Gots no Milli Vanill in me, sincerity constantly, no prefabri- |
cation, prefabrication! The words live free. Question the |
intentions of this alternative generation, and do we even |
realize all that we do effects all life? Let us not stifle |
statement beneath false egos, style, or trends, or we surren- |
der that which can salvage a human life. Can't prostitutiona- |
lize it! Will we let the external taint the internal? Be the |
brother in struggle, but don't sucker yourself. Our words |
exceed the emnence of the musical. Is 'Doc Martin' moe impor- |
tant than a movement, or is it so cheap that a passing style |
is what makes you sleep? You must understand the value of your |
light! Don't prostitutionalize it! These eyes will not sleep! |
I am more than a musical byproduct. |