
思亲恋故乡 歌词

歌曲 思亲恋故乡
歌手 欧牧优诺
专辑 阿莫尼惹
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作词 : 彝族民歌
作曲 : 彝族民歌
08. Homesickness
Mother’s dear Daughter,
Brother and sister came together,
But brother went back home first.
And it’s hard for sister to return home from then on.
The horse carried Daughter here,
And the horse went back home,
Leaving Daughter behind alone.
There used to be an agreement,
That cloud escorted rain,
But cloud and rain must return home together.
Now the mountain is surrounded by clouds.
But rain flows into the soil of other places.
Water sees fish off,
Water and fish go back home together.
But now water shelters the stones,
Leaving fish behind among the messy stones.
Deedles see threads off,
And they return home together.
But now the needles have been put back in the box,
Leaving the threads back alone on the clothes.
The bow sees of the the arrow,
And they come back home together.
The bow was hung on the wall,
But the arrow was placed in another place.
Brother see sister off,
And they should return home together.
Brother is now back home, staying together with our parents.
Leaving his sister back at husband’s home, suffering a lot.
Mother’s beloved daughter,
Nine strong buffalos want to cultivate field together,
But the field is divided into nine pieces in nine different places.
Nine fishes want to swim together,
But the river is divided into nine ones in nine different places.
Nine sisters want to live together,
But there are nine different husbands in different places.
Stones drowned under water can’s flow upwards,
Nor can waterfall flow upwards, either.
The married daughter can’t head back.
Daughter’s father and brother,
When you throw a stone away,
You should hear the falling sound.
When you graze horses in the back mountains,
You should know the grassland is good.
There is cruel mothers among birds,
Wild goose is the best example.
She brings her children up,
And pushes them to fly across the wide sky.
There are also cruel mothers among human beings,
She has just brought daughter up,
But she married daughter to someone in the remote places.
Mother’s dear Daughter,
Since you have become other’s wife,
Other Yi people can also be considered as my husband’s family members.
Other mountains and rivers can also be considered as a part of my husband’s family.
The cold trees also belong to a part of my husband’s family.
The Grassland shelters skylarks,
And the cliff shelters bees.
Rivers shelter fishes,
And Mother’s home sheters daughter.
It’s a long distance across mountains,
And there’s no contact between father and daughter for a long time.   
It’s a long distance across valleys and dams,
And there’s no contact between mother and daughter for a long time.  
Daughter has nobody to express her sadness to,
But heart is not blocked by mountains and rivers.
So she has to speak her minds across mountains and rivers.
It’s hard to correspond with parents,
And the arrived news are confusing.
There are three kinds of news in the same day.
And there are three weeps each day.
Daughter torures a lot.
Mother’s dear Daughter,
The singings of cuckoos,
Remind me of my deep affection for Mother.
When wild geese fly by,
It makes me miss my mother bitterly.
Daughter has difficulty meeting parents in a remote place,
So in the daytime I regard the sun as father,
And at night, I regard the moon as mother.
Fir trees remind me of my father,
And the green vines remind me of my mother.
ꀃ ꃆꌺꅩꁠꇁꀐꆺ
ꃆꌺꀱꈢꑳ ꅩꌺꀱꈢꀋꏹꀐ
ꀃꑴ ꀋꉊꉪꇬꆏꀒꆺ
ꃅꄂꂿꃅꐮꐊꇁ ꐮꐊꀱꃅꄑꀒ
ꀃꑴ ꀋꃅꀕꄂꁧꀑꏸ ꂿꃅꊖꉎꃶꀐꆺ
ꀆꑴꀆ ꀆꐒꉛꌺꐯꐊꇁ ꐮꐊꀱꃅꄑꀒ
ꀃꑴ ꀋꃅꀆꐒꇉꄛꃶ ꉛꌺꆻꄧꎊꇉꃲꀑꆺ
ꑱꑟꐯꐊꇁ ꐮꐊꀱꃅꄑꀒ
ꀃꑴ ꀋꃅꑱꆏꑱꑭꊩ ꑟꆏꃢꈜꉀꎊꇉ ꀑꂼ
ꀆꑴꀆ ꐳꉹꐯꐊꇁ ꐮꐊꀱꃅꄑꀒ
ꀋꃅꉹꆏꈻꇬꇦ ꐳꆏꋀꃅꍯꎐꇉꂼ
ꂛꊨꅩꃚꇁꀋ ꐮꐊꀱꃅꄑꀒ
ꀊꃅꂛꊨꈢꇬꆹ ꅩꌺꁮꃅꐥꇉꃲꀐꂼ
ꀆꑴꀅ ꀉꂿꅩꌺꎷꀒ
ꀃꑴ ꉢꉪꉣꀿꉣꃀꄀꆏꈜꀕꎬꀐꆺ
ꀆꑴꀆ ꉨꆹꁮꐚꋌꁌꇜꃄꉨꀐꆺ
ꀃꑴ ꃅꅉꈬꁍꈬꈚꐛꎊꂾꀐꂼ
ꀆꑴ ꅩꌺꈬꏢꋍꈐꑟꃅꉩꀒ
ꀃꑴ ꆂꒉꈬꏢꈬꈚꒉꇉꃳ ꀒꂼ
ꀆꑴ ꑌꎔꑌꃨꈬꑻꋍꈚꄒꃄꉨꀑꆺ
ꀃꑴ ꑌꎔꈬꑻꈬꁯꐛꎊꃲ ꀒꂼ
ꆈꊰꒉꇬꃶꀉ ꆈꄯꒉꄩꅐꀋꑳꀒ
ꀃꑴ ꒉꀕꀏꋍꒉ ꒉꀕꀱꀋꑳ
ꀆꑴꀆ ꅩꌺꌐꅍꊰ ꅩꌺꀱꉐꑳꀋꉆ
ꀇꑴ ꀋꁧꂛꊨꊈ ꀉꄉꀉꇬꊈ
ꇈꅣꆿꀕꉐ ꇉꊰꃤꇬꆏ
ꃅꆗꁧꉐꀕ ꏜꋦꅉꇫꉬꀒ
ꀆꑴꀆ ꅐꏭꀉꂿꇫꇈꐥꀒ
ꀃꑴ ꅐꏮꈭꏅꀋꂿꇬꀑꆺ
ꀆꑴꀆ ꅐꌺꋋꐊꀉꒈꆏ ꅐꌺꋋꅸꂾꃴꎭꀐꆺ
ꀃꑴ ꊿꐥꀉꂿꈭꇬꑋ ꀒꆺ
ꀆꑴꀅ ꀉꂿꅩꏁꀉꒈꆎ ꅩꏸꌐꅍꎭꀑꆺ
ꀃꑴ ꀉꂿꅩꌺꑌꁦꃅꃀꃅꐚꀐꆺ
ꊽꃅꏣꑟꉠꏣꑟ ꆀꌺꎭꌺꉠꏣꑟ ꀔ
ꀃꑴ ꊽꃅꁧꎔꒉꀕꉠꈢꃤꀒ
ꀆꑳꀆ ꌜꆹꁧꌋꑌꉢꃅꃤꀒ
ꀃꑴ ꇉꃨꈤꌜꌋꑌꉢꃅꃤꀒ
ꀆꑴꀆ ꐧꑿꁌꄑꀿꃅꉠꃪꑋꀒ
ꀃꑴ ꅩꌺꇵꄓꀿꃅꇓꆂꒉꀒ
ꀆꑴꀆ ꅩꌺꇵꄓꀿꃄꆏꀒ
ꀃꑴ ꀋꁧꀉꇫꃰꀒꆺ
ꁧꇢꇉꇢꎭꀋ ꀋꁧꀉꇬꅇꀋꈨꀒ
ꀃꑴ ꁍꇢꑗꇢꎭꀊ ꀉꂿꃀꇭꅇꀋꈨꀑꆺ
ꀆꑴꀆ ꅩꌺꎭꅇꄛꀋꊌꃲ
ꀃꑴ ꁧꇢꇉꇢꑋ ꈨꑟꀋꇢꃰꀒꆺ
ꀃꑴ ꀿꃀꅇꀋꈨ ꅇꈨꑌꅇꀋꐚꀑꆺ
ꀆꑴꀆ ꋍꑍꌕꑵꈨ ꋍꑍꌕꈭꉨꆸꄿꀒꆺ
ꀃꑴ ꅩꌺꑌꐥꎷ ꀉꂿꅩꌺꑋꀒꆺ
ꌩꄩꇪꀮꆭꆎꎷ ꀉꂿꉂꃄꎷ
ꃅꃴꈭꏂꈜꀕꆏ ꆀꇁꌱꈴꑌꃄꎸ
ꀆꑴꀆ ꅩꌺꊽꃅꐥ ꃮꆫꑓꋩꀿꃅꉫ
ꇉꄩꁦꀑꂾꀐꆏ ꀉꄉꎺꇁꃲꀒꆺ
ꇉꄩꈨꁮꂿꀐꆏ ꀉꂿꉂꇁꃲꀐ
zuo ci : yi zu min ge
zuo qu : yi zu min ge
ma ma de nv er yo
ge ge mei mei yi tong lai
ge ge hui le jia
mei mei cong ci nan hui le
ma er zai nv yi tong lai
ma er hui jia le
nv er cong ci nan hui le
cong qian you yue yan
yun gei yu song xing
yun yu yi tong fan
er jin yun hui rao shan ling
yu que shen ru ta xiang tu
shui gei yu song xing
shui yu yi tong fan
er jin shui man shi tou qu
yu que pao zai luan shi tan
zhen gei xian song xing
zhen xian yi tong fan
er jin zhen yi hui zhen he
xian que lian liu yi shang bian
gong gei jian song xing
gong jian yi tong fan
er jin gong you gua bi shang
jian que cha zai ta xiang di
ge gei mei song xing
ge mei yi tong fan
er jin ge hui jia pei fu mu
mei que liu po shou jian ao
  ma ma de nv er yo
jiu tou jian niu xiang zai yi qi geng di
di you jiu kuai fen jiu chu
jiu tiao yu er xiang zai yi qi you
jiang you jiu tiao fen jiu chu
jiu ge jie mei xiang zai yi qi guo
fu you jiu jia fen jiu chu qu le
chen shui de shi tou bu hui wang shang fu
luo jian de pu bu bu hui wang shang liu
chu jia de nv er bu neng zai hui zou
nv er de fu xiong a
pao shi dao yuan chu
yao ting luo di sheng
fang ma dao shan hou
yao zhi cao chang hao
niao lei zhong you hen xin niang
yao shu lan tian yan
ta ba chu er wei da
bi shang mang mang chang kong qu
ren lei zhong ye you hen xin niang
ta ba nv er gang yang cheng
jia dao yuan fang pi rang qu
  ma ma de nv er yo
ji ran cheng ren fu
ta xiang yi ren que suan wo po jia
ta xiang shan shui ye suan wo po jia shan shui
kao zhe leng shu ye shi wo po jia
yun que kao bei shi cao yuan
mi feng kao bei shi xuan ya
yu er kao bei shi jiang he
nv er kao bei shi niang jia
chong shan ge chang lu
fu nv yin xin zhang ge le
gou ju ge chang lu
mu nv yin xin zhang ge le
nv er shang xin hua mei chu jiang
ge shan ge shui bu ge xin
zhi you ge shan ge shui jiang
fu mu xin nan tong
yin xin zhong ban qing ban bu qing
yi tian ting dao san zhong hua
yi tian ku san chang
nv er zhen nan ao
ma ma de nv er yo
bu gu niao sheng sheng jiao
qian dong nv er huai mu qing
hong yan fei guo shi
you dao ku nv nian mu shi
nv er zai ta xiang nan ba fu mu jian
bai tian ba tai yang dang fu qin
wan shang ba yue liang dang mu qin
wang jian shan shu jiu xiang fu qin
wang jian qing teng jiu xiang mu qin
08. Homesickness
Mother' s dear Daughter,
Brother and sister came together,
But brother went back home first.
And it' s hard for sister to return home from then on.
The horse carried Daughter here,
And the horse went back home,
Leaving Daughter behind alone.
There used to be an agreement,
That cloud escorted rain,
But cloud and rain must return home together.
Now the mountain is surrounded by clouds.
But rain flows into the soil of other places.
Water sees fish off,
Water and fish go back home together.
But now water shelters the stones,
Leaving fish behind among the messy stones.
Deedles see threads off,
And they return home together.
But now the needles have been put back in the box,
Leaving the threads back alone on the clothes.
The bow sees of the the arrow,
And they come back home together.
The bow was hung on the wall,
But the arrow was placed in another place.
Brother see sister off,
And they should return home together.
Brother is now back home, staying together with our parents.
Leaving his sister back at husband' s home, suffering a lot.
Mother' s beloved daughter,
Nine strong buffalos want to cultivate field together,
But the field is divided into nine pieces in nine different places.
Nine fishes want to swim together,
But the river is divided into nine ones in nine different places.
Nine sisters want to live together,
But there are nine different husbands in different places.
Stones drowned under water can' s flow upwards,
Nor can waterfall flow upwards, either.
The married daughter can' t head back.
Daughter' s father and brother,
When you throw a stone away,
You should hear the falling sound.
When you graze horses in the back mountains,
You should know the grassland is good.
There is cruel mothers among birds,
Wild goose is the best example.
She brings her children up,
And pushes them to fly across the wide sky.
There are also cruel mothers among human beings,
She has just brought daughter up,
But she married daughter to someone in the remote places.
Mother' s dear Daughter,
Since you have become other' s wife,
Other Yi people can also be considered as my husband' s family members.
Other mountains and rivers can also be considered as a part of my husband' s family.
The cold trees also belong to a part of my husband' s family.
The Grassland shelters skylarks,
And the cliff shelters bees.
Rivers shelter fishes,
And Mother' s home sheters daughter.
It' s a long distance across mountains,
And there' s no contact between father and daughter for a long time.   
It' s a long distance across valleys and dams,
And there' s no contact between mother and daughter for a long time.  
Daughter has nobody to express her sadness to,
But heart is not blocked by mountains and rivers.
So she has to speak her minds across mountains and rivers.
It' s hard to correspond with parents,
And the arrived news are confusing.
There are three kinds of news in the same day.
And there are three weeps each day.
Daughter torures a lot.
Mother' s dear Daughter,
The singings of cuckoos,
Remind me of my deep affection for Mother.
When wild geese fly by,
It makes me miss my mother bitterly.
Daughter has difficulty meeting parents in a remote place,
So in the daytime I regard the sun as father,
And at night, I regard the moon as mother.
Fir trees remind me of my father,
And the green vines remind me of my mother.
yi wen:
zuò cí : yí zú mín gē
zuò qǔ : yí zú mín gē
mā mā de nǚ ér yō
gē ge mèi mei yī tóng lái
gē ge huí le jiā
mèi mei cóng cǐ nán huí le
mǎ ér zài nǚ yī tóng lái
mǎ ér huí jiā le
nǚ ér cóng cǐ nán huí le
cóng qián yǒu yuē yán
yún gěi yǔ sòng xíng
yún yǔ yī tóng fǎn
ér jīn yún huí rào shān lǐng
yǔ què shèn rù tā xiāng tǔ
shuǐ gěi yú sòng xíng
shuǐ yú yī tóng fǎn
ér jīn shuǐ màn shí tou qù
yú què pāo zài luàn shí tān
zhēn gěi xiàn sòng xíng
zhēn xiàn yī tóng fǎn
ér jīn zhēn yǐ huí zhēn hé
xiàn què lián liú yī shang biān
gōng gěi jiàn sòng xíng
gōng jiàn yī tóng fǎn
ér jīn gōng yòu guà bì shàng
jiàn què chā zài tā xiāng dì
gē gěi mèi sòng xíng
gē mèi yī tóng fǎn
ér jīn gē huí jiā péi fù mǔ
mèi què liú pó shòu jiān áo
  mā mā de nǚ ér yō
jiǔ tóu jiān niú xiǎng zài yì qǐ gēng dì
dì yǒu jiǔ kuài fēn jiǔ chù
jiǔ tiáo yú ér xiǎng zài yì qǐ yóu
jiāng yǒu jiǔ tiáo fēn jiǔ chù
jiǔ gè jiě mèi xiǎng zài yì qǐ guò
fū yǒu jiǔ jiā fēn jiǔ chù qù le
chén shuǐ de shí tou bú huì wǎng shàng fú
luò jiàn de pù bù bú huì wǎng shàng liú
chū jià de nǚ ér bù néng zài huí zǒu
nǚ ér de fù xiōng a
pāo shí dào yuǎn chù
yào tīng luò dì shēng
fàng mǎ dào shān hòu
yào zhī cǎo chǎng hǎo
niǎo lèi zhōng yǒu hěn xīn niáng
yào shù lán tiān yàn
tā bǎ chú ér wèi dà
bī shàng máng máng cháng kōng qù
rén lèi zhōng yě yǒu hěn xīn niáng
tā bǎ nǚ ér gāng yǎng chéng
jià dào yuǎn fāng pì rǎng qù
  mā mā de nǚ ér yō
jì rán chéng rén fù
tā xiāng yí rén què suàn wǒ pó jiā
tā xiāng shān shuǐ yě suàn wǒ pó jiā shān shuǐ
kào zhe lěng shù yě shì wǒ pó jiā
yún què kào bèi shì cǎo yuán
mì fēng kào bèi shì xuán yá
yú ér kào bèi shì jiāng hé
nǚ ér kào bèi shì niáng jiā
chóng shān gé cháng lù
fù nǚ yīn xìn zhǎng gé le
gōu jù gé cháng lù
mǔ nǚ yīn xìn zhǎng gé le
nǚ ér shāng xīn huā méi chù jiǎng
gé shān gé shuǐ bù gé xīn
zhǐ yǒu gé shān gé shuǐ jiǎng
fù mǔ xìn nán tōng
yīn xìn zhōng bàn qīng bàn bù qīng
yì tiān tīng dào sān zhǒng huà
yì tiān kū sān chǎng
nǚ ér zhēn nán áo
mā mā de nǚ ér yō
bù gǔ niǎo shēng shēng jiào
qiān dòng nǚ ér huái mǔ qíng
hóng yàn fēi guò shí
yòu dào kǔ nǚ niàn mǔ shí
nǚ ér zài tā xiāng nán bǎ fù mǔ jiàn
bái tiān bǎ tài yáng dāng fù qīn
wǎn shàng bǎ yuè liàng dāng mǔ qīn
wàng jiàn shān shù jiù xiǎng fù qīn
wàng jiàn qīng téng jiù xiǎng mǔ qīn
08. Homesickness
Mother' s dear Daughter,
Brother and sister came together,
But brother went back home first.
And it' s hard for sister to return home from then on.
The horse carried Daughter here,
And the horse went back home,
Leaving Daughter behind alone.
There used to be an agreement,
That cloud escorted rain,
But cloud and rain must return home together.
Now the mountain is surrounded by clouds.
But rain flows into the soil of other places.
Water sees fish off,
Water and fish go back home together.
But now water shelters the stones,
Leaving fish behind among the messy stones.
Deedles see threads off,
And they return home together.
But now the needles have been put back in the box,
Leaving the threads back alone on the clothes.
The bow sees of the the arrow,
And they come back home together.
The bow was hung on the wall,
But the arrow was placed in another place.
Brother see sister off,
And they should return home together.
Brother is now back home, staying together with our parents.
Leaving his sister back at husband' s home, suffering a lot.
Mother' s beloved daughter,
Nine strong buffalos want to cultivate field together,
But the field is divided into nine pieces in nine different places.
Nine fishes want to swim together,
But the river is divided into nine ones in nine different places.
Nine sisters want to live together,
But there are nine different husbands in different places.
Stones drowned under water can' s flow upwards,
Nor can waterfall flow upwards, either.
The married daughter can' t head back.
Daughter' s father and brother,
When you throw a stone away,
You should hear the falling sound.
When you graze horses in the back mountains,
You should know the grassland is good.
There is cruel mothers among birds,
Wild goose is the best example.
She brings her children up,
And pushes them to fly across the wide sky.
There are also cruel mothers among human beings,
She has just brought daughter up,
But she married daughter to someone in the remote places.
Mother' s dear Daughter,
Since you have become other' s wife,
Other Yi people can also be considered as my husband' s family members.
Other mountains and rivers can also be considered as a part of my husband' s family.
The cold trees also belong to a part of my husband' s family.
The Grassland shelters skylarks,
And the cliff shelters bees.
Rivers shelter fishes,
And Mother' s home sheters daughter.
It' s a long distance across mountains,
And there' s no contact between father and daughter for a long time.   
It' s a long distance across valleys and dams,
And there' s no contact between mother and daughter for a long time.  
Daughter has nobody to express her sadness to,
But heart is not blocked by mountains and rivers.
So she has to speak her minds across mountains and rivers.
It' s hard to correspond with parents,
And the arrived news are confusing.
There are three kinds of news in the same day.
And there are three weeps each day.
Daughter torures a lot.
Mother' s dear Daughter,
The singings of cuckoos,
Remind me of my deep affection for Mother.
When wild geese fly by,
It makes me miss my mother bitterly.
Daughter has difficulty meeting parents in a remote place,
So in the daytime I regard the sun as father,
And at night, I regard the moon as mother.
Fir trees remind me of my father,
And the green vines remind me of my mother.
yí wén:
思亲恋故乡 歌词
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