Moment Of Truth

Moment Of Truth 歌词

歌曲 Moment Of Truth
歌手 Gang Starr
专辑 Moment Of Truth
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[00:00.80] No matta wat we face
[00:02.98] We mus face the moment of truth babe
[00:11.32] They say it's lonely at the top in whatever you do
[00:13.68] You always gotta watch mother****ers around you
[00:16.19] Nobody's invincible no plan is foolproof
[00:18.98] We all must meet our moment of truth
[00:21.14] The same sheisty cats that you hang with and do your thang with
[00:23.99] Could set you up and wet you up nigga peep the language
[00:27.09] It's universal, you play with fire it may hurt you
[00:29.51] Or burn you, lessons are blessings you should learn through
[00:32.26] Let's face facts, although MC's lace tracks
[00:34.65] It doesn't mean behind the scenes there ain't no dirt to trace back
[00:37.24] That goes for all of us, there ain't nobody to trust
[00:39.88] It's like sabotage, it's got me ready to bust
[00:42.45] But I can't jeopardize, what I have done up to this point
[00:45.45] So I'ma get more guys, to help me run the whole joint
[00:47.83] Cultivate, multiply, motivate, or else we'll die
[00:50.64] You know I be the master of the who what where and why
[00:53.08] See when you're shinin', some chumps'll wanna dull ya
[00:56.13] Always selfish jealous punks, will wanna pull ya
[00:58.73] Down, just like some shellfish in a bucket
[01:01.51] 'Cause they love it, to see your ass squirm like a worm
[01:03.89] But just as you'll receive what is comin' to you
[01:06.44] Everybody else is gonna get theirs too
[01:09.20] I ain't no saint, therefore I cannot dispute
[01:12.14] That everyone must meet their moment of truth
[01:14.66] Actions have reactions, don't be quick to judge
[01:17.52] You may not know the hardships people don't speak of
[01:19.82] It's best to step back, and observe with couth
[01:22.58] For we all must meet our moment of truth
[01:25.08] Sometimes you gotta dig deep, when problems come near
[01:27.88] Don't fear things get severe for everybody, everywhere
[01:30.56] Why do bad things happen, to good people?
[01:33.09] Seems that life is just a constant war between good and evil
[01:35.86] The situation that I'm facin', is mad amazin'
[01:38.15] To think such problems can arise from minor confrontations
[01:41.46] Now I'm contemplatin' in my bedroom pacin'
[01:43.72] Dark clouds over my head, my heart's racin'
[01:46.52] Suicide? Nah, I'm not a foolish guy
[01:48.74] Don't even feel like drinkin' or even gettin' high
[01:51.55] 'Cause all that's gonna do really, is accelerate
[01:54.13] The anxieties that I wish I could alleviate
[01:57.02] But wait, I've been through a whole lot of other shit, before
[01:59.35] So I oughta be able, to withstand some more
[02:02.18] But I'm sweatin' though, my eyes are turnin' red and yo
[02:05.22] I'm ready to lose my mind but instead I use my mind
[02:07.89] I put down the knife, and take the bullets out my nine
[02:10.38] My only crime, was that I'm too damn kind
[02:12.68] And now some skanless mother****ers wanna take what's mine
[02:15.39] But they can't take the respect, that I've earned in my lifetime
[02:18.42] And you know they'll never stop the furious force of my rhymes
[02:20.94] So like they say, every dog has it's day
[02:23.61] And like they say, God works in a mysterious way
[02:26.38] So I pray, rememberin' the days of my youth
[02:28.82] As I prepare to meet my moment of truth
[02:44.28] You should know the truth
[02:44.87] And the truth shall set you free
[02:45.39] Yo I got one lyric pointed at your head for start
[02:46.78] Another one, is pointed at your weak ass heart
[02:49.12] Now if I pull the trigger, on these fully loaded lines
[02:52.08] You're gonna wish I woulda pulled a black nine, I mack dimes
[02:54.11] Crack the spines of the fake gangsters
[02:57.36] Yeah the bitin' triflin' niggaz, and the studio pranksters
[03:00.00] Yo lookin' at the situation plainly, will you remain G?
[03:04.22] Or will you be looked upon strangely?
[03:05.41] I reign as the articulator, with the greater data
[03:07.82] Revolvin' on the TASCAM much doper than my last jam
[03:10.92] While others struggle to juggle, tricky metaphots
[03:13.61] I explore more to expose the core
[03:15.98] A lot of MC's act stupid to me
[03:18.19] And we have yet to see if they can match our longevity
[03:21.62] But anyway it's just another day
[03:23.34] Another fake jack I slay with my spectac' rap display
[03:26.82] Styles, smooth but rugged you can't push or shove it
[03:29.25] You dig it and you dug it cause like money you love it
[03:31.80] The king of monotone, with my own throne
[03:34.15] Righteously violent prone my words bring winds like cyclones
[03:37.39] Stormin' your hideout, blockin' out your sunlight
[03:39.87] Your image and your business, were truly not done right
[03:42.37] Throw up your he-Allah-I now, divine saviors
[03:45.26] You got no hand skills there's no security to save ya
[03:47.80] No pager, no celly, no drop top Benzy
[03:50.42] I came to bring your phone hip-hop, to an ending
[03:53.71] My art of war will leave you sore from the abuse
[03:55.86] Cause you must meet your moment of truth
[03:58.38] They say it's lonely at the top in whatever you do
[04:01.01] You always gotta watch mother****ers around you
[04:03.78] Nobody's invincible no plan is foolproof
[04:06.45] We all must meet our moment of truth
[00:00.80] 无论我们面对何事
[00:02.98] 我们都必须面对现实,亲爱的
[00:11.32] 人们说,最顶尖的人都孤独
[00:13.68] 你不得不眼看着一群混蛋围着你转
[00:16.19] 无人战无不胜,没有计划躲得过猪一样的队友
[00:18.98] 我们必须面对现实
[00:21.14] 跟你玩儿得挺好的那些个小妞们
[00:23.99] 也会给你下套把你害惨,兄弟,听我说
[00:27.09] 这很常见,好比你玩儿火会受伤
[00:29.51] 也可能被烧死,吃一堑长一智吧
[00:32.26] 让我们面对现实,跟上饶舌歌手的节奏
[00:34.65] 假象背后并非看不出一丝猫腻
[00:37.24] 人人适用,无人值得信赖
[00:39.88] 如同一场蓄意破坏,我即将爆发
[00:42.45] 可我都到这份儿上了,搞不出什么幺蛾子
[00:45.45] 于是我多叫了几个兄弟,帮我一起度过难关
[00:47.83] 我们耕耘,繁衍,不懈努力,否则我们没法活
[00:50.64] 你很清楚,我自己才是重点
[00:53.08] 你大放异彩的时刻,有些傻瓜就会泼你冷水
[00:56.13] 总是有眼红的混蛋,扯你后腿
[00:58.73] 就跟被装进水桶的贝壳似的
[01:01.51] 他们喜欢看到你跟条虫子似的扭动
[01:03.89] 可你偏偏逆来顺受
[01:06.44] 其他人也都一样
[01:09.20] 我并非圣贤,也无权批判
[01:12.14] 每个人都得面对现实
[01:14.66] 行动必有回响,别妄下评论
[01:17.52] 你可能并不晓得人们不愿提及的艰辛
[01:19.82] 最好就退后一步,默默细心观察
[01:22.58] 因为我们都必须面对现实
[01:25.08] 当问题近在咫尺,你得多想想
[01:27.88] 不要害怕那些无所不及的危险
[01:30.56] 为何好人没好报?
[01:33.09] 人生仿佛是一场正义与邪恶的连年战役
[01:35.86] 我所面对的状况,真有够夸张
[01:38.15] 这些问题都源自一个个小小的冲突
[01:41.46] 此刻我在房间里思考着
[01:43.72] 乌云飘过头顶,我内心在斗争
[01:46.52] 自杀?不,我可不是个傻蛋
[01:48.74] 甚至都不想借助喝酒和嗑药
[01:51.55] 这一切只会加重焦虑
[01:54.13] 我不过希望安抚我的心
[01:57.02] 等会儿,我之前经历过一连串糟心事儿
[01:59.35] 这么说来我应该可以扛得住
[02:02.18] 可我分明冷汗直冒,眼圈发红
[02:05.22] 我可以丧失心智,但我选择了保持清醒
[02:07.89] 我放下了刀子,把子弹从枪膛里退了出来
[02:10.38] 我唯一犯过的罪,就是我实在太善良
[02:12.68] 有些不知廉耻的王八蛋抢走我的东西
[02:15.39] 可他们抢不走我花了一辈子挣来的尊严
[02:18.42] 他们永远也阻止不了我写进旋律里的洪荒之力
[02:20.94] 如他们所言,人人都与好运的一天
[02:23.61] 也如他们所说,上帝的操作没人懂
[02:26.38] 于是我祈祷,回忆我的童年时光
[02:28.82] 那一刻我准备好面对我的现实
[02:44.28] 你该知道什么是真实
[02:44.87] 真实释你自由
[02:45.39] 我写下一行歌词直指你的脑瓜子
[02:46.78] 又写下另一行,指向你的玻璃心
[02:49.12] 此刻如果我叩响扳机,枪膛装满了子弹
[02:52.08] 我打赌,这会儿你希望我开枪
[02:54.11] 打碎虚伪之人的脊骨
[02:57.36] 没错,打死那些嘴不饶人的黑鬼,录音室里的恶棍
[03:00.00] 哟,看看现在的状况,你还想继续做个小混混?
[03:04.22] 被异样的眼神瞧着?
[03:05.41] 我收集了更多的理由,继续发出我的声音
[03:07.82] 这一回比我的上一个曲子更丰富
[03:10.92] 其他人还在拼命玩着小把戏
[03:13.61] 我却更多致力于揭露事情的核心
[03:15.98] 许多饶舌歌手的行为对我来说都蠢得不行
[03:18.19] 我们也说不准到底谁能坚持得更久
[03:21.62] 无论如何,这不过又是一天
[03:23.34] 又一个跟我火拼饶舌技能的家伙
[03:26.82] 开始展示他的风格,流畅无比又乱七八糟,你简直不知道该如何是好
[03:29.25] 你听见了,你感同身受了,就跟钞票一样,你简直是爱上它了
[03:31.80] 我是驾驭一个音调的高手,为自己加冕
[03:34.15] 充满正义与暴力,我的话语掀起一股飓风
[03:37.39] 遮云蔽日,吹得你无处藏身
[03:39.87] 你的形象和你那门子生意,真不上路子
[03:42.37] 快把你门那一套真主什么的扔掉吧,你们这些救命恩人呐
[03:45.26] 你若无一技之长,人生便无保障
[03:47.80] 不会有呼机,手机,高档车
[03:50.42] 我前来终结你那一套虚伪的嘻哈音乐
[03:53.71] 我的战争艺术会令你不适
[03:55.86] 但你必须面对现实
[03:58.38] 人们说,最顶尖的人都孤独
[04:01.01] 你不得不眼看着一群混蛋围着你打转
[04:03.78] 没有人战无不胜,没有计划躲得过猪一样的队友
[04:06.45] 我们必须面对现实
Moment Of Truth 歌词
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