Welcome to my hell |
Last chapter of this tale |
Last stop in your exile |
And sweet end to see our lives entwined |
Lurra esnatzen ari da |
Welcome to my hell |
From where there's no escape |
Accipere quam faccere praestat iniuriam |
Ab improbitas initium sumpsit omnis perditio |
Ez ahaztu nor zaren, zertarako zaude zu hemen |
Nire oroitzapenek deitzen naute |
Oihuka neure arimatik |
Welcome to my hell |
Last chapter of this tale |
Last stop in your exile |
And sweet end to see our lives entwined |
Lurra esnatzen ari da |
Welcome to my hell |
From where there's no escape |
Accipere quam faccere praestat iniuriam |
Ab improbitas initium sumpsit omnis perditio |
Ez ahaztu nor zaren, zertarako zaude zu hemen |
Nire oroitzapenek deitzen naute |
Oihuka neure arimatik |
Nire oroitzapenek deitzen naute |
Oihuka neure arimatik |