Ravenous Crows

Ravenous Crows 歌词

歌曲 Ravenous Crows
歌手 Illnath
专辑 Three Nights In The Sewers Of Sodom
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[00:19.06] Ravenous crows hover above the altar on the forest floor,
[00:25.07] watching, peering, proud but fearing.
[00:28.15] Circling down more and more
[00:31.16] And I recall you running, I recall you hide.
[00:34.27] The heart you would give was invisible inside.
[00:37.73] The laughter that ran like a silver creek,
[00:40.95] where can it be now, is it hidden in their beaks?
[00:44.17] Where can it be now?
[00:49.10] I wonder.
[00:50.66] If I've lost you I don't know
[00:53.05] but your heart is my own, though it's as cold as stone.
[00:57.19] I still can feel you here my dear
[00:59.45] and your lidless they eyes can't but stare.
[01:02.51] Speak of your emerald eyes and the pearls they cried,
[01:05.93] your ruby smile and your ivory lies;
[01:09.43] It's all collected here and it's all so strong.
[01:12.07] Not a part is missing, not a jigsaw puzzle-piece is gone.
[01:28.27] Well enshrined here inside
[01:31.00] my sacred, my secret museum of art.
[01:34.35] Holy, enthroned, precious, my own,
[01:37.61] one of a kind; your heart.
[01:41.00] I - as I saw the ravenous crows
[01:44.00] I gave them your mortal shell and
[01:47.20] I - as I saw them closing in
[01:50.12] I saw them gather, following the smell and
[01:53.61] I - as I saw them hunger for you
[01:56.40] I left them with your soul's prison cell
[01:59.76] I - gave them everything they wanted
[02:02.74] I let them help themselves
[02:06.30] ...to pick clean your bones.
[02:12.38] (Solo)
[02:37.00] And as they're soon to feast,
[02:38.35] these grey clay-coloured beasts land carefully
[02:41.32] and hide next to where you lie.
[02:42.24] And they anticipate, then thank they thank their fate
[02:45.25] and start pecking at your thighs and what once was where your eyes were.
[02:50.47] And the blood stained brittle beaks part in thanks and shriek
[02:55.48] with confession in their cries.
[02:57.00] We all gave in, it was no sin;
[02:59.38] We love you, the crows and I.
[03:06.14] Ravenous Crows
[03:12.83] Ravenous Crows
[00:19.06] 贪婪的乌鸦在密林圣坛上盘旋
[00:25.07] 端详着,凝视着,骄傲着却又担忧着
[00:28.15] 一次又一次盘旋向下
[00:31.16] 我回想起你不断东奔西藏
[00:34.27] 而将要献出的心脏却不在圣坛中
[00:37.73] 你的笑声像银色的溪流
[00:40.95] 心脏现在会在哪,是否藏在乌鸦们的尖喙里?
[00:44.17] 你的心脏现在在哪?
[00:49.10] 我好奇着。
[00:50.66] 是否已经失去你?我不知道
[00:53.05] 但你的心永远属于我,尽管坚如磐石
[00:57.19] 亲爱的,我仍然可以感受到你在我身边
[00:59.45] 和你那不能瞑目只能凝视着我的眼睛
[01:02.51] 说起你如翡翠般的眼睛和让人落泪的珍珠
[01:05.93] 你如宝石般的嫣然微笑,你象牙般的谎言
[01:09.43] 都被收聚在这,十分坚固安全
[01:12.07] 无一缺失
[01:28.27] 这里完好地供奉着
[01:31.00] 我神圣而又隐秘的艺术之馆
[01:34.35] 圣洁的,即位的,珍贵的,属于我的
[01:37.61] 独一无二的,是你的心阿
[01:41.00] 当我看见贪婪的乌鸦
[01:44.00] 便将你的躯壳赠予它们
[01:47.20] 当我看见它们逐渐靠近
[01:50.12] 嗅着腐烂的气味盘旋聚集
[01:53.61] 因为我看见它们如此渴望你
[01:56.40] 便将它们留在你永远的灵魂牢房里
[01:59.76] 我给予它们想要的一切
[02:02.74] 让它们随意
[02:06.30] 剔除干净你的尸骨
[02:12.38] (Solo)
[02:37.00] 因为乌鸦们很快就要大快朵颐
[02:38.35] 这些灰色的禽兽小心翼翼的着陆
[02:41.32] 隐藏在你所躺之处
[02:42.24] 它们期待着,感谢着命运
[02:45.25] 开始啄食你的大腿和眼睛
[02:50.47] 沾满鲜血的脆喙在感恩与尖叫
[02:55.48] 伴随着哭喊的忏悔
[02:57.00] 我们都已屈服,但却无罪
[02:59.38] 乌鸦与我都永远深爱着你
[03:06.14] 贪婪的乌鸦
[03:12.83] 贪婪的乌鸦
Ravenous Crows 歌词
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