Coma - Album Version (Explicit)

Coma - Album Version (Explicit) 歌词

歌曲 Coma - Album Version (Explicit)
歌手 Guns N' Roses
专辑 Use Your Illusion I
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[00:45.26] Hey you caught me in a coma
[00:51.89] And I don't think I wanna
[00:55.98] Ever come back to again
[01:01.62] Kinda like it in a coma
[01:07.64] 'Cause no one's ever gonna
[01:10.79] Oh, make me come back to this...
[01:15.72] world again
[01:17.87] Now I feel as if I'm floating away
[01:21.77] I can't feel all the pressure
[01:23.65] And I like it this way
[01:25.69] But my body's callin'
[01:26.72] My body's callin'
[01:28.56] Won't ya come back to this...
[01:34.90] world again
[01:38.22] Suspended deep in a sea of black
[01:41.02] I've got the light at the end
[01:43.30] I've got the bones on the mast
[01:44.71] Well I've gone sailin',
[01:46.84] I've gone sailin'
[01:49.62] I could leave so easily
[01:50.89] While friends are calling back to me
[01:55.52] I said they're
[01:56.96] They're leaving it all up to me
[01:59.36] When all I needed was clarity
[02:01.91] And someone to tell me
[02:05.59] WHAT THE f**k IS GOING ON
[02:07.16] GODDAMN IT!
[02:40.77] Slippin' farther an farther away
[02:45.07] It's a miracle how long we can stay
[02:49.77] In a world our minds created
[02:51.28] In a world that's full of sh*t
[02:59.06] HELP ME
[03:03.76] HELP ME
[03:09.84] HELP ME
[03:13.66] HELP ME
[03:14.28] BASTARD
[03:24.41] Please understand me
[03:28.24] I'm climbin' through the wreackage
[03:32.61] Of all my twisted dreams
[03:34.25] But this cheap investigation just
[03:37.41] Can't stifle all my screams
[03:40.78] And I'm waitin' at the crossroads
[03:42.10] Waiting for you
[03:45.94] Waiting for you
[03:49.92] WHERE ARE YOU
[04:20.90] No one's gonna bother me anymore
[04:25.89] No one's gonna mess with my head no more
[04:34.20] I can't understand what all the fightin's for
[04:39.85] But it's so nice here down off the shore
[04:46.16] I wish you could see this
[04:48.08] 'Cause there's nothing to see
[04:52.47] It's peaceful here and it's fine with me
[04:58.11] Not like the world where I used to live
[05:05.97] ZAP HIM AGAIN
[05:46.66] ZAP THE SON OF A b*tch AGAIN
[07:38.94] Ya live your life like it's a coma
[07:43.05] So won't you tell me why we'd wanna
[07:47.02] With all the reasons you give it's
[07:50.26] It's kinda hard to believe
[07:53.26] But who am I to tell you that I've
[07:58.23] Seen any reason why you should stay
[08:02.23] Matbe we'd be better off
[08:03.78] Without you anyway
[08:04.99] You got a one way ticket
[08:07.83] On your last chance ride
[08:09.55] Gotta one way ticket
[08:11.14] To your suicide
[08:12.74] Gotta one way ticket
[08:15.14] An there's no way out alive
[08:21.45] An all this crass communication
[08:22.41] That has left you in the cold
[08:24.87] Isn't much for consolation
[08:26.19] When you feel so weak and old
[08:29.24] But is home is where the heart is
[08:30.97] Then there's stories to be told
[08:32.60] No you don't need a doctor
[08:34.36] No one else can heal your soul
[08:36.67] Got your mind in submission
[08:38.68] Got your life on the line
[08:40.68] But nobody pulled the trigger
[08:42.73] They just stepped aside
[08:44.41] They be down by the water
[08:46.48] While you watch 'em waving goodbye
[08:51.82] They be callin' in the morning
[08:54.08] They be hangin' on the phone
[08:56.27] They be waiting for an answer
[08:58.12] When you know nobody's home
[08:59.71] And when the bell's stopped ringing
[09:02.49] It was nobody's fault but your own
[09:07.11] There were always ample warnings
[09:09.06] There were always subtle signs
[09:11.09] And you would have seen it comin'
[09:13.29] But we gave you too much time
[09:15.29] And when you said
[09:16.52] That no one's listening
[09:17.87] Why'd your best friend drop a dime
[09:20.92] Sometimes we get so tired of waiting
[09:22.25] For a way to spend our time
[09:23.51] An "It's so easy" to be social
[09:24.80] "It's so easy" to be cool
[09:25.90] Yeah it's easy to be hungry
[09:28.15] When you ain't got sh*t to lose
[09:30.46] And I wish that I could help you
[09:32.31] With what you hope to find
[09:34.22] But I'm still out here waiting
[09:35.67] Watching reruns of my life
[09:37.52] When you reach the point of breaking
[09:39.14] Know it's gonna take some time
[09:41.34] To heal the broken memories
[09:42.73] That another man would need
[09:44.17] Just to survive
[00:45.26] 你发现我陷入了昏迷
[00:51.89] 而我觉得我不想
[00:55.98] 我不想再回到这个世界上了
[01:01.62] 我倒是有些喜欢这样
[01:07.64] 因为再也没有人
[01:10.79] 再也没有人会让我回去了
[01:15.72] 再也不会回到这个世界上了
[01:17.87] 现在我感觉自己的灵魂在随波漂流
[01:21.77] 感觉不到任何压力
[01:23.65] 我迷恋这种感觉
[01:25.69] 但我的身体开始召唤我
[01:26.72] 它开始召唤我
[01:28.56] 你难道不会回来了吗?
[01:34.90] 你难道不会回到这个世界上了吗?
[01:38.22] 悬浮在这黑暗之海的深处
[01:41.02] 我最终看到一丝光明
[01:43.30] 我将骷髅旗帜挂上桅杆
[01:44.71] 我要扬帆起航了
[01:46.84] 我将就此扬帆飘远
[01:49.62] 我可以如此轻易地离去
[01:50.89] 朋友们在我身后呼唤我
[01:55.52] 我说他们
[01:56.96] 他们只想把所有问题和狗屎都扔给我
[01:59.36] 当我所需要的只不过是坦诚和真心
[02:01.91] 谁能告诉我
[02:05.59] 这他妈的都发生了什么!
[02:07.16] 该死的!
[02:40.77] 在这片大海越行越远
[02:45.07] 我们在这能活这么久真是个奇迹
[02:49.77] 在这个我们臆造的地方
[02:51.28] 在这个充斥着垃圾和罪恶的世界
[02:59.06] 帮帮我
[03:03.76] 帮帮我
[03:09.84] 帮帮我
[03:13.66] 救救我
[03:14.28] 混蛋
[03:24.41] 求求你理解我
[03:28.24] 我穿过理想的残骸
[03:32.61] 在这些被现实扭曲摧毁的梦中艰难爬行
[03:34.25] 但这些廉价的分析
[03:37.41] 远远不能抑制我的恐惧
[03:40.78] 而我正在十字路口等候
[03:42.10] 等待你
[03:45.94] 等待你
[03:49.92] 可你在哪?
[04:20.90] 没有人再会打扰我了
[04:25.89] 也没有人再会让我抓狂了
[04:34.20] 我不明白这些无用的斗争意味着什么
[04:39.85] 但这远离尘世的寂静让我如此快乐
[04:46.16] 我希望你也能看见
[04:48.08] 这里像场梦一样虚无缥缈
[04:52.47] 这里安详平静
[04:58.11] 不像我们一直在挣扎的那个世界
[05:04.31] 我从不,从不想在那活下去
[05:05.97] 抓住他
[05:46.66] 抓住那个婊子养的
[07:38.94] 你的生活也是如此混乱浑噩
[07:43.05] 你能不能告诉我我们为什么还会想继续下去
[07:47.02] 你给的所有理由都显得那么无力苍白
[07:50.26] 已经不能说服我去相信
[07:53.26] 但我又有什么资格去告诉你我其实知道一切
[07:58.23] 告诉你我看到的理由都真实可信
[08:02.23] 或许我们最好就此分离
[08:04.99] 你手中紧握着那张
[08:07.83] 亡命之旅的单程车票
[08:09.55] 明知这条路直指地狱
[08:11.14] 你却依旧不肯回头
[08:12.74] 这场残酷的角逐
[08:15.14] 已经不再有出路
[08:21.45] 所有这些愚鲁的独白与交流
[08:22.41] 让你在绝望中颤抖
[08:24.87] 当你感到脆弱和苍老的时候
[08:26.19] 也不会给你任何安慰
[08:29.24] 但如果心在的地方就是家
[08:30.97] 那么就有话可说了
[08:32.60] 不你不需要什么医生
[08:34.36] 已经没人能治愈你的灵魂
[08:36.67] 当你的内心举手投降
[08:38.68] 当你的生活进退两难
[08:40.68] 没有人会扣动扳机
[08:42.73] 他们只会退到一旁观看
[08:44.41] 看着你溺于水中越陷越深
[08:46.48] 跟你挥别再见
[08:51.82] 他们会在早晨打来电话
[08:54.08] 他们会等你去接通
[08:56.27] 他们会等待一个答案
[08:58.12] 但你知道没有人在家
[08:59.71] 当铃声不再响起了,当你已被所有人放弃
[09:02.49] 这都只是你自己的错
[09:07.11] 这一切总有足够的警告
[09:09.06] 总有微小的暗示
[09:11.09] 你总该预知到的
[09:13.29] 我们已经给了你够多的时间
[09:15.29] 当你说
[09:16.52] 没有人愿意听你解释
[09:17.87] 没人想知道为什么连你最好的朋友都会背叛你
[09:20.92] 有时我们厌倦了等待
[09:22.25] 受够了等待一个去花费时间的方法
[09:23.51] 融入社会很简单
[09:24.80] 特立独行很简单
[09:25.90] 当你终于一无所有的时候
[09:28.15] 变得饥饿空虚也简单起来
[09:30.46] 而我希望我能帮助你
[09:32.31] 用那些你希望找到的东西来拯救你
[09:34.22] 但我也正等待着机会
[09:35.67] 让生活的子弹重新上膛
[09:37.52] 当你终于明白了崩溃垮解的意义
[09:39.14] 你知道这会花点时间
[09:41.34] 这需要点时间去拼好一段破碎的回忆
[09:42.73] 而一个人也只能靠这种方式
[09:44.17] 才能活下来
Coma - Album Version (Explicit) 歌词
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