Amazing Grace

歌曲 Amazing Grace
歌手 John McDermott
专辑 O Canada And Other Inspirational International Anthems


[00:12.000] Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
[00:24.000] That sav'd a wretch like me.
[00:34.000] I once was lost, but now am found
[00:45.000] Was blind, but now I see.
[00:57.000] 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
[01:09.000] And grace my fears reliev'd.
[01:19.000] How precious did that grace appear
[01:30.000] The hour I first believ'd!
[01:41.000] The Lord has promis'd good to me
[01:53.000] His word my hope secures;
[02:04.000] He will my shield and portion be
[02:16.000] As long as life endures.
[02:27.000] Thro' many dangers, toils, and snares
[02:38.000] I have already come!
[02:50.000] 'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far
[03:02.000] And grace will lead me home.
[03:15.000] Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
[03:28.000] That sav'd a wretch like me.
[03:39.000] I once was lost, but now am found
[03:51.000] Was blind, but now I see.


[00:12.000] tiān cì ēn diǎn rú cǐ gān tián
[00:24.000] wǒ děng zuì rén jìng méng shè miǎn
[00:34.000] xī wǒ mí shī jīn guī dǎo niàn
[00:45.000] céng jīng máng mù chóng yòu dé jiàn
[00:57.000] rú cǐ ēn diǎn lìng wǒ jìng wèi
[01:09.000] rú cǐ ēn diǎn miǎn wǒ yōu kuì
[01:19.000] guī xìn yī shǐ ēn diǎn jí dào
[01:30.000] wèi wǒ xīn yōu hé bù chēng dào!
[01:41.000] jīn zhǔ yǔn cì zào wù zhī cáng
[01:53.000] jīn wǒ lì yuē xǔ wǒ xī wàng
[02:04.000] yǔ wǒ fáng wèi quē fá bù zhì
[02:16.000] rú cǐ yì rán zhí zhì mò shì!
[02:27.000] chōng pò wǎng luó lì jīng mó nàn
[02:38.000] jīn wǒ yǐ zhì tiān guó zhī pàn!
[02:50.000] méng zhǔ ēn diǎn shòu gāo sù yuān
[03:02.000] yuàn zūn zhǐ yǐn dé wǒ píng ān
[03:15.000] tiān cì ēn diǎn rú cǐ gān tián
[03:28.000] wǒ děng zuì rén jìng méng shè miǎn
[03:39.000] xī wǒ mí shī jīn guī dǎo niàn
[03:51.000] céng jīng máng mù chóng yòu dé jiàn