In Christ Alone

歌曲 In Christ Alone
歌手 David Arkenstone
专辑 Be Thou My Vision: Celtic Hymns


[00:20.40] In Christ alone my hope is found
[00:26.12] He is my light, my strength, my song
[00:30.99] This Cornerstone, this solid ground
[00:36.77] Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
[00:41.77] What heights of love, what depths of peace
[00:47.10] When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
[00:52.45] My Comforter, my All in All
[00:58.19] Here in the love of Christ I stand
[01:05.86] In Christ alone, who took on flesh
[01:11.40] Fullness of God in helpless babe
[01:16.43] This gift of love and righteousness
[01:21.88] Scorned by the ones He came to save
[01:26.94] 'Til on that cross as Jesus died
[01:32.49] The wrath of God was satisfied
[01:37.66] For every sin on Him was laid
[01:43.46] Here in the death of Christ I live
[02:09.90] There in the ground His body lay
[02:15.45] Light of the world by darkness slain
[02:20.44] Then bursting forth in glorious Day
[02:26.15] Up from the grave He rose again
[02:30.98] And as He stands in victory
[02:36.25] Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
[02:41.60] For I am His and He is mine
[02:47.45] Bought with the precious blood of Christ
[03:13.88] No guilt of life, no fear of death
[03:19.42] This is the power of Christ in me
[03:24.29] From life's first cry to final breath
[03:30.11] Jesus commands my destiny
[03:34.98] No power of hell, no scheme of man
[03:40.33] Can ever pluck me from His hand
[03:45.66] 'Til He returns or calls me home
[03:51.41] Here in the power of Christ I'll stand
[03:56.77] 'Til He returns or calls me home
[04:02.17] Here in the power of Christ I'll stand


[00:20.40] zài jī dū lǐ wǒ dé qī pàn
[00:26.12] zuò wǒ liàng guāng, lì liàng, shī gē
[00:30.99] cǐ fáng jiǎo shí jiān wěn gēn jī
[00:36.77] hài làng zhī zhōng láo gù bù dǎo
[00:41.77] cí ài chóng gāo píng ān zhì shēn
[00:47.10] chú què kǒng jù zhǐ xī fēn zhēng
[00:52.45] yǔ wǒ ān wèi shì wǒ yī qiè
[00:58.19] zhǔ ài shǐ wǒ ān wěn yī kào
[01:05.86] wéi dú jī dū dào chéng ròu shēn
[01:11.40] gān zuò yīng hái shě qì róng huá
[01:16.43] tiān cì ēn lǐ hòu ài gōng yì
[01:21.88] suī zāo tuò qì què shī jiù shú
[01:26.94] zhí zhì jiù zhǔ dīng shēn shí jià
[01:32.49] shén de fèn nù yǐ rán bīng shì
[01:37.66] zuì è zhòng dàn yóu zhǔ bèi dān
[01:43.46] yīn tā shě mìng wǒ huò xīn shēng
[02:09.90] shèng qū shòu zàng mù zhōng chén tǎng
[02:15.45] shì jiè zhī guāng hūn àn wú xiàn
[02:20.44] róng yào zhī rì pò miè chén jì
[02:26.15] chōng pò yīn jiān sǐ lǐ fù shēng
[02:30.98] tā zòu kǎi gē zhàn shèng sǐ wáng
[02:36.25] chú què zǔ zhòu zhèng kāi jiā suǒ
[02:41.60] yīn wǒ shǔ tā tā yì shǔ wǒ
[02:47.45] zhǔ de bǎo xuè jiāng zuì shú qīng
[03:13.88] wú kuì cún huó wú jù sǐ wáng
[03:19.42] jī dū dà néng zhāng xiǎn wǒ shēn
[03:24.29] cóng wǒ dàn shì zhí dào qì jué
[03:30.11] yuàn kě yī shēng yóu zhǔ zhǎng guǎn
[03:34.98] wú lùn yīn jiān è rén guǐ jì
[03:40.33] bì bù dòng yáo zài zhǔ shǒu zhōng
[03:45.66] dào zhǔ zài lái huàn wǒ guī jiā
[03:51.41] jī dū dà néng shǐ wǒ yì lì
[03:56.77] dào zhǔ zài lái huàn wǒ guī jiā
[04:02.17] jī dū dà néng shǐ wǒ yì lì