Stonewall Jackson's Way

Stonewall Jackson's Way 歌词

歌曲 Stonewall Jackson's Way
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the C.S.A., Volume 1
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[00:00.000] 作曲 : John W. Palmer
[00:13.047] Come, stack arms, men! Pile on the rails,
[00:15.295] Stir up the camp-fire bright;
[00:17.263] No matter if the canteen fails,
[00:19.223] We'll make a rousing night!
[00:21.182] Here Shenandoah brawls along,
[00:23.144] And burly Blue-Ridge echoes strong,
[00:25.106] To swell our brigade's rousing song
[00:27.074] Of "Stonewall Jackson's way."
[00:29.323] We see him now, - the old slouched hat,
[00:31.012] Cocked o'er his eye askew;
[00:32.974] The shrewd, dry smile, - the speech so pat,
[00:35.215] So calm, so blunt, so true.
[00:37.181] That "Blue-Light Elder," knows him well.
[00:39.152] Says he, "that's Banks, - he's fond of shell;
[00:41.118] Lord save his soul! we'll give him - well."
[00:43.088] That's Stonewall Jackson's way.
[00:53.196] Silence! ground arms! kneel all! caps off!
[00:55.167] Old "Blue Light's" going to pray.
[00:57.128] Strangle the fool that dares to scoff!
[00:59.083] Attention! That's his way.
[01:01.041] Appealing from his native sod,
[01:03.007] "Hear us, hear us, oh mighty God,"
[01:05.249] Lay "tare Thine arm; stretch forth thy rod,
[01:07.217] "That's Stonewall Jackson's way."
[01:09.463] He's in the saddle now, Fall in!
[01:11.149] Steady the whole brigade;
[01:13.111] Hill's at the ford, cut off, we'll win
[01:15.073] His way out, ball and blade!
[01:17.039] What matter if our shoes are worn?
[01:19.018] What matter if our feet are torn?
[01:20.982] Quick-step! we're with him there at dawn!
[01:23.222] That's "Stonewall Jackson's way."
[01:33.263] The sun's bright lances, rout the mists,
[01:34.946] Of morning, and by George!
[01:37.193] Here's Longstreet, struggling in the lists,
[01:38.874] Hemmed in an ugly gorge.
[01:41.115] Pope and his Yankees, fierce before,
[01:43.079] "Bay'nets and grape!" hear Stonewall roar;
[01:45.044] "Charge, Stuart! Pay off Ashby's score!"
[01:47.290] In "Stonewall Jackson's way."
[01:49.256] Ah! Maiden, wait and watch and yearn
[01:50.935] For news of Jackson's band!
[01:53.180] Ah! Widow, read, with eyes that burn,
[01:55.142] That ring upon thy hand;
[01:57.108] Ah! Wife, sew on, hope on, and pray
[01:59.074] Thy life shall not be all forlorn
[02:01.041] The foe had better ne'er been born
[02:03.006] That gets in "Stonewall's way."
[00:00.000] zuo qu : John W. Palmer
[00:13.047] Come, stack arms, men! Pile on the rails,
[00:15.295] Stir up the campfire bright
[00:17.263] No matter if the canteen fails,
[00:19.223] We' ll make a rousing night!
[00:21.182] Here Shenandoah brawls along,
[00:23.144] And burly BlueRidge echoes strong,
[00:25.106] To swell our brigade' s rousing song
[00:27.074] Of " Stonewall Jackson' s way."
[00:29.323] We see him now, the old slouched hat,
[00:31.012] Cocked o' er his eye askew
[00:32.974] The shrewd, dry smile, the speech so pat,
[00:35.215] So calm, so blunt, so true.
[00:37.181] That " BlueLight Elder," knows him well.
[00:39.152] Says he, " that' s Banks, he' s fond of shell
[00:41.118] Lord save his soul! we' ll give him well."
[00:43.088] That' s Stonewall Jackson' s way.
[00:53.196] Silence! ground arms! kneel all! caps off!
[00:55.167] Old " Blue Light' s" going to pray.
[00:57.128] Strangle the fool that dares to scoff!
[00:59.083] Attention! That' s his way.
[01:01.041] Appealing from his native sod,
[01:03.007] " Hear us, hear us, oh mighty God,"
[01:05.249] Lay " tare Thine arm stretch forth thy rod,
[01:07.217] " That' s Stonewall Jackson' s way."
[01:09.463] He' s in the saddle now, Fall in!
[01:11.149] Steady the whole brigade
[01:13.111] Hill' s at the ford, cut off, we' ll win
[01:15.073] His way out, ball and blade!
[01:17.039] What matter if our shoes are worn?
[01:19.018] What matter if our feet are torn?
[01:20.982] Quickstep! we' re with him there at dawn!
[01:23.222] That' s " Stonewall Jackson' s way."
[01:33.263] The sun' s bright lances, rout the mists,
[01:34.946] Of morning, and by George!
[01:37.193] Here' s Longstreet, struggling in the lists,
[01:38.874] Hemmed in an ugly gorge.
[01:41.115] Pope and his Yankees, fierce before,
[01:43.079] " Bay' nets and grape!" hear Stonewall roar
[01:45.044] " Charge, Stuart! Pay off Ashby' s score!"
[01:47.290] In " Stonewall Jackson' s way."
[01:49.256] Ah! Maiden, wait and watch and yearn
[01:50.935] For news of Jackson' s band!
[01:53.180] Ah! Widow, read, with eyes that burn,
[01:55.142] That ring upon thy hand
[01:57.108] Ah! Wife, sew on, hope on, and pray
[01:59.074] Thy life shall not be all forlorn
[02:01.041] The foe had better ne' er been born
[02:03.006] That gets in " Stonewall' s way."
[00:00.000] zuò qǔ : John W. Palmer
[00:13.047] Come, stack arms, men! Pile on the rails,
[00:15.295] Stir up the campfire bright
[00:17.263] No matter if the canteen fails,
[00:19.223] We' ll make a rousing night!
[00:21.182] Here Shenandoah brawls along,
[00:23.144] And burly BlueRidge echoes strong,
[00:25.106] To swell our brigade' s rousing song
[00:27.074] Of " Stonewall Jackson' s way."
[00:29.323] We see him now, the old slouched hat,
[00:31.012] Cocked o' er his eye askew
[00:32.974] The shrewd, dry smile, the speech so pat,
[00:35.215] So calm, so blunt, so true.
[00:37.181] That " BlueLight Elder," knows him well.
[00:39.152] Says he, " that' s Banks, he' s fond of shell
[00:41.118] Lord save his soul! we' ll give him well."
[00:43.088] That' s Stonewall Jackson' s way.
[00:53.196] Silence! ground arms! kneel all! caps off!
[00:55.167] Old " Blue Light' s" going to pray.
[00:57.128] Strangle the fool that dares to scoff!
[00:59.083] Attention! That' s his way.
[01:01.041] Appealing from his native sod,
[01:03.007] " Hear us, hear us, oh mighty God,"
[01:05.249] Lay " tare Thine arm stretch forth thy rod,
[01:07.217] " That' s Stonewall Jackson' s way."
[01:09.463] He' s in the saddle now, Fall in!
[01:11.149] Steady the whole brigade
[01:13.111] Hill' s at the ford, cut off, we' ll win
[01:15.073] His way out, ball and blade!
[01:17.039] What matter if our shoes are worn?
[01:19.018] What matter if our feet are torn?
[01:20.982] Quickstep! we' re with him there at dawn!
[01:23.222] That' s " Stonewall Jackson' s way."
[01:33.263] The sun' s bright lances, rout the mists,
[01:34.946] Of morning, and by George!
[01:37.193] Here' s Longstreet, struggling in the lists,
[01:38.874] Hemmed in an ugly gorge.
[01:41.115] Pope and his Yankees, fierce before,
[01:43.079] " Bay' nets and grape!" hear Stonewall roar
[01:45.044] " Charge, Stuart! Pay off Ashby' s score!"
[01:47.290] In " Stonewall Jackson' s way."
[01:49.256] Ah! Maiden, wait and watch and yearn
[01:50.935] For news of Jackson' s band!
[01:53.180] Ah! Widow, read, with eyes that burn,
[01:55.142] That ring upon thy hand
[01:57.108] Ah! Wife, sew on, hope on, and pray
[01:59.074] Thy life shall not be all forlorn
[02:01.041] The foe had better ne' er been born
[02:03.006] That gets in " Stonewall' s way."
[00:13.047] 来把枪都架到栅栏上!
[00:15.295] 保持着营火亮
[00:17.263] 也别管那水壶破成啥样
[00:19.223] 我们晚上要大闹一场!
[00:21.182] 此处雪兰多河谷中激战狂
[00:23.144] 彼处蓝岭之巅阵阵回响
[00:25.106] 把我们旅激昂的军歌唱响
[00:27.074] “石墙杰克逊的门道”
[00:29.323] 是他了 - 那老旧的软军帽
[00:31.012] 斜垂下到眼旁
[00:32.974] 那老练干涩的微笑
[00:35.215] 冷静真挚的话语
[00:37.181] “老蓝灯”对敌人了如指掌
[00:39.152] 他说:“那是班克斯,他爱火炮。
[00:41.118] 天哪救救他吧!我们要对他 - 唉!“
[00:43.088] 是石墙杰克逊的门道!
[00:53.196] 肃静!放枪!下跪!脱帽!
[00:55.167] “老蓝灯”就要祈祷
[00:57.128] 哪个蠢货敢笑就弄死他!
[00:59.083] 注意!这是他的门道
[01:01.041] 在故土之上仰天祈祷
[01:03.007] “听听我们吧,万能的主啊,
[01:05.249] 伸出您的手,探出您的杖。“
[01:07.217] 是石墙杰克逊的门道!
[01:09.463] 他坐在了马鞍上,列阵!
[01:11.149] 稳住了整个旅
[01:13.111] 希尔过浅滩穿插,我们会赢
[01:15.073] 他以炮弹刺刀开路!
[01:17.039] 我们鞋子破烂又何妨?
[01:19.018] 我们双脚刺痛又何妨?
[01:20.982] 快步走!破晓便能会师!
[01:23.222] 是石墙杰克逊的门道!
[01:33.263] 清晨阳光驱散迷雾
[01:34.946] 闪耀如圣乔治之矛!
[01:37.193] 隆史崔特也投入到鏖战中
[01:38.874] 在险要山谷中包抄
[01:41.115] 波普与北军在面前撤退
[01:43.079] “刺刀与霰弹上!”石墙怒吼
[01:45.044] “冲锋,斯图亚特!为阿什比报仇!”
[01:47.290] 以石墙杰克逊的门道!
[01:49.256] 啊!女士们等待企盼着
[01:50.935] 石墙部队的消息!
[01:53.180] 啊!寡妇以她目光灼灼
[01:55.142] 注视着手上戒指
[01:57.108] 啊!妻子们缝着衣期待祈祷
[01:59.074] 她们的人生应不会陷入绝望
[02:01.041] 那敌人最好娘胎里躺
[02:03.006] 别挡着石墙的道
Stonewall Jackson's Way 歌词
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