Embarrassing kid looks into the mirror |
and grins like an idiot at his own face. |
For as long he lives he will not be delivered |
from the stuff that he did, from his teenage mistakes. |
I can barely believe it |
how I went and let the old school down. |
Yeah, whatever can I have been thinking of? |
Embarrassing kid, I squirm at the memory, |
try to bang down the lid on the can of worms. |
It remains pretty strange and uncomfortable territory |
where my secrets are hidden, however absurd. |
I can hardly conceal it, |
how my ashen face got drained of blood. |
Yeah, everybody can have a damn good laugh. |
Embarrassing kid, you don't know the half of it, |
but I'd stake a few quid you've got gaffes of your own. |
Take a look at yourself and you might have to laugh a bit... |
but the teeth that you grit, well at least they're your own. |
And yes at the end of the day |
we get what we've given away, |
you bet: our eternal embarrassment. |