I was walking through some woodland place the other day, I saw lots of birds, they were flying, wheeling away and the yellow beaks and the big black wings, I saw the raven, what a terrible thing |
And l only want to fly, I want to flap my wings and fly away, fly away higher and higher, swooping , s ee you walk and loop above you, swoop down on you and sit on your shoulder |
Swooping down over my head, almost biting my hair with their crusty old beaks, those dirty old birds, the grey feathers as they flaked and flapped, I saw the owl watching me, the owl watching me |
I only really want to fly, lift up myself and fly away, higher and higher away, I want to fly, lift up my wings and see you drift out down to meet you, lay down my beak beside you |
Speaking of beaks, there was a big blue and purple beak, a parrot like bird that descended down my chimney last night, it was very dark outside and I was very very very scared |
I only want to fly, spread my wings and fly, send myself up high into the blue and stare down on you, see you walking by, I saw you standing and flapped my wings to fly and I ran, well I would land, s it myself beside you, beat my wings on you |
They fade away into a grey sunset across the swampland, mosquitoes biting in the moonlight, mist of time |
One day we will fly, one day we will certainly fly, one day we will fly in the bye and bye |