Green Fields Of France

歌曲 Green Fields Of France
歌手 The High Kings
专辑 Memory Lane


Well how do you do, young Willy McBride?
Do you mind if I sit here down by your graveside
And rest for a while 'neath the warm summer sun
I've been walking all day, and I'm nearly done
I see by your gravestone you were only nineteen
When you joined the great fallen in nineteen-sixteen
I hope you died well
And I hope you died clean
Oh young Willy McBride, was is it slow and obscene?
Did they beat the drums slowly?
Did they play the fife lowly?
Did they sound the death march as they lowered you down?
Did the band play the Last Post in chorus?
Did the pipes play the Flowers of the Forest?
Did you leave here a wife or a sweetheart behind?
In some faithful heart is your memory enshrined?
Although you died back in nineteen-sixteen
In that faithful heart, are you forever nineteen?
Or are you a stranger without even a name
Enclosed then forever behind a glass pane
In an old photograph torn, battered, and stained
And faded to yellow in a brown leather frame?
The sun now shines o'er the green fields of France
There's a warm summer breeze that makes the red poppies dance
And look how the sun shines from under the clouds
There's no gas, no barbed wire, there's no gun firing now
But here in this graveyard it's still No Man's Land
The countless white crosses stand mute in the sand
To man's blind indifference to his fellow man
To a whole generation that were butchered and damned
Now young Willy McBride, I can't help but wonder, why?
Do those that lie here know why they died?
And did they believe when they answered the call?
Did they really believe that this war would end wars?
For the sorrow, the suffering, the glory, the shame
The killing and dying were all done in vain
For young Willy McBride it all happened again
And again, and again, and again, and again
(Chorus X2)


[00:10.56] jìn lái rú hé, nián qīng de wēi lì mài kè bù lái dé?
[00:15.67] qǐng wèn nǐ jiè yì wǒ zuò zài nín de mù biān ma?
[00:21.02] zài xià rì de nuǎn yáng xià shāo zuò xiǎo qì
[00:26.21] wǒ yǐ jīng zǒu le yī zhěng tiān, wǒ kuài dào le
[00:33.28] cóng nǐ de mù bēi zhōng wǒ kàn dào nǐ nà shí cái 19 suì
[00:38.12] dāng nǐ zài 1996 nián jiā rù le yī zhàn
[00:45.05] wǒ xī wàng nǐ shì qù de hěn píng jìng
[00:47.59] wǒ xī wàng nǐ shì qù de hěn qīng bái
[00:50.28] ō, nián qīng de wēi lì mài kè bù lái dé, zàng lǐ shì fǒu huǎn màn ér bēi shāng?
[00:55.76] tā men shì fǒu qiāo xiǎng le huǎn màn de gǔ diǎn?
[00:58.39] tā men shì fǒu chuī qǐ dī chén de héng dí?
[01:01.17] tā men yǎn mái nǐ de shí hòu shì fǒu tīng dào le sǐ wáng de yuè zhāng?
[01:07.75] yuè duì shì fǒu hé zòu le zuì hòu de xùn xī?
[01:13.13] guǎn yuè duì shì fǒu chuī xiǎng le sēn lín zhī huā?
[01:22.74] nǐ shì fǒu liú xià le yī wèi qī zǐ yì huò shì yī kē tián xīn?
[01:27.53] nǐ de jì yì bèi zhōng chéng de xīn suǒ fèng sì
[01:33.33] jí shǐ nǐ zài 1916 nián yǐ jīng sǐ qù
[01:38.43] zài nèi xiē zhōng chéng de xīn zhōng, nǐ shì fǒu yǒng yuǎn 19 suì ne?
[01:44.57] yě xǔ nǐ shì yī wèi shèn zhì wú míng de mò shēng rén
[01:50.39] cóng cǐ bèi bō lí guān yǒng yuǎn fēng cún
[01:56.80] zài yī zhāng lǎo jiù de zhào piān lǐ bèi sī liè, bèi sǔn huài, bèi diàn wū
[02:02.43] zài zōng sè de pí zhì xiàng kuàng lǐ tuì chéng huáng sè
[02:07.69] tā men shì fǒu qiāo xiǎng le huǎn màn de gǔ diǎn?
[02:10.34] tā men shì fǒu chuī qǐ dī chén de héng dí?
[02:13.08] tā men yǎn mái nǐ de shí hòu shì fǒu tīng dào le sǐ wáng de yuè zhāng?
[02:19.55] yuè duì shì fǒu hé zòu le zuì hòu de xùn xī?
[02:25.14] guǎn yuè duì shì fǒu chuī xiǎng le sēn lín zhī huā?
[02:34.57] xiàn zài tài yáng zhèng zài fǎ guó lǜ sè de tián yě shàng shǎn yào
[02:39.71] xià rì wēn nuǎn de wēi fēng ràng hóng sè de yīng sù huā qǐ wǔ.
[02:45.29] kàn kàn yáng guāng rú hé tòu guò yún céng zhào shè xià lái ba
[02:50.34] méi yǒu dú qì, méi yǒu tiě sī wǎng, gèng méi yǒu qiāng míng
[02:57.53] dàn zhè de mù yuán réng shì wú rén zhī dì
[03:02.53] suǒ yǒu shǔ bù qīng de bái sè shí zì jià jìng jìng dì lì zài shā shàng
[03:09.01] miàn duì zhe rén men duì tóng bāo de lěng mò
[03:14.43] miàn duì zhe zhěng zhěng yī dài bèi tú shā hé zǔ zhòu de rén
[03:19.83] tā men shì fǒu qiāo xiǎng le huǎn màn de gǔ diǎn?
[03:22.43] tā men shì fǒu chuī qǐ dī chén de héng dí?
[03:25.13] tā men yǎn mái nǐ de shí hòu shì fǒu tīng dào le sǐ wáng de yuè zhāng?
[03:31.76] yuè duì shì fǒu hé zòu le zuì hòu de xùn xī?
[03:37.06] guǎn yuè duì shì fǒu chuī xiǎng le sēn lín zhī huā?
[03:51.06] xiàn zài nián qīng de wēi lì mài kè bù lái dé, wǒ bù jīn nà mèn wèi shí me?
[03:56.99] nèi xiē cháng mián yú cǐ de rén men zhī dào tā men wèi shí me sǐ de ma?
[04:02.37] tā men jiē dào shǐ mìng shí xiāng xìn le ma?
[04:07.50] tā men zhēn de xiāng xìn zhè chǎng zhàn zhēng huì jié shù yī qiè zhàn zhēng ma?
[04:14.49] wèi le bēi shāng kǔ nàn róng yù hé chǐ rǔ
[04:20.11] shā lù hé xī shēng jiē shì tú rán
[04:26.58] duì yú nián qīng de wēi lì mài kè bù lái dé, zhèi xiē dōu zài cì fā shēng
[04:31.87] zài yī cì, zài yī cì, zài yī cì, zài yī cì
[04:37.09] tā men shì fǒu qiāo xiǎng le huǎn màn de gǔ diǎn?
[04:39.73] tā men shì fǒu chuī qǐ dī chén de héng dí?
[04:42.42] tā men yǎn mái nǐ de shí hòu shì fǒu tīng dào le sǐ wáng de yuè zhāng?
[04:48.94] yuè duì shì fǒu hé zòu le zuì hòu de xùn xī?
[04:54.28] guǎn yuè duì shì fǒu chuī xiǎng le sēn lín zhī huā?
[04:59.91] tā men shì fǒu qiāo xiǎng le huǎn màn de gǔ diǎn?
[05:02.40] tā men shì fǒu chuī qǐ dī chén de héng dí?
[05:05.09] tā men yǎn mái nǐ de shí hòu shì fǒu tīng dào le sǐ wáng de yuè zhāng?
[05:11.71] yuè duì shì fǒu hé zòu le zuì hòu de xùn xī?
[05:17.01] guǎn yuè duì shì fǒu chuī xiǎng le sēn lín zhī huā?