The apartment got too crowded. Everyone was sticky and peeling apart squeezing through each other so we all lined up quick to help each other stumble drunk up a ladder. The whole party climbed onto the roof. |
And when the roof got too small some of us climbed the bridge across the street. And from there we could see the students showing each other their films on a bedsheet in the breeze on the roof. And the lights spread out around us like a wheat field. |
A lot of the boys shouted out a commentary and some of the girls did too. It didn't bother me and I like the films. We all thought it was great when a silly art student Hitler had to change a flat tire on that bedsheet in the breeze on the roof. And the lights spread out around us like a wheat field. |
I laid flat on my stomach on a beam. I looked straight down through a hole. It seemed so much higher from above than below. I felt my friends dance around me. I spun happy with my eyes closed. I let my weight alone hold me. And though I already knew I'd be ashamed by the time it was over, I was so happy just waiting to tell my story and I knew no other way down. |