66] Boy, there's six million ways to live life
[04:07.32] Whole lot to give yo, So we grab mice
[04:09.80] Cause there's six million ways to live lavish
[04:12.05] Beyond all the misery and mathematics
[04:14.74] Oh, there's six million ways to live (Six million)
[04:17.88] Six million ways to live (Six million)
[04:20.12] Cause there's six million ways to live lavish
[04:22.21] Beyond all the misery and mathematics
[04:25.45] Six million ways to live
[04:27.44] Six million ways to live
[00:30.06] 有六百万种方式去生活,我们却肆意挥霍
[00:32.73] 用高级豪华的说唱来演绎
[00:34.27] 带着那没有弹性的床垫
[00:36.49] 一个尖锐的仙人掌,一张毯子
[00:38.03] 在人世间留下印记
[00:39.91] 在普通人中脱颖而出
[00:41.32] 看两眼才能认出坏人
[00:43.54] 眨两眼才能让你心醉
[00:45.06] 360度旋转如同在溜冰场
[00:47.12] 就像是我的生活在太阳系环上绕
[00:49.65] 如此努力想让我的灵魂歌唱
[00:50.52] 可我的笔仍朝着更大胆的地方前进
[00:52.29] 无法像士兵一样伴随你
[00:54.17] 无法与无形的东西抗衡
[00:56.03] 血液穿过主体就是生命
[00:57.91] 将其置于偏离的杀戮之上
[01:00.52] 保持坚强,所以我说
[01:01.46] 穿过那雨夹雪
[01:02.82] 与成长的痛苦
[01:04.15] 是否有人留下发光的污点?
[01:05.67] 它将我的说唱蒸发,就像熊熊烈火
[01:07.52] 一会就会冷却,所以请放松
[01:10.40] 只因有六百万种方式去生活
[01:11.68] 六百万,六百万种方式去过生活
[01:14.16] 六百万种方式去过生活
[01:16.51] 有太多想要诉说,所以我们拿起麦克风
[01:19.77] 只因有六百万种方式去生活,我们却肆意挥霍
[01:22.23] 超越所有的痛苦与算计
[01:24.74] 只因有六百万种方式去生活
[01:27.04] 六百万种方式去生活
[01:30.87] 你过得怎么样,力量驱使你到巅峰,热情呢
[01:32.34] 一脸无辜地不知所措
[01:34.22] 在茫茫人群中的一小部分
[01:36.20] 紧抓的一份工作
[01:37.59] 这是错误的关注点
[01:38.95] 一次简单的谈话
[01:40.17] 我将会听着节奏
[01:41.43] 有时我们会有分歧
[01:42.71] 但不怕将它放开来谈
[01:45.06] 我置身事外,将它锁进内心
[01:47.18] 如同杂物将其打包
[01:48.56] 你将其带入顶端
[01:50.86] 即使直来直往,也兄弟齐心
[01:53.05] 穿过汪洋大海,也与你相望
[01:55.06] 哥们无论你是清醒还是抽着
[01:57.08] 深-深入地下或在空中漂浮
[01:59.35] 洪水闸门即将打开
[02:01.83] 有六百万种方式去生活
[02:02.64] 六,六,六,六百万种方式去生活
[02:04.70] 哥们,有六百万种方式去生活
[02:06.98] 有太多想要诉说,所以我们拿起麦克风
[02:09.61] 只因有六百万种方式去生活,我们却肆意挥霍
[02:11.94] 超越所有的痛苦与算计
[02:14.79] 喔,有六百万种方式去生活
[02:17.09] 六百万种方式去生活
[02:19.75] 只因有六百万种方式去生活,我们却肆意挥霍
[02:22.26] 超越所有的痛苦与算计
[02:24.79] 六百万种方式去生活
[02:26.91] 六百万种方式去生活
[02:30.96] 我想要拼揍起六百万片拼图
[02:32.60] 时过境迁
[02:34.01] 我本以为我们绝不会堕落
[02:35.24] 驾轻就熟,无论什么器乐
[02:37.44] 我如同基督山伯爵一般活着
[02:39.68] 将手枪打空
[02:41.25] 趁我偷袭你时扣响它
[02:42.53] 我还有更重要的事情要做
[02:44.15] 戴好冠军戒指
[02:45.45] 若不是为了闪耀
[02:46.84] 它就像其他一切,会粉碎
[02:48.30] 我只会这样生活一小会儿
[02:49.74] 切断绳索与缝合
[02:51.36] 我们要做得更好
[02:52.48] 我们要做得更好(更好,更好)
[02:54.73] 仍旧活着(活着,活着,活着)
[02:57.13] 仍旧呼着(呼着,呼着,呼着)
[03:00.32] 六百万种方式去生活
[03:01.83] 六-六-六百万种方式去生活
[03:04.26] 小子,六百万种方式去生活
[03:06.90] 有太多想要诉说,所以我们拿起麦克风
[03:09.62] 只因有六百万种方式去生活,我们却肆意挥霍
[03:11.94] 超越所有的痛苦与算计
[03:14.69] 喔,有六百万种方式去生活(六百万)
[03:17.74] 六百万种方式去生活(六百万)
[03:19.99] 只因有六百万种方式去生活,我们却肆意挥霍
[03:22.10] 超越所有的痛苦与算计
[03:24.77] 六百万种方式去生活
[03:26.73] 六百万种方式去生活
[04:00.30] 六百万种方式去生活
[04:01.97] 六-六-六百万种方式去生活
[04:04.66] 小子,六百万种方式去生活
[04:07.32] 有太多想要诉说,所以我们拿起麦克风
[04:09.80] 只因有六百万种方式去生活,我们却肆意挥霍
[04:12.05] 超越所有的痛苦与算计
[04:14.74] 喔,有六百万种方式去生活(六百万)
[04:17.88] 六百万种方式去生活(六百万)
[04:20.12] 只因有六百万种方式去生活,我们却将生命挥霍
[04:22.21] 在所有痛苦与算计之上
[04:25.45] 六百万种方式去生活
[04:27.44] 六百万种方式去生活
Six Million Ways To Live 歌词
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