Who The Fuck?

歌曲 Who The Fuck?
歌手 Graham Coxon
专辑 The Sky Is Too High


[00:22.36] I stole the bottle of gin from over the counter and ran,
[00:24.58] I knew I'd been seen.
[00:25.57] I scarpered stifling giggles down the street
[00:27.22] and hid round a corner on a side street.
[00:28.76] I heard him huffing and the sound of his big feet
[00:30.13] against the paving, he was getting close.
[00:31.52] As he rounded the corner
[00:32.33] I sighted him up down the barrel of the gun
[00:33.31] and on seeing his expression change to
[00:34.83] one of horror + confusion jerked back the trigger.
[00:36.36] His body was jolted back by
[00:37.34] the force of the bullet + his feet flew foward.
[00:39.63] I saw a bright little rivulet of blood are into the air
[00:40.87] and I slid the gun into the waistband of my trousers.
[00:42.27] Who the fuck are you looking at?
[00:45.82] Who the fuck are you looking at?
[00:49.00] Who the fuck are you looking at?
[00:52.33] Who the fuck are you looking at?
[00:58.56] Is there really a thing like feeling too much?
[01:00.88] Can you really escape + numb the real?
[01:02.54] There's a way of saying, a way of sayin a shape
[01:04.47] I feel a certain shape and it's complicated
[01:06.75] it's not like a square or a circle.
[01:07.91] It's like a crystal or a diamond,
[01:09.18] it's clean, hard, unfathomable
[01:10.62] and it ends in an augmented kiss
[01:12.40] It ends in an augmented (demented) kiss
[01:15.81] Who the fuck are you looking at?
[01:18.76] Who the fuck are you looking at?
[01:22.10] Who the fuck are you looking at?
[01:25.42] Who the fuck are you looking at?
[02:01.80] Rock Stars are not cool.
[02:04.34] They're full of his guy they call Satan,
[02:06.67] kids stuff oozing from their mouths.
[02:08.19] They wear the shoes of dead soldiers shot by soldiers,
[02:10.73] valium horses trotting squeezing through their raspberry blood.
[02:13.70] Sometimes I feel so stoopid I wanna quit
[02:15.42] get out of it cus I hate this world and everyone in it
[02:18.45] The fat Bald men who run it - the fat bald men.
[02:21.98] Who the fuck are you looking at?
[02:24.86] Who the fuck are you looking at?
[02:28.26] Who the fuck are you looking at?
[02:31.52] Who the fuck are you looking at?
[02:35.08] Who the fuck are you looking at?
[02:38.25] Who the fuck are you looking at?
[02:41.59] Who the fuck are you looking at?
[02:44.77] Who the fuck are you looking at?
[02:48.23] Who the fuck are you looking at?
[02:51.49] Who the fuck are you looking at?
[02:54.91] Who the fuck are you looking at?
[02:58.13] Who the fuck are you looking at?


[00:22.36] wǒ cóng guì tái shàng ná zǒu yī píng gin jiù pǎo,
[00:24.58] wǒ zhī dào wǒ yǐ jīng bèi dǎi dào.
[00:25.57] wǒ yán zhe jiē dào yī liū xiǎo pǎo, yī biān chuǎn bù shàng qì dì shǎ xiào
[00:27.22] duǒ zài jiē páng yí gè gā lá jiǎo.
[00:28.76] wǒ tīng dào tā qì chuǎn xū xū dà jiǎo pā pā xiǎng
[00:30.13] tà zhe pū lù zhuān, tā zhèng zài bī jìn yī páng!
[00:31.52] zhèng dāng tā zài jiǎo luò páng sì chù dǎ zhuǎn,
[00:32.33] wǒ zhí chōng chōng duì tā jǔ qǐ le qiāng
[00:33.31] wǒ yī biān kàn tā biǎo qíng biàn de
[00:34.83] mí huò hé jīng huāng, yī biān kāi le qiāng.
[00:36.36] tā de shēn tǐ bèi zǐ dàn xiàng hòu tuī,
[00:37.34] tā de jiǎo yě wǎng qián qǐ fēi,
[00:39.63] yī dào xiān xuè xiǎo xī shǎn zhe guāng hái mào zhe rè qì,
[00:40.87] rán hòu wǒ bǎ qiāng huá jìn wǒ de kù yāo lǐ.
[00:42.27] " nǐ zhī dào nǐ zhǎo shàng de shì shuí ma?"
[00:45.82] nǐ zhī dào nǐ zhǎo shàng de shì shuí ma?
[00:49.00] nǐ zhī dào nǐ zhǎo shàng de shì shuí ma?
[00:52.33] ? nǐ zhī dào ma?
[00:58.56] yǒu shén me bì yào dà jīng xiǎo guài ne?
[01:00.88] nǐ zěn me kě néng táo bì xiàn shí ne?
[01:02.54] yǒu yī zhǒng shuō fǎ, yī zhǒng shuō fǎ yí gè xíng zhuàng
[01:04.47] wǒ néng gǎn dào mǒu zhǒng xíng zhuàng, tā shí fēn fù zá,
[01:06.75] bù xiàng yí gè fāng kuài huò yuán nà yàng jiǎn dān.
[01:07.91] tā jiù xiàng yī fāng shuǐ jīng, yí kuài zuàn shí,
[01:09.18] chún jìng, jiān yìng, shēn suì pǒ cè,
[01:10.62] bìng qiě jié shù yú yí gè wú xiàn kuò zhāng de wěn
[01:12.40] jié shù yú yí gè wú xiàn kuò zhāng ér cuò luàn de wěn.
[01:15.81] nǐ zhī dào nǐ zhǎo shàng de shì shuí ma?
[01:18.76] nǐ zhī dào nǐ zhǎo shàng de shì shuí ma?
[01:22.10] nǐ zhī dào nǐ zhǎo shàng de shì shuí ma?
[01:25.42] nǐ zhī dào nǐ zhǎo shàng de shì shuí ma?
[02:01.80] yáo gǔn míng xīng yì diǎn yě bù kù.
[02:04.34] nà zhōng jiān chōng mǎn le tā men chēng zuò sā dàn de mó guǐ,
[02:06.67] xiǎo hái zi de huì wù shèn chū tā men de zuǐ.
[02:08.19] tā men chuān zhe bèi shì bīng dǎ sǐ dí shì bīng de xié,
[02:10.73] ān dìng rú mǎ bān zài tā men zǐ hóng sè xuè yè zhōng bēn téng.
[02:13.70] yǒu xiē shí hòu wǒ gǎn dào zhè yī qiè tài yú chǔn,
[02:15.42] yǐ zhì wǒ xiǎng tuì chū zhè yī qiè, yīn wèi wǒ hèn zhè gè shì jiè zhè shì jiè lǐ suǒ yǒu de rén
[02:18.45] hái yǒu tǒng zhì yī qiè de féi pàng tū tóu nán men.
[02:21.98] nǐ zhī dào nǐ zhǎo shàng de shì shuí ma?
[02:24.86] nǐ zhī dào nǐ zhǎo shàng de shì shuí ma?
[02:28.26] nǐ zhī dào nǐ zhǎo shàng de shì shuí ma?
[02:31.52] nǐ zhī dào nǐ zhǎo shàng de shì shuí ma?
[02:35.08] nǐ zhī dào nǐ zhǎo shàng de shì shuí ma?
[02:38.25] nǐ zhī dào nǐ zhǎo shàng de shì shuí ma?
[02:41.59] nǐ zhī dào nǐ zhǎo shàng de shì shuí ma?
[02:44.77] nǐ zhī dào nǐ zhǎo shàng de shì shuí ma?
[02:48.23] nǐ zhī dào nǐ zhǎo shàng de shì shuí ma?
[02:51.49] nǐ zhī dào nǐ zhǎo shàng de shì shuí ma?
[02:54.91] nǐ zhī dào nǐ zhǎo shàng de shì shuí ma?
[02:58.13] nǐ zhī dào nǐ zhǎo shàng de shì shuí ma?