
Helluvit 歌词

歌曲 Helluvit
歌手 Tom MacDonald
专辑 Helluvit
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[00:29.107] They try to tell me I should dumb it down
[00:30.854] Say you're too conscious for the fans to feel you
[00:32.852] Try to tell me I should calm it down
[00:34.723] If you fight the system, they gon' try to kill you
[00:36.467] They try to tell me that I'm too sad
[00:38.369] And it isn't healthy, **** I knew that
[00:40.081] I'm just doin' me and if you don't agree
[00:41.947] And I don't owe you ****, then that is too bad
[00:43.862] I fired shots at all the mumble rappers
[00:45.769] And they try to say I'm not a humble rapper
[00:47.138] So I tell 'em I'm not like these other rappers
[00:49.318] And they try to say I'm just another rapper
[00:51.271] **** it, I guess there's no pleasin' y'all
[00:53.348] If the record has meaning, you don't leave it on
[00:54.869] But you stream all the songs that repeat the same ****
[00:56.835] About ***** and Xanax and liquor and drugs
[00:58.919] I could have a seizure like Wayne
[01:00.266] I could just go OD like Peep
[01:01.632] I could just go crazy like 'Ye
[01:02.919] I could just get locked up like Meek
[01:04.362] Repeat the same thing, using stupid slang
[01:06.359] Yellin' Gucci Gang on every flame beat
[01:08.271] Or I could be me, at least I can breathe, at least I can sleep
[01:11.215] Knowin' that I never sold myself for money or a dream
[01:13.750] These rappers all coked out
[01:15.171] They just mumble lots, they got broke mouths
[01:16.946] They got ten chains and got no house
[01:18.981] They got twenty hoes, and got no spouse
[01:20.955] Smart rappers don't drink lean
[01:22.609] That's kid ****, we ain't sixteen
[01:24.626] If you got a problem, I welcome it
[01:26.344] I'll be doin' me for the helluvit
[01:28.260] For the helluvit (helluvit, helluvit)
[01:35.321] For the helluvit (helluvit, helluvit)
[01:41.798] They said to go to hell, so I packed my **** and went with it
[01:45.848] Little did they know that they put me in my element
[01:49.313] I'm fire to the bone, now diamonds in my skeleton
[01:53.226] I'm finally in my zone, doin' me, for the helluvit
[01:57.357] For the helluvit
[01:57.805] They try to tell me to ignore the haters
[01:59.463] You gon' get revenge when you're successful later
[02:01.492] They try to tell me I should not respond
[02:03.121] And I should write a song and put it all on paper
[02:05.348] They try to tell me I'm the bigger man
[02:06.689] If I'm not underhanded when I write 'em back
[02:08.766] And I try to tell them it's impossible
[02:10.090] Thousands of people a day have been sayin' I'm wack
[02:12.214] I try to tell 'em that it's complicated
[02:14.391] I could write a novel about gettin' faded
[02:15.913] But the conscious fans are gonna ****in' hate it
[02:18.159] And the wavy kids are gonna love to play it
[02:19.635] So I write a song that's got a message in it
[02:21.679] And the wavy kids are sayin' it's pathetic
[02:23.494] But the conscious fans think it's awesome, man
[02:25.473] They comment like, man, I really get it
[02:27.379] So what the **** do y'all want?
[02:28.909] I could have a seizure like Wayne
[02:30.238] I could just go OD like Peep
[02:31.529] I could just go crazy like 'Ye
[02:32.864] I could just get locked up like Meek
[02:34.230] I could just go sell out like Jay
[02:35.696] I could just stay real like Kweli
[02:37.000] I could just get money like Drake
[02:38.405] Or I could just say that I'm done playin' games and get famous and know that I always stayed me
[02:41.769] So go ahead and bump the mumble rap
[02:43.694] Don't boycott it, just understand
[02:45.630] If you eat at McDonald's, you're gonna get fat
[02:47.714] If you listen to garbage, your head fills with trash
[02:49.523] Get drunk in the club, and spend all your money
[02:51.328] 'Cause rappers have told you it makes you somebody
[02:52.907] Then comment on this with your jealous ****
[02:54.924] I'll be doin' me, for the helluvit
[02:57.016] For the helluvit (helluvit, helluvit)
[03:04.017] For the helluvit (helluvit, helluvit)
[03:10.757] They said to go to hell, so I packed my **** and went with it
[03:14.458] Little did they know that they put me in my element
[03:18.111] I'm fire to the bone, now diamonds in my skeleton
[03:21.771] I'm finally in my zone, doin' me, for the helluvit
[03:26.175] For the helluvit (for the helluvit, for the helluvit, for the helluvit)
[03:33.581] For the helluvit (for the helluvit, for the helluvit, for the helluvit)
[00:29.107] 他们告诉我要做点让都听得懂的歌
[00:30.854] 说你太难让粉丝注意你了
[00:32.852] 他们告诉我要冷静下来
[00:34.723] 如果你要对着干,他们要杀了你
[00:36.467] 他们说我太悲伤了
[00:38.369] 这很不健康,made我知道
[00:40.081] 我只是做我自己,管你同不同意
[00:41.947] 我tmd不欠你
[00:43.862] 我向所有mumble rappers开枪
[00:45.769] 同时告诉自己不能做一个mumble rapper
[00:47.138] 所以我告诉他们我恨mumble rappers
[00:49.318] 他们说我和别的rappers不同
[00:51.271] 操,我想你们不会高兴的
[00:53.348] 如果唱片有意义,就不要让他一直开着
[00:54.869] 但是,你循环播放着那些一样的歌
[00:56.835] 那些只有女人和xanny,酒精,的歌
[00:58.919] 我可以像lil Wayne那样癫痫发作
[01:00.266] 我可以像lil peep一样OD(over dose,在此意为过度)
[01:01.632] 我可以像侃爷一样疯狂
[01:02.919] 我可以像Meek Mill一样抑郁
[01:04.362] 重复同样的事情,用愚蠢的俚语
[01:06.359] 喊着Gucci Gang的口号(lil pump的Gucci Gang)
[01:08.271] 或者我可以是我,至少我可以自主呼吸,至少我可以睡觉(不跟风)
[01:11.215] 我从未为了钱或梦想出卖自己
[01:13.750] 这些饶舌歌手都吹了
[01:15.171] 他们只是喃喃自语,他们唇齿不清
[01:16.946] 他们有十根金链子,却房子都没有(diss虚荣虚伪的rappers)
[01:18.981] 他们有二十个,却没有结婚对象
[01:20.955] 聪明的说唱歌手不喝精益饮料
[01:22.609] 那是小屁孩才干的事,淦,我们又不是十六岁
[01:24.626] 如果你要质疑我,欢迎我会做我自己想做的事
[01:26.344] 我会做我自己想做的事(hell of it)
[01:28.260] 做我自己想做的事(想做的事,想做的事)
[01:35.321] 做我自己想做的事(想做的事,想做的事)
[01:41.798] 他们叫我下地狱,行行行我走
[01:45.848] 他们一点也不知道他们把我放在自己的位置上
[01:49.313] 我已经火了,现在我的骨子里都镶满了钻石
[01:53.226] 我终于进入我的地盘了,做我想做的事
[01:57.357] 做我自己想做的事
[01:57.805] 他们告诉我忽略那些haters
[01:59.463] 你要等成功了再去报仇
[02:01.492] 他们告诉我,我不应该回应haters
[02:03.121] 我应该在纸上写一首歌
[02:05.348] 他们告诉我,我是比他们
[02:06.689] 如果我写回信的时候不生气
[02:08.766] 我试着告诉他们这是不可能的
[02:10.090] 每天都有成千上万的人说我疯了
[02:12.214] 我告诉他们这很复杂
[02:14.391] 我可以写一本关于褪色的小说?(做mumble rap?)
[02:15.913] 但我的真爱粉会讨厌它
[02:18.159] 跟风的粉丝会喜欢它
[02:19.635] 所以我写了一首歌表达我自己想法的歌
[02:21.679] 但跟风的人认为这很无聊
[02:23.494] 但真爱粉认为这真
[02:25.473] 他们评论说,伙计,我真的明白了
[02:27.379] 你们的到底想要什么?
[02:28.909] 我可以像lil Wayne那样癫痫发作
[02:30.238] 我可以像lil peep一样OD
[02:31.529] 我可以像侃爷一样疯狂
[02:32.864] 我可以像Meek Mill一样抑郁
[02:34.230] 我的歌像JAY Z一样畅销
[02:35.696] 我可以像Kweli一样保持真实
[02:37.000] 我可以像Drake一样吸金
[02:38.405] 或者我可以说我玩够了游戏,出名了,知道我一直在做我自己
[02:41.769] 所以去他的mumble rap
[02:43.694] 但是不要抵制它,只用知道有这玩意就行了
[02:45.630] 如果你在麦当劳吃饭,你会发胖的
[02:47.714] 如果你听垃圾的歌,你的思想就会充满垃圾
[02:49.523] 在酒吧里喝醉,把你所有的钱都花光了
[02:51.328] 因为mumble rappers告诉你这让你很酷
[02:52.907] 然后你嫉妒地来评论
[02:54.924] 但是我会做我自己,做我自己想做的事
[02:57.016] 做我自己想做的事(想做的事,想做的事)
[03:04.017] 做我自己想做的事(想做的事,想做的事)
[03:10.757] 他们叫我下地狱,我就收拾好行李跟着走了
[03:14.458] 他们一点也不知道他们把我放在自己的位置上
[03:18.111] 我已经火了,现在我的骨子里都镶满了钻石
[03:21.771] 我终于进入我的地盘了,做我想做的事
[03:26.175] 做我自己想做的事(做我自己想做的事,做我自己想做的事,做我自己想做的事)
[03:33.581] 做我自己想做的事(做我自己想做的事,做我自己想做的事,做我自己想做的事)
Helluvit 歌词
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