
歌曲 Exile
歌手 Enya
专辑 Watermark


[00:03] Cold as the northern winds
[00:11] in December mornings,
[00:22] Cold is the cry that rings
[00:32] from this far distant shore.
[00:42] Winter hase too late,
[00:51] too close beside me.
[01:00] How can I chase away
[01:08] all these fears deep inside?
[03:07][02:29] I'll wait the signs toe.
[03:15][01:26] I'll find a way.
[03:20][01:31] I will wait the time toe.
[03:29][01:40] I'll find a way home.
[01:49] My light shall be the moon,
[01:58] and my path - the ocean.
[02:07] My guide the morning star,
[02:16] as I sail home to you.
[03:35] Who then can warm my soul?
[03:43] Who can quell my passion?
[03:52] Out of these dreams - a boat
[04:01] I will sail home to you.


[00:03] lǐn liè rú běi fāng de fēng
[00:11] zài shí èr yuè de zǎo chén
[00:22] hán lěng xiàng kū shēng yí yàng jiǔ jiǔ pán xuán
[00:32] pán xuán zài zhè yáo yuǎn de hǎi biān
[00:42] dōng tiān zǒng shì tài jiǔ
[00:51] yī zhí jǐn jǐn qián fú zài wǒ shēn biān
[01:00] wǒ gāi rú hé qū sàn
[01:08] wǒ nèi xīn shēn chù de suǒ yǒu kǒng jù
[01:26] wǒ zhǎo dào chū lù la
[01:31] wǒ huì děng zhe shí jiān jiāng jǐn
[01:40] zhǎo dào huí jiā de lù
[01:49] yuè liàng cái shì wǒ de dēng
[01:58] zài lù shàng zhǐ yǐn zháo wǒ yě zhào liàng zhěng piàn hǎi yáng
[02:07] qǐ míng xīng yě shì wǒ de xiàng dǎo
[02:16] dāng wǒ yáng fān huí jiā huí dào nǐ shēn biān
[02:29] wǒ huì děng zhe zhǒng zhǒng jī xiàng xiāo shī
[03:07] wǒ huì děng zhe zhǒng zhǒng jī xiàng xiāo shī
[03:15] wǒ zhǎo dào chū lù la
[03:20] wǒ huì děng zhe shí jiān jiāng jǐn
[03:29] zhǎo dào huí jiā de lù
[03:35] dàn shuí yòu néng wēn nuǎn wǒ de xīn ne
[03:43] shuí yòu néng píng xī wǒ de fèn nù ne
[03:52] zài suǒ yǒu zhèi xiē mèng zhōng yī sōu chuán chū fā le
[04:01] wǒ huì yáng fān huí jiā huí dào nǐ shēn biān