Piano: Revolutions

歌曲 Piano: Revolutions
歌手 Susan Calloway
专辑 Journeys: FINAL FANTASY XIV ~ Arrangement Album ~


[00:29.748] Sing, a song of dawn.
[00:36.468] Dawn, the day reborn.
[00:43.284] Breathe deep of the dawn before the Storm.
[01:02.940] This hearth,
[01:10.020] This home,
[01:16.836] Wrested forth from tired fingers
[01:23.628] Bathed in blood
[01:26.580] and sealed in stone.
[01:30.876] Souls scarred,
[01:37.092] Twelevefold
[01:43.860] Beckoned by the bells of vengeance,
[01:50.580] Spirits bold.
[01:57.156] A lover lost,
[02:03.612] A family torn,
[02:10.452] A solemn pyre,
[02:14.388] Raised to the rouse the slumbering heavens.
[02:24.588] Fire in your eyes and,
[02:27.948] Fire in your hearts,
[02:31.308] Steeled as you sound the horns of war.
[02:36.924] Yet know the cost,
[02:43.572] For who shall mourn,
[02:50.244] When light is quenched,
[02:53.916] That another might burn brighter?
[03:06.060] Let not the rays,
[03:12.468] Of justice blind,
[03:18.996] E‘er trust in Grace, and she shall guide.
[04:23.292] Soft is the breeze that can set a petal free,
[04:29.604] And yet t’is the storm that doth see the petal soar.
[04:36.516] High o’er the trees in the throes of liberty,
[04:42.924] ’Til unstirring skies consign her to memory.
[04:49.692] One kingdoms fall, is another kingdoms freedom,
[04:56.220] One sovereign’s war, is another sovereign’s peace,
[05:02.916] One mother’s pride, is another mother’s sorrow,
[05:09.156] Their tears both soak the land that they love.
[05:25.764] Two lives,
[05:32.604] Two swords,
[05:39.300] Given in to shadowed whispers, Wicked words
[05:52.308] Pray tell me true
[05:58.980] Doth louder toll,
[06:05.604] A rival’s cry
[06:09.276] or the oaths that spur her onward?
[06:20.892] Your time is come,
[06:27.564] A choice bestown,
[06:34.212] Tonight, for unsung sins atone,
[06:47.748] This night, you need not walk alone.


[00:29.748] Sing, a song of dawn.
[00:36.468] Dawn, the day reborn.
[00:43.284] Breathe deep of the dawn before the Storm.
[01:02.940] This hearth,
[01:10.020] This home,
[01:16.836] Wrested forth from tired fingers
[01:23.628] Bathed in blood
[01:26.580] and sealed in stone.
[01:30.876] Souls scarred,
[01:37.092] Twelevefold
[01:43.860] Beckoned by the bells of vengeance,
[01:50.580] Spirits bold.
[01:57.156] A lover lost,
[02:03.612] A family torn,
[02:10.452] A solemn pyre,
[02:14.388] Raised to the rouse the slumbering heavens.
[02:24.588] Fire in your eyes and,
[02:27.948] Fire in your hearts,
[02:31.308] Steeled as you sound the horns of war.
[02:36.924] Yet know the cost,
[02:43.572] For who shall mourn,
[02:50.244] When light is quenched,
[02:53.916] That another might burn brighter?
[03:06.060] Let not the rays,
[03:12.468] Of justice blind,
[03:18.996] E' er trust in Grace, and she shall guide.
[04:23.292] Soft is the breeze that can set a petal free,
[04:29.604] And yet t' is the storm that doth see the petal soar.
[04:36.516] High o' er the trees in the throes of liberty,
[04:42.924] ' Til unstirring skies consign her to memory.
[04:49.692] One kingdoms fall, is another kingdoms freedom,
[04:56.220] One sovereign' s war, is another sovereign' s peace,
[05:02.916] One mother' s pride, is another mother' s sorrow,
[05:09.156] Their tears both soak the land that they love.
[05:25.764] Two lives,
[05:32.604] Two swords,
[05:39.300] Given in to shadowed whispers, Wicked words
[05:52.308] Pray tell me true
[05:58.980] Doth louder toll,
[06:05.604] A rival' s cry
[06:09.276] or the oaths that spur her onward?
[06:20.892] Your time is come,
[06:27.564] A choice bestown,
[06:34.212] Tonight, for unsung sins atone,
[06:47.748] This night, you need not walk alone.


[00:29.748] ràng wǒ men gāo gē lí míng
[00:36.468] yíng jiē yī rì xīn shēng
[00:43.284] níng shén bǐng qì, jìng hòu fēng bào
[01:02.940] zhè piàn tǔ dì
[01:10.020] yǔ qī xī de qīn rén
[01:16.836] wú fǎ zài yòng shuāng shǒu hàn wèi
[01:23.628] yǒu rén dào yú xuè pō
[01:26.580] yǒu rén nì yú yán hòu
[01:30.876] líng hún cāng sāng
[01:37.092] bǎo shòu jié nàn
[01:43.860] zài fù chóu de zhōng shēng xià
[01:50.580] wǒ men wú suǒ wèi jù
[01:57.156] yīn wèi ài rén yǐ shì
[02:03.612] gǔ ròu lí sàn
[02:10.452] yān zhǒng xiāo suǒ
[02:14.388] tiān táng měi mèng pò miè
[02:24.588] yǎn zhōng rán qǐ liè yàn
[02:27.948] xīn zhōng shāo qǐ nù huǒ
[02:31.308] shí kè zhǔn bèi yíng jiē zhàn zhēng hào jiǎo
[02:36.924] jǐn guǎn zhī xiǎo dài jià
[02:43.572] yǒu rén jiāng āi dào yīng líng
[02:50.244] dāng zhàn huǒ xī miè
[02:53.916] shì fǒu hái yǒu xīn de zhàn zhēng
[03:06.060] wù ràng wēi guāng xiāo sàn
[03:12.468] wù ràng zhèng yì méng chén
[03:18.996] yǒng yuǎn xìn yǎng tā de ēn cì, shuǐ jīng huì jǐ yǔ wǒ men zhǐ yǐn
[04:23.292] hé fēng bì guò, huā bàn qīng wǔ
[04:29.604] dàn wéi yǒu fēng bào néng ràng qí jī dàng cháng kōng
[04:36.516] ràng qí líng jià jù mù zhī shàng, yú kǔ tòng zhōng zhuī xún zì yóu
[04:42.924] zhí dào xún dé níng jìng tiān dì, tā huì jiāng cǐ míng jì
[04:49.692] yī guó shuāi wáng, yī guó zì yóu
[04:56.220] yī guó dòng dàng, yī guó ān níng
[05:02.916] yī mǔ zhī róng, yī mǔ zhī āi
[05:09.156] suǒ ài zhī dì, jìn tòu xuè lèi
[05:25.764] liǎng fāng bó yì
[05:32.604] lì rèn jiāo cuò
[05:39.300] bài fāng jiāng bèi zhòng rén tuò qì
[05:52.308] shuǐ jīng jiāng gào sù wǒ men zhēn xiàng
[05:58.980] sāng zhōng cháng míng
[06:05.604] shì dí rén de bēi qì
[06:09.276] yì huò shì jī lì qián xíng de shì yán
[06:20.892] zhè shì nǐ de shí dài
[06:27.564] zhè shì nǐ de xuǎn zé
[06:34.212] jīn wǎn, fù qǐ wú rén zhī xiǎo de hēi àn zuì niè
[06:47.748] dàn cháng yè màn màn, nǐ bìng fēi dú zì qián xíng