The Power's in Your Hand

歌曲 The Power's in Your Hand
歌手 Nostradameus
专辑 The Prophet of Evil


My dear sweet prince,
I've seen you in my dreams
Your rise and fall,
I've seen it all,
I wonder how you feel
Now you're on the run, your world is torn apart
Can't you see how it's meant to be?
Have faith and trust in me
I'll show you all the prophet have seen, since the dawn of time
I'll give you strength to change the future, to justify the crimes
Now the darkness rules our land
But the power's in your hand
Since you're lonely you are week
For the faithful you must seek [Prince:]
Who are you to talk so strange
Who are you to tell me what
I want Who are you to call me leader
Who are you to tell me what to do [The prophet of all times:]
I'm the one since dawn of time
I'm the one to tell you how things are
I'm the prophet of all times
I will help you find the way to go [Solo Jake / Michael / Both] [The prophet of all times:]
The faithful leader of the good ones is now in town
You must go see him, now, at once, to justify the crimes [Chorus] [Chorus]