
Ghosts 歌词

歌曲 Ghosts
歌手 Slaine
专辑 A World With No Skies 2.0
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[00:02.06] Ohh~!
[00:03.75] This is my life...This is my life
[00:17.95] Yo...
[00:19.44] I always knew I was different even back at six
[00:21.74] They tied me to a pole with a rope and wrapped my wrists
[00:24.35] They punched me and kicked me and slapped me with sticks
[00:26.78] In the ribs and the kids called my daddy a bitch
[00:29.01] Said my father's a faggot, it aggravated my dealings
[00:31.52] I didn't know no better but knew I hated the feelin
[00:33.93] From laughin at me whenever they would crack jokes
[00:36.31] On my way to the store to get a pack of smokes
[00:38.80] For my nana, Benson and Hedges 100 with a note from my grandmother
[00:41.74] It's somethin she suffers from arthritis
[00:43.74] Hands stuck together, drop down elbows
[00:46.18] It looked like baseball, she called marshmellows
[00:48.72] I could see the silho-uettes of the past, hello
[00:51.27] The days back when I had those rain tap windows
[00:53.59] To peer through and just look at the world
[00:55.84] I was just a boy, I never knew what would occur
[00:58.21] Blur ahead to myself as a half-dead fiend
[01:00.84] Fucked up in my head from what happened between
[01:03.09] With my body on the floor I'm asleep from beans
[01:05.59] My life flashed before me, I peeped the scenes
[01:07.89] Yeah, the ghosts talk to me in my head
[01:11.19] They said I'm already dead
[01:13.50] And I had so much blood to be shed
[01:16.06] But I can't spill it no more
[01:18.14] And I have died a thousand deaths
[01:20.92] On the ground so out of breath
[01:23.42] Yeah I've been down that flight of steps
[01:25.79] But you can't kill me no more
[01:27.86] Yeah...
[01:27.93] It's a chain, we all grew up with the same dreams
[01:30.13] But hit the potholes in the street and became fiends
[01:32.49] Got in fist fights every night with the same team
[01:34.99] Right around the time that Jay the Wood came clean
[01:37.42] I was hurt from my broken home and goin crazy
[01:39.80] Rollin up coke in bones and so I maybe
[01:42.36] One these troubled youth in this modern day America
[01:44.74] Thank God I'm still alive, I gotta say it's Erykah
[01:47.30] Who was always by my side, that's why I love her forever
[01:49.86] She knows my whole pain and all the stormy weather
[01:52.05] That I been through, what I overcame and what it meant too
[01:54.73] Other people looked at me like a freak with a pencil
[01:57.11] I got enough rage for every page in my books
[01:59.55] What I done - I should be in a cage with the crooks
[02:02.05] But I'm not, barely by the skin of my teeth
[02:04.24] Maybe there's a reason, time for me to finish this beef
[02:06.67] Yeah, the ghosts talk to me in my head
[02:09.66] They said I'm already dead
[02:12.10] And I had so much blood to be shed
[02:14.82] But I can't spill it no more
[02:17.18] And I have died a thousand deaths
[02:19.54] On the ground so out of breath
[02:21.86] Yeah I've been down that flight of steps
[02:24.36] But you can't kill me no more
[02:26.38] It's the dawn of a new day and I've been given a platform
[02:28.91] All the moments in my life, I got a rap for 'em
[02:31.47] I gotta tell my story, bring it back for 'em
[02:33.84] Either that or I could slip away in the cracks gone
[02:36.21] You think I'd let it happen? Well that's wrong
[02:38.39] Who would've ever thought I would be saved by a rap song?
[02:41.08] I gotta capitalize, cause I'm rappin with guys
[02:43.20] That I idolized as a kid, I'm revitalized
[02:45.14] Always looked at life through a writer's eyes
[02:48.20] I learned this shit is hard, really man you either fight or die
[02:51.01] So I'm a stand up and fight that fight
[02:53.01] I'm goin home broken bone and bloody tonight
[02:55.33] You motherfuckers ever look and study your life
[02:57.82] And see how fade and greyed they've made whatever you like?
[03:00.38] Cause I can feel it in my fuckin gut when I write
[03:02.88] This pain is sweet, I needed to be cut with this knife
[03:05.26] Yeah, the ghosts talk to me in my head
[03:08.20] They said I'm already dead
[03:10.58] And I had so much blood to be shed
[03:13.19] But I can't spill it no more
[03:15.63] And I have died a thousand deaths
[03:18.02] On the ground so out of breath
[03:20.48] Yeah I've been down that flight of steps
[03:22.85] But you can't kill me no more
[00:02.06] 哦~!
[00:03.75] 这是我的生活…这是我的生活…
[00:17.95] 哟…
[00:19.44] 在我六岁时我便知道我与众不同
[00:21.74] 他们将我绑在杆子上,再把我的手腕捆住
[00:24.35] 他们打我踹我,还用棍子抽我
[00:26.78] 肋骨,说我爸爸是个婊·子
[00:29.01] 说我爸爸是个基·佬,这加重了我的决心
[00:31.52] 我不知道,也好不到哪里去,但我知道我讨厌这种感觉
[00:33.93] 在我去小店买包烟的时候
[00:36.31] 从无时不刻嘲笑我的笑声中
[00:38.80] 买给我奶奶,只因她留了张字条给我
[00:41.74] 她遭受着关节炎的折磨
[00:43.74] 双手缠在一起,弯腰驼背
[00:46.18] 看上去像橄榄球,她说像棉花糖
[00:48.72] 我能看见过去的倩影,哈喽
[00:51.27] 雨滴敲打着窗,将我思绪拉回
[00:53.59] 去透过窗,看向世界
[00:55.84] 我只是一个小男孩,我从不知道会发生什么
[00:58.21] 我像个半死不活的恶魔一样昏沉地向前走
[01:00.84] 脑中一片混乱,回忆不起发生了什么
[01:03.09] 我的身体躺在地板上,不知何时睡着了
[01:05.59] 我的生活从我眼前闪过,我窥视了那些场景
[01:07.89] 耶,那些幽灵在我脑海中说着
[01:11.19] 它们说我早已死去
[01:13.50] 而且我还有很多血要流
[01:16.06] 但我再也流不出一滴
[01:18.14] 我已经死了一千次了
[01:20.92] 躺在地上,没了呼吸
[01:23.42] 耶,我已经走下了飞机的楼梯
[01:25.79] 但你再也不能杀死我
[01:27.86] 耶…
[01:27.93] 那是一根锁链,我们揣着同样的梦想长大
[01:30.13] 却在街道上大开杀戒,变成恶魔
[01:32.49] 每夜和同样的一帮人去斗殴
[01:34.99] 就在的Jay和Wood洗清罪名的时候
[01:37.42] 我从我破碎的家庭受到的伤害已太多,几近疯狂
[01:39.80] 卷一根,可能我
[01:42.36] 是如今美国的问题青年的其中之一
[01:44.74] 感谢上帝让我还活着,我要说这全靠Erykah
[01:47.30] 她总是站在我这边,所以我永远爱她
[01:49.86] 她知道我所有的苦痛,还有所有的阴郁
[01:52.05] 我所经历的,我所克服的,以及它们的意义
[01:54.73] 其他人看我就像是一个拿着铅笔的神经病
[01:57.11] 我已积存足够愤怒,可填满书中的每一页
[01:59.55] 我所做的 - 我应该与恶棍们关在一起
[02:02.05] 但我不会,仅靠这三寸不烂之舌
[02:04.24] 也许有原因,有时间让我写完这段歌词
[02:06.67] 耶,那些幽灵在我脑海中说着
[02:09.66] 它们说我早已死去
[02:12.10] 而且我还有很多血要流
[02:14.82] 但我再也流不出一滴
[02:17.18] 我已经死了一千次了
[02:19.54] 躺在地上,没了呼吸
[02:21.86] 耶,我已经走下了飞机的楼梯
[02:24.36] 但你再也不能杀死我
[02:26.38] 新一天的黎明已到来,我已有了一个平台
[02:28.91] 我生命中的那些时刻,我要用说唱演绎
[02:31.47] 我要说出我的故事,回到过去的那些时光
[02:33.84] 否则它们就会从间隙中流走
[02:36.21] 你觉得我会让它发生?错了
[02:38.39] 谁会想到我会被一首说唱歌曲拯救呢?
[02:41.08] 我要慢慢积累,因为我与伙计们一起说唱
[02:43.20] 是那些我小时候崇拜过的偶像,我已重生
[02:45.14] 总是从作家的眼中看待生活
[02:48.20] 我学到了生活艰辛,真的,哥们,你要么奋斗要么死
[02:51.01] 所以我站起来,奋起抗争
[02:53.01] 今晚我带着打折的骨头,流着血回家
[02:55.33] 这么这群混·蛋可曾从你们的生命中看到学到什么
[02:57.82] 可曾看见他们如何将你喜爱的东西弄得褪去消失?
[03:00.38] 只因我在写歌词的时候能感觉怒火中烧
[03:02.88] 疼痛感如此甜蜜,但我需要用刀将其割断
[03:05.26] 耶,那些幽灵在我脑海中说着
[03:08.20] 它们说我早已死去
[03:10.58] 而且我还有很多血要流
[03:13.19] 但我再也流不出一滴
[03:15.63] 我已经死了一千次了
[03:18.02] 躺在地上,没了呼吸
[03:20.48] 耶,我已经走下了飞机的楼梯
[03:22.85] 但你再也不能杀死我
Ghosts 歌词
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