The Sound Of Silence - Live

歌曲 The Sound Of Silence - Live
歌手 Paul Simon
歌手 The Jesse Dixon Singers
歌手 Urubamba
专辑 Paul Simon In Concert: Live Rhymin'


[00:20.070] Hello darkness my old friend.
[00:23.690] I've come 2 talk with U again.
[00:28.170] Because a vision softly creeping.
[00:31.880] Left its seeds while I was sleeping.
[00:37.440] And the vision that was planted in my brain.
[00:43.130] Still remains.
[00:47.910] Within the sound of silence
[00:53.460] In restless dreams I walk alone.
[00:58.040] Narrow streets of cobble stone.
[01:02.460] 'Neath the halo of a street lamp.
[01:06.780] I turned my collar 2 the cold & damp.
[01:11.530] When my eyes were stabbled by the flash of a neon light.
[01:18.630] That split the night.
[01:22.380] And touched the sound of silence.
[01:27.660] And in the naked night I saw.
[01:32.150] Ten thousand people maybe more.
[01:37.300] People talking without speaking.
[01:41.350] People hearing without listening.
[01:46.000] People writing songs that voices never share.
[01:53.420] And no one dare.
[01:56.780] Disturb the sound of silence.
[02:02.890] "Fool" said I "U do not know."
[02:07.080] "Silence like a cancer grows."
[02:11.360] Hear my words that I might teach U."
[02:16.000] "Take my arms that I might reach U."
[02:20.170] But my words like silent rain-drops fell.
[02:29.580] And echoed in the wells of silence.
[02:37.000] And the people bow & prayed.
[02:41.280] To the neon God they made.
[02:45.470] And the sign flash out its warning.
[02:50.020] In the words that it was forming
[02:54.300] And the sign said "The words of the prophers.
[02:58.020] Are written the subway walls & tenement halls".
[03:05.210] And whispered in the sounds of silence.


[00:20.070] hēi àn, wǒ de zhì yǒu.
[00:23.690] wǒ yǔ nǐ zài cì xiāng jiàn.
[00:28.170] yīn wèi yí gè huàn yǐng qīng qīng qián rù,
[00:31.880] chèn wǒ shú shuì shí mái xià zhǒng zi.
[00:37.440] bù liào yǐng zi yǐ zhí rù wǒ nǎo.
[00:43.130] zhì jīn réng zài,
[00:47.910] zài jì jìng zhī shēng zhōng yíng rào.
[00:53.460] zài bù ān de mèng zhōng, wǒ dú zì xíng zǒu.
[00:58.040] é luǎn shí de xiǎo dào shèn shì xiá cháng.
[01:02.460] zài lù dēng de zhào yào xià,
[01:06.780] wǒ shù qǐ yī lǐng dǐ dǎng hán lěng,
[01:11.530] dāng wǒ de yǎn jīng bèi ní hóng guāng bǔ zhuō dào shí,
[01:18.630] guāng huà tiān kōng,
[01:22.380] qīng chù jì shēng.
[01:27.660] tòu guò wú xiá zhī guāng, wǒ kàn dào.
[01:32.150] qiān qiān wàn wàn de rén, huò gèng duō.
[01:37.300] rén men jiān kǒu, qīng shù xīn shēng
[01:41.350] rén men wǎng wén, shēng shēng rù ěr
[01:46.000] rén men xiě zhe cóng wèi chuán chàng de qǔ diào.
[01:53.420] wú rén,
[01:56.780] huá pò jì shēng.
[02:02.890] " shǎ guā", wǒ shuō," nǐ jiàn shí bù guǎng"
[02:07.080] " jìng mò rú ái yì bān fēng cháng"
[02:11.360] yǒu yì jiào huì, wǒ dāng jiào shòu, nǐ dāng tīng qǔ
[02:16.000] zhù zi bì bǎng, wǒ xīn yù jí, nǐ dāng wǎn qǐ
[02:20.170] rán yú zhī yīn, qiǎo rán là xià, rú yǔ diǎn dī
[02:29.580] jì jìng zhī jǐng nèi céng céng huí dàng
[02:37.000] rén men mó bài qí dǎo
[02:41.280] ní hóng shén míng de xiàng
[02:45.470] gào shì pái shàng, shén zhī jǐng gào
[02:50.020] zhēn yán chéng háng, ruò yǐn ruò xiàn
[02:54.300] gào shì pái shàng xiě zhe," xiān xián de zhēn yán, kè huà zài dì tiě de qiáng shàng,
[02:58.020] yǐ jí gōng yù zǒu láng"
[03:05.210] jì jìng zhī shēng, qīng shēng ěr yǔ