The Power Of Equality

The Power Of Equality 歌词

歌曲 The Power Of Equality
歌手 Red Hot Chili Peppers
专辑 Blood Sugar Sex Magik
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[00:02.10] the power of equality
[00:06.13] red hot chili peppers
[00:15.17] i've got a soul
[00:16.12] that cannot sleep
[00:17.22] at night when something
[00:18.66] just ain't right
[00:19.66] blood red
[00:20.96] but without sight
[00:22.06] exploding egos
[00:23.79] in the night
[00:24.58] mix like sticks
[00:25.47] of dynamite
[00:26.45] red black or white
[00:27.67] this is my fight
[00:28.88] come on courage
[00:30.02] let's be heard
[00:31.78] turn feelings
[00:32.70] into words
[00:33.75] american equality
[00:34.82] has always been sour
[00:36.10] an attitude
[00:37.33] i would like to devour
[00:38.45] my name is peace
[00:39.56] this is my hour
[00:40.61] can i get
[00:41.80] just a little bit of power
[00:43.23] the power of equality
[00:48.18] is not yet what it ought to be (ought to be)
[00:52.79] it fills me up like a hollow tree (hollow tree)
[00:57.49] the power of equality
[01:11.18] right or wrong
[01:12.08] my song is strong
[01:13.49] you don't like it
[01:14.77] get along
[01:15.62] say what i want
[01:16.74] do what i can
[01:18.33] death to the message
[01:19.39] of the klu klux klan
[01:20.41] i don't buy supremacy
[01:21.64] media chief
[01:23.85] you menace me
[01:25.24] the people you say
[01:26.16] 'cause all the crime
[01:27.28] wake up motherfucker
[01:28.63] and smell the slime
[01:29.98] blackest anger
[01:31.12] whitest fear
[01:32.45] can you hear me
[01:33.40] am i clear
[01:34.37] my name is peace
[01:35.47] this is my hour
[01:36.82] can i get
[01:38.19] just a little bit of power
[01:39.50] the power of equality
[01:44.39] is not yet what it ought to be (ought to be)
[01:49.22] it fills me up like a hollow tree (hollow tree)
[01:53.81] the power of equality
[02:17.10] i've got tapes
[02:17.89] i've got cd's
[02:19.20] i've got my public enemy
[02:20.59] my lilly white ass
[02:22.66] is tickled pink
[02:23.78] when i listen to the music
[02:25.13] that makes me think
[02:26.19] not another
[02:27.45] motherfuckin' politician
[02:28.51] doin' nothin' but something
[02:29.77] for his own ambition
[02:30.99] never touch
[02:32.10] the sound we make
[02:33.17] soul sacred love
[02:34.23] vows that we take
[02:35.49] to create straight
[02:37.03] what is true
[02:38.09] yo he's with me
[02:39.23] and what i do
[02:40.34] my name is peace
[02:41.43] this is my hour
[02:43.09] can i get
[02:43.78] just a little bit of power
[02:45.20] the power of equality
[02:50.12] is not yet what it ought to be (ought to be)
[02:54.88] it fills me up like a hollow tree (hollow tree)
[02:59.64] the power of equality
[03:13.42] madder than a motherfucker
[03:14.64] lick my finger
[03:16.05] can't forget
[03:16.98] 'cause the memory lingers
[03:18.27] count 'em off quick
[03:19.26] little piccadilly sickness
[03:20.43] take me to the hick
[03:21.49] eat my thickness
[03:22.84] i've got a welt
[03:23.90] from the bible belt
[03:24.98] dealing with the hand
[03:26.19] that i've been dealt
[03:27.30] sitting in the grip
[03:28.44] of a killing fist
[03:29.64] giving up blood
[03:30.74] just to exist
[03:31.91] rub me wrong
[03:33.08] and i get pissed
[03:34.37] no i cannot
[03:35.63] get to this
[03:36.91] people in pain
[03:37.85] i do not dig it
[03:39.36] change of brain
[03:40.29] for mr bigot
[03:46.25] little brother do you hear me
[03:48.62] have a heart oh come get near me
[03:51.00] misery is not my friend
[03:52.08] but i'll break before i bend
[03:53.20] what i see is insanity
[03:57.91] what ever happened to humanity
[04:00.32] what ever happened to humanity
[04:02.45] what ever happened to humanity
[00:02.10] 平等的力量
[00:06.13] 红热辣椒
[00:15.17] 我的灵魂
[00:16.12] 在夜间无法入眠
[00:17.22] 因为有些事儿
[00:18.66] 就是不太对头
[00:19.66] 腥红一片
[00:20.96] 却又模糊不清
[00:22.06] 黑夜里
[00:23.79] 自我被炸得粉碎
[00:24.58] 混乱地如同
[00:25.47] 炸弹雷管
[00:26.45] 不分青红皂白
[00:27.67] 我的战争已打响
[00:28.88] 来吧,鼓起勇气
[00:30.02] 把我们的声音传递出去
[00:31.78] 把我们的感受
[00:32.70] 变成话语说出来
[00:33.75] 在美国
[00:34.82] 平等如此不易
[00:36.10] 此种态度
[00:37.33] 我愿将其毁灭
[00:38.45] 我的名字就叫和平
[00:39.56] 此刻就是我的时刻
[00:40.61] 我能不能
[00:41.80] 得到一丁点儿力量
[00:43.23] 平等的力量
[00:48.18] 似乎还不是它该有的样子
[00:52.79] 它空洞得如空一棵枯树
[00:57.49] 平等的力量
[01:11.18] 无论对与错
[01:12.08] 我的歌声响亮
[01:13.49] 如果你不喜欢
[01:14.77] 试着接受吧
[01:15.62] 说我所要说
[01:16.74] 做我所能做
[01:18.33] 3K党的教义
[01:19.39] 已走到了尽头
[01:20.41] 我可不信什么至高无上的权利
[01:21.64] 主流媒体
[01:23.85] 你吓到我了
[01:25.24] 你说,是人民
[01:26.16] 带来这么多罪过
[01:27.28] 醒醒吧,混蛋
[01:28.63] 尝尝苦果吧
[01:29.98] 最黑暗的天使
[01:31.12] 最苍白的恐惧
[01:32.45] 听到我说话了吗
[01:33.40] 我表达得够清晰吗
[01:34.37] 我的名字就叫和平
[01:35.47] 此刻就是我的时刻
[01:36.82] 我能不能
[01:38.19] 得到一丁点儿力量
[01:39.50] 平等的力量
[01:44.39] 似乎还不是它该有的样子
[01:49.22] 它空洞得如空一棵枯树
[01:53.81] 平等的力量
[02:17.10] 我有录影带
[02:17.89] 我有CD碟
[02:19.20] 我有我的《全民公敌》
[02:20.59] 每当我听起音乐
[02:22.66] 我那白种人的屁股
[02:23.78] 就开始红肿发痒
[02:25.13] 这让我想到
[02:26.19] 不过又是一个
[02:27.45] 混蛋政客
[02:28.51] 做着什么
[02:29.77] 满足个人欲望的事情
[02:30.99] 千万别触碰到
[02:32.10] 我们发出的声音
[02:33.17] 深入灵魂的爱
[02:34.23] 我们发出的誓言
[02:35.49] 请直接了当
[02:37.03] 实话实说
[02:38.09] 哟,他跟我一伙
[02:39.23] 跟我一起干
[02:40.34] 我的名字就叫和平
[02:41.43] 此刻就是我的时刻
[02:43.09] 我能不能
[02:43.78] 得到一丁点儿力量
[02:45.20] 平等的力量
[02:50.12] 似乎还不是它该有的样子
[02:54.88] 它空洞得如空一棵枯树
[02:59.64] 平等的力量
[03:13.42] 我比那些个混蛋更疯狂
[03:14.64] 我舔了舔手指
[03:16.05] 忘不掉
[03:16.98] 因为记忆挥之不去
[03:18.27] 来报个数吧
[03:19.26] 有点厌倦了时髦感
[03:20.43] 我开始喜欢乡土气
[03:21.49] 吞下了我的愚昧无知
[03:22.84] 我在圣经地带
[03:23.90] 弄到一个伤疤
[03:24.98] 我跟一个一直在应付的人
[03:26.19] 干了一架
[03:27.30] 我坐上了一只紧握着的
[03:28.44] 充满恶意的拳头
[03:29.64] 为了活下去
[03:30.74] 宁可放点儿血
[03:31.91] 惹上了我
[03:33.08] 让我很生气
[03:34.37] 不,我不能
[03:35.63] 理解这是怎么回事
[03:36.91] 人们正饱受痛苦
[03:37.85] 我不想试图去
[03:39.36] 让持偏见的人
[03:40.29] 改变想法
[03:46.25] 小兄弟,你听到我说什么了没
[03:48.62] 长点儿心吧,来到我这儿来
[03:51.00] 我可不跟苦难做朋友
[03:52.08] 我宁死不屈
[03:53.20] 我满目皆是丧心病狂之人
[03:57.91] 不管人类身上到底发生了什么
[04:00.32] 不管人类身上到底发生了什么
[04:02.45] 不管人类身上到底发生了什么
The Power Of Equality 歌词
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