Compassion is a deep awareness of the suffering of another with a wish to relieve it. |
A sympathetic consciousness of others' distress with selflessness, |
to see the sacredness of another person and to see their well-being, |
giving to another person with love and kindness itself. |
We are all one, we are in this together. |
There is no separation, only love. |
When you look at someone, see them with new eyes, |
right down to the very essence of their soul, |
envisioning the sacredness and interconnectedness |
of their true self which is whole and complete. |
Love is all we are. |
We are all unique and special. |
If anyone has wronged us. |
We must forgive them and send positive loving positive to that person. |
Life is a joy and filled with all kinds of miracles and blessings. |
Your love is limitless. |
The more love you send out. |
The more love flows back to you in full circle. |
We are in control of our destiny. |
Every ending is a new beginning. |
Life is like a black board you can wipe it clean and start over. |
Do what you love and open yourself to all good. |
Find joy in everything you do and you always succeed. |
You have the power to overcome any challenges that present themselves in front of you. |
You light up the world with your presence no matter what. |