Comet Song
Racing Through |
TimeSouls |
Prey Lead |
BlindIntersteller |
Mutilation |
Comets Speed |
ForthBring |
DETH For Earth |
Time For Your |
Next Destination |
Galactic D |
ETHHuntsFlies |
PushesThrough |
TimeSpaceDimensions |
Advance Your |
PlacePay To |
Gain Grace |
Your Salvation |
Through Defrayel |
You Will Surive |
So You Think |
YourBank Receipts |
Will Tip The |
ScaleGalactic |
DETHHuntsFlies |
Pushes Through |
TimeSpaceDimensions |
Your Time |
Is Coming |
TonightYou'll |
Be Killed |
At The Speed |
Of LightDestiny |
You Can't |
FightCrushed |
By CometsTransmogrified |
DETH Will |
Bring You |
New LifeA |
Slave Forever |
On The Planet |
Of HellEighty |
Thousand Years |
Since The |
Comet Took |
FlightYour |
Destiny Is |
Pain Forever |
The Earthquakes |
The Clouded |
Sky Breathes |
FireLava Sprays |
ONTO The Seas |
The Oceans |
BoilThe Deserts |
FreezeMasses |
Flee Into |
The Streets |
Meteors Fly |
With A Magnatized |
HeatCrush |
And Take Human |
DeceiversFry |
The Souls of |
The NON-BE |
LIEVERSSmashing |
Killing Devouring |
AllNo One |
Is Saved The |
Chosen Fall |
Run With The |
Hordes Trample |
The WeakCrush |
The Skulls |
Of Those that |
Can't Speak |
Sweating Bleeding |
Your Eyes |
Go WideThe |
Earth Is Ending |
It's About to |
CollideThe |
Clouds Part |
The World |
Goes Black |
The Comet |
Speeds Forth |
For It's Final |
Attack |