Manic Aeon

Manic Aeon 歌词

歌曲 Manic Aeon
歌手 Sirenia
专辑 At Sixes And Sevens
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[00:15.55] Stranger...come inside
[00:23.21] Read my epitaph, deranged am I?
[00:31.72] Estranged one...haunting me
[00:38.94] Be my lover, I prithee
[01:19.88] Prophecies of death outside
[01:23.68] Take the moonshine for a ride
[01:27.78] Haunting faces and staring eyes
[01:31.71] Bring my mania into life
[01:37.66] Little stranger come inside
[01:41.28] Lay to rest what you still writhe
[01:45.45] We made a life of it somehow
[01:49.11] Seems like we've lost it now
[02:08.86] See you dance away
[02:11.28] All this bitter pain
[02:12.53] See you move in ways
[02:14.58] Beyond our days
[02:16.45] In devotion I linger
[02:19.68] And with drained veins
[02:22.42] I falter again
[02:24.97] See you pass away
[02:26.28] In another day
[02:28.39] Hear you call my name
[02:30.26] Yon another veil
[02:32.44] In devotion I've lingered
[02:35.91] In this world I've belonged
[02:39.28] For far too long
[03:20.77] Strangers haunt me down
[03:26.50] Stalking faces all around
[03:35.52] This strange voice at my door
[03:42.42] Cede my reason like before
[04:23.66] Propechies of death inside
[04:27.15] Cede your words they cut like knives
[04:31.25] Somber wind that sweeps within
[04:35.05] This manic aeon is bound to be
[04:40.46] Little stranger stand me by
[04:44.01] If you prevail, then so can I
[04:47.99] Lay to rest the hurt you stand
[04:51.97] Only through death we'll mend
[00:15.55] 陌生的脚步 迎你进来
[00:23.21] 读出我的墓志铭 评判我是否已经发狂
[00:31.72] 被我疏远的那人 穷追不舍
[00:38.94] 可否成为我的恋人 我为此求你
[01:19.88] 预言讲述着生命之外的死亡
[01:23.68] 它将月光虏去
[01:27.78] 脑海里浮现的全是奔我而来的脸庞与杀气腾腾的眼睛
[01:31.71] 我的躁狂渗入生命
[01:37.66] 本是微不足道的陌生人踏进了这异度空间
[01:41.28] 稍作止息 平息你一直以来的痛苦挣扎
[01:45.45] 不知怎地你我拿血肉滋养着他
[01:49.11] 如今看来我们似乎连他都已经错过
[02:08.86] 眼见你离去 舞之蹈之
[02:11.28] 逃离这苦涩的疼痛
[02:12.53] 眼见你后撤
[02:14.58] 逃离了有你有我的日子
[02:16.45] 在无止尽为你牺牲奉献中我徘徊瞻眺
[02:19.68] 血液流干殆尽
[02:22.42] 我再次动摇
[02:24.97] 眼见你消逝离去
[02:26.28] 一次又一次
[02:28.39] 耳边响起你的呼唤
[02:30.26] 是你的有一层假面
[02:32.44] 在无止尽为你牺牲奉献中我徘徊瞻眺
[02:35.91] 在这个生于斯长于斯的世界 亡于斯
[02:39.28] 离我太过遥远 时光扑朔太过漫长
[03:20.77] 陌生的脸孔追到了我身后
[03:26.50] 脑海里浮现的蔓延着的脸孔全全追了过来
[03:35.52] 异度空间的房门外出现陌生的音色
[03:42.42] 正如以前一样让我的理智消失殆尽
[04:23.66] 预言讲述着生命之内的死亡
[04:27.15] 请收回你的话语它们如拔不出融不进的刀让我鲜血直流
[04:31.25] 心中刮过阴惨惨的冷风
[04:35.05] 这无休止的躁狂毕竟是命中已注定
[04:40.46] 微不足道的陌生人就在我旁边 袖手旁观
[04:44.01] 倘若你可以取得胜利 那我也将一往无前捧取桂冠
[04:47.99] 稍作止息 平息你一直以来忍受的痛楚
[04:51.97] 只有经历过死亡我们才能真正携手开始新的篇章
Manic Aeon 歌词
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