Forgotten Choice 被遗忘的抉择

歌曲 Forgotten Choice 被遗忘的抉择
歌手 贾逸可
专辑 被遗忘的抉择 Forgotten Choice(逆境抉择史诗三部曲EP2)


[00:00.000] 作词 : 贾逸可
[00:01.000] 作曲 : 贾逸可
[00:06.458] forgotten choice
[00:08.944] (被遗忘的抉择)
[00:12.683] 词、曲、编曲、演唱、混音:贾逸可
[00:16.190] (第一幕)
[00:18.685] See you the sea 作别汪洋
[00:26.195] forest for rest 林中小憩
[00:35.205] an eye and I危机四伏
[00:44.181] Peace is in pieces暗流涌动
[00:49.948] (第二幕)
[01:06.182] Dont know if right is right 前途未卜
[01:09.689] Just know left is nothing left 回头无岸
[01:13.940] I could see Father is farther 吾父渐远
[01:17.698] I have to Leave for live 绝处逢生
[01:26.188] (第三幕)
[01:29.681] call of the night夜啊夜
[01:31.691] call of the knight 猎啊猎
[01:33.451] call of the nite夜啊夜
[01:35.448] Night nite Night nite夜夜狂猎
[01:37.435] blood to dye腥红
[01:39.688] blood to dire恐惧
[01:41.450] blood to die死亡
[01:43.683] dye dire dye die惵惵铁血
[01:45.438] come ,come to the fore Four fall初见端倪
[01:52.681] that was a fault陨落四方
[01:56.694] go,going to insane? Sin? seine?罪恶?痴狂?自缚?
[02:00.688] Sain Oh sain主啊,我何去何从
[02:04.939] (第四幕)
[02:19.930] Run running running running 他蛮闯,万夫莫当
[02:22.945] running,running wrong 一去不往
[02:28.191] He can sing a song without sun, son 他歌唱,黯淡无光
[02:33.441] A Song without sun黯淡无光
[02:37.689] Falling Down Falling to the hell dawn 深渊万丈
[02:42.692] Dawn down done黎明无望
[02:47.697] Calm has gone ,Calm has gone鬼迷心窍
[02:52.190] Come上!


[00:00.000] zuò cí : jiǎ yì kě
[00:01.000] zuò qǔ : jiǎ yì kě
[00:06.458] forgotten choice
[00:08.944] bèi yí wàng de jué zé
[00:12.683] cí qū biān qǔ yǎn chàng hùn yīn: jiǎ yì kě
[00:16.190] dì yī mù
[00:18.685] See you the sea zuò bié wāng yáng
[00:26.195] forest for rest lín zhōng xiǎo qì
[00:35.205] an eye and I wēi jī sì fú
[00:44.181] Peace is in pieces àn liú yǒng dòng
[00:49.948] dì èr mù
[01:06.182] Dont know if right is right qián tú wèi bǔ
[01:09.689] Just know left is nothing left huí tóu wú àn
[01:13.940] I could see Father is farther wú fù jiàn yuǎn
[01:17.698] I have to Leave for live jué chù féng shēng
[01:26.188] dì sān mù
[01:29.681] call of the night yè a yè
[01:31.691] call of the knight liè a liè
[01:33.451] call of the nite yè a yè
[01:35.448] Night nite Night nite yè yè kuáng liè
[01:37.435] blood to dye xīng hóng
[01:39.688] blood to dire kǒng jù
[01:41.450] blood to die sǐ wáng
[01:43.683] dye dire dye die dié dié tiě xuè
[01:45.438] come , come to the fore Four fall chū jiàn duān ní
[01:52.681] that was a fault yǔn luò sì fāng
[01:56.694] go, going to insane? Sin? seine? zuì è? chī kuáng? zì fù?
[02:00.688] Sain Oh sain zhǔ a, wǒ hé qù hé cóng
[02:04.939] dì sì mù
[02:19.930] Run running running running tā mán chuǎng, wàn fū mò dāng
[02:22.945] running, running wrong yī qù bù wǎng
[02:28.191] He can sing a song without sun, son tā gē chàng, àn dàn wú guāng
[02:33.441] A Song without sun àn dàn wú guāng
[02:37.689] Falling Down Falling to the hell dawn shēn yuān wàn zhàng
[02:42.692] Dawn down done lí míng wú wàng
[02:47.697] Calm has gone , Calm has gone guǐ mí xīn qiào
[02:52.190] Come shàng!