And all that is holy, holy shall be... |
Let the light bless and let these words proclaim the blessing. |
Let the seal be broken and let the light prevail; |
Let the earth be scorched and let the light prevail; |
Let the wrath cleanse the world from opposition... ...and let heaven spew brimstone on sin! |
And all that is holy, holy shall be... |
Let alive the word's proclamation, |
Let the laws of |
The Books be the laws of the earth; |
Let humanity be sin and let denial be bliss; |
Let the wars cleanse the world and let their fear show their path. |
Let the Light reign over |
Man and beast, let the |
Lord strike the sinners with plague, let the |
Lord our God reign for eternity; and all that is |
Holy, Holy shall be... |
For the carnal and earthly mouths of |
Christ He has made blind and as vices they are |
Let their words and acts be spears and be chains |
Tormenting the weeping face of their god |
From the valley of |
Sodom to the hill of |
Harmageddon |
Behold the holocaustclouds and heed the trumpet's roar |
A Charge more forceful than ever witnessed |
May the Angels of |
Heaven shed the blood of |
Man Behold, the new and true |
Gospel, the words come from the |
Lord himself, |
Redemtion through death! |
Salvation through fire! |
And all that is holy, holy shall be... |
Let the light bless and let these words proclaim the blessing. |
Let the seal be broken and let the light prevail; |
Let the earth be scorched and let the light prevail; |
Let the wrath cleanse the world from opposition... ...and let heaven spew brimstone on sin! |
Let the prophets of double voices free |
And in Gehinnoms splendour eternally |
Let them B |
URN for their true majesty |
And all that is |
Holy, Holy shall be!!! |