We can travel to the planets |
Drive a mile through solid granite |
Thrive in all extremes of weather |
But we cannot live together |
We have pondered our existence |
Tracked the comets in the distance |
But we're overcome with blindness |
By an act of human kindness |
We have ventured where |
None have gone before us |
But in matters fundamental |
We are patterned on an old design |
Welcome back Tyrannosaurus |
Evolution is a state of min&100 |
We have filled the halls of science |
With the bones of mighty giants |
They'd all been there for generations |
Buried under our foundations |
It's a page right out of history |
Everything is still a mystery |
All except for one distinction |
We can stop our own extinction |
We have set ourselves apart |
From all that's gone before us |
But in matters fundamental |
We are victims of an old design |
Here's your chance Tyrannosaurus |
Maybe we can get it right this time |
Grab a club and join the chorus |
Evolution is a state of mind |