
Eternity 歌词

歌曲 Eternity
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[00:01.61] 「Eternity」
[00:15.61] You are like the Sun
[00:17.17] いつも心を支えてくれてる
[00:23.50] 目立たずに
[00:24.87] でも誰より強く
[00:28.40] For eternity
[00:31.03] 電話越しじゃ暗い顔していてもバレない
[00:36.98] 明るい声出せば
[00:39.20] 「あなたが元気ならそれでいいの」と
[00:43.14] 気遣い 短めの会話
[00:46.55] I'm sorry またかけると言った日から
[00:50.35] 二週間以上が過ぎていたって気付き
[00:54.25] 心配かけたな… 少し反省しては
[00:58.19] また繰り返してしまうもの
[01:02.11] You know you're always here in my heart
[01:05.08] 次会う時ちゃんと伝えられるかな
[01:10.08] You are like the Sun
[01:11.84] いつも心の奥おだやかに支えてくれてる
[01:18.03] 目立たずに
[01:19.54] でも誰より強く
[01:22.74] 私を守りながら
[01:25.77] You are like the Ocean
[01:27.65] 貴方の海を泳ぐ私は
[01:31.42] 恐いもの知らずのように
[01:35.09] 自由でいられたの
[01:38.12] This is what I wanted for you to know
[01:42.13] いつかあげたプレゼントを
[01:44.73] 「いまだに大事にしてるのよ」って笑う
[01:49.39] 後ろ姿 少し弱々しくて
[01:53.17] 過ぎた月日を感じた
[01:57.04] I'm sorry きっと一番つらかった時
[02:00.34] 私こども過ぎて助けられなかった
[02:04.27] 「心配いらないわ」いつも強気な
[02:07.89] 貴方を目標にしてきたから
[02:11.96] You know you're always here in my heart
[02:15.49] 次会う時こそ伝えようと思う to you…
[02:20.43] You are like the Sun
[02:21.85] いつも心の奥おだやかに支えてくれてる
[02:28.35] 目立たずに
[02:29.85] でも誰より強く
[02:32.80] 私を守りながら
[02:36.05] You are like the Ocean
[02:37.38] 貴方の海を泳ぐ私は
[02:41.59] 恐いもの知らずのように
[02:45.21] 自由でいられたの
[02:48.30] This is what I wanted for you to know
[02:52.40] 一人背負ったものを半分くらい
[02:59.49] 私に今あずけて
[03:03.14] たまには甘えてくれていいのに
[03:14.97] You know I'm old enough
[03:18.26] あずけて
[03:20.89] I want for you to know…
[03:22.77] You are like the Sun
[03:24.08] いつも心の奥おだやかに支えてくれてる
[03:30.43] 目立たずに
[03:32.15] でも誰より強く
[03:35.17] 私を守りながら
[03:38.21] You are like the Ocean
[03:39.90] 貴方の海を泳ぐ私は
[03:43.82] 恐いもの知らずのように
[03:47.47] 自由でいられたの
[03:50.46] This is what I wanted for you to know
[03:54.52] 甘えてくれてもいい私に
[03:56.94] You can count on me
[03:58.51] 重い荷物降ろして
[04:01.91] 力抜いてもいい
[04:04.11] いつでもYou are my Sunlight
[04:06.24] The Sun and Ocean for etenity
[04:09.96] You are like the Ocean
[04:11.20] 貴方の海を泳ぐ私は
[04:15.04] 恐いもの知らずのように
[04:18.78] 自由でいられたの
[04:21.89] This is what I wanted for you to know
[04:30.61] Forever you will be…
[04:42.47] 【 おわり 】
[00:01.61] Eternity
[00:15.61] You are like the Sun
[00:17.17] xin zhi
[00:23.50] mu li
[00:24.87] shui qiang
[00:28.40] For eternity
[00:31.03] dian hua yue an yan
[00:36.98] ming sheng chu
[00:39.20] yuan qi
[00:43.14] qi qian  duan hui hua
[00:46.55] I' m sorry yan ri
[00:50.35] er zhou jian yi shang guo qi fu
[00:54.25] xin pei  shao fan xing
[00:58.19] zao fan
[01:02.11] You know you' re always here in my heart
[01:05.08] ci hui shi chuan
[01:10.08] You are like the Sun
[01:11.84] xin ao zhi
[01:18.03] mu li
[01:19.54] shui qiang
[01:22.74] si shou
[01:25.77] You are like the Ocean
[01:27.65] gui fang hai yong si
[01:31.42] kong zhi
[01:35.09] zi you
[01:38.12] This is what I wanted for you to know
[01:44.73] da shi xiao
[01:49.39] hou zi  shao ruo
[01:53.17] guo yue ri gan
[01:57.04] I' m sorry yi fan shi
[02:00.34] si guo zhu
[02:04.27] xin pei qiang qi
[02:07.89] gui fang mu biao
[02:11.96] You know you' re always here in my heart
[02:15.49] ci hui shi chuan si  to you
[02:20.43] You are like the Sun
[02:21.85] xin ao zhi
[02:28.35] mu li
[02:29.85] shui qiang
[02:32.80] si shou
[02:36.05] You are like the Ocean
[02:37.38] gui fang hai yong si
[02:41.59] kong zhi
[02:45.21] zi you
[02:48.30] This is what I wanted for you to know
[02:52.40] yi ren bei fu ban fen
[02:59.49] si jin
[03:03.14] gan
[03:14.97] You know I' m old enough
[03:20.89] I want for you to know
[03:22.77] You are like the Sun
[03:24.08] xin ao zhi
[03:30.43] mu li
[03:32.15] shui qiang
[03:35.17] si shou
[03:38.21] You are like the Ocean
[03:39.90] gui fang hai yong si
[03:43.82] kong zhi
[03:47.47] zi you
[03:50.46] This is what I wanted for you to know
[03:54.52] gan si
[03:56.94] You can count on me
[03:58.51] zhong he wu jiang
[04:01.91] li ba
[04:04.11] You are my Sunlight
[04:06.24] The Sun and Ocean for etenity
[04:09.96] You are like the Ocean
[04:11.20] gui fang hai yong si
[04:15.04] kong zhi
[04:18.78] zi you
[04:21.89] This is what I wanted for you to know
[04:30.61] Forever you will be
[00:01.61] Eternity
[00:15.61] You are like the Sun
[00:17.17] xīn zhī
[00:23.50] mù lì
[00:24.87] shuí qiáng
[00:28.40] For eternity
[00:31.03] diàn huà yuè àn yán
[00:36.98] míng shēng chū
[00:39.20] yuán qì
[00:43.14] qì qiǎn  duǎn huì huà
[00:46.55] I' m sorry yán rì
[00:50.35] èr zhōu jiān yǐ shàng guò qì fù
[00:54.25] xīn pèi  shǎo fǎn xǐng
[00:58.19] zǎo fǎn
[01:02.11] You know you' re always here in my heart
[01:05.08] cì huì shí chuán
[01:10.08] You are like the Sun
[01:11.84] xīn ào zhī
[01:18.03] mù lì
[01:19.54] shuí qiáng
[01:22.74] sī shǒu
[01:25.77] You are like the Ocean
[01:27.65] guì fāng hǎi yǒng sī
[01:31.42] kǒng zhī
[01:35.09] zì yóu
[01:38.12] This is what I wanted for you to know
[01:44.73] dà shì xiào
[01:49.39] hòu zī  shǎo ruò
[01:53.17] guò yuè rì gǎn
[01:57.04] I' m sorry yī fān shí
[02:00.34] sī guò zhù
[02:04.27] xīn pèi qiáng qì
[02:07.89] guì fāng mù biāo
[02:11.96] You know you' re always here in my heart
[02:15.49] cì huì shí chuán sī  to you
[02:20.43] You are like the Sun
[02:21.85] xīn ào zhī
[02:28.35] mù lì
[02:29.85] shuí qiáng
[02:32.80] sī shǒu
[02:36.05] You are like the Ocean
[02:37.38] guì fāng hǎi yǒng sī
[02:41.59] kǒng zhī
[02:45.21] zì yóu
[02:48.30] This is what I wanted for you to know
[02:52.40] yī rén bèi fù bàn fēn
[02:59.49] sī jīn
[03:03.14] gān
[03:14.97] You know I' m old enough
[03:20.89] I want for you to know
[03:22.77] You are like the Sun
[03:24.08] xīn ào zhī
[03:30.43] mù lì
[03:32.15] shuí qiáng
[03:35.17] sī shǒu
[03:38.21] You are like the Ocean
[03:39.90] guì fāng hǎi yǒng sī
[03:43.82] kǒng zhī
[03:47.47] zì yóu
[03:50.46] This is what I wanted for you to know
[03:54.52] gān sī
[03:56.94] You can count on me
[03:58.51] zhòng hé wù jiàng
[04:01.91] lì bá
[04:04.11] You are my Sunlight
[04:06.24] The Sun and Ocean for etenity
[04:09.96] You are like the Ocean
[04:11.20] guì fāng hǎi yǒng sī
[04:15.04] kǒng zhī
[04:18.78] zì yóu
[04:21.89] This is what I wanted for you to know
[04:30.61] Forever you will be
[00:01.61] 「Eternity」
[00:15.61] 你就像是太阳
[00:17.17] 一直支撑着我的心
[00:23.50] 不引人注目
[00:24.87] 但是比谁都很强大
[00:28.40] 未来永恒
[00:31.03] 隔着电话即使拉着脸你不会被发现
[00:36.98] 用开朗的声音
[00:39.20] 你若是健康 那就足够了
[00:43.14] 费神的短暂的对话
[00:46.55] 对不起 从那天说我在打给你之后
[00:50.35] 我发现已经过了两个多星期
[00:54.25] 让你担心了 我也反思了
[00:58.19] 但是还是重蹈覆辙
[01:02.11] 你知道 你一直在我的心里
[01:05.08] 下次见面的时候是否能够很好的传达呢
[01:10.08] 你就像是太阳
[01:11.84] 总是在内心深处温柔地支撑着我
[01:18.03] 不引人注目
[01:19.54] 但是比谁都很强大
[01:22.74] 一边守护着我
[01:25.77] 你就像是海洋
[01:27.65] 在你的海洋中遨游着的我
[01:31.42] 似不知所谓般
[01:35.09] 能够自由自在的
[01:38.12] 这就是我想要让你知道的
[01:42.13] 曾经送给你的礼物
[01:44.73] 笑着说 我现在都还很珍惜
[01:49.39] 背影稍微有点怯弱
[01:53.17] 感受到了逝去的时日
[01:57.04] 对不起 在你最痛苦的时候
[02:00.34] 我过于小孩子气没能帮助你
[02:04.27] 你一直都很强势的说 无需担忧
[02:07.89] 我一直把你当做目标
[02:11.96] 你知道 你一直在我的心里
[02:15.49] 下次见面的时候一定要好好的传达给你
[02:20.43] 你就像是太阳
[02:21.85] 总是在内心深处温柔地支撑着我
[02:28.35] 不引人注目
[02:29.85] 但是比谁都很强大
[02:32.80] 一边守护着我
[02:36.05] 你就像是海洋
[02:37.38] 在你的海洋中遨游着的我
[02:41.59] 似不知所谓般
[02:45.21] 能够自由自在的
[02:48.30] 这就是我想要的 让你知道的
[02:52.40] 你一个人背负的一半东西
[02:59.49] 交予给我吧
[03:03.14] 偶尔也疼爱一下我
[03:14.97] 你知道我已经足够大了
[03:18.26] 交给我
[03:20.89] 我想要你知道
[03:22.77] 你就像是太阳
[03:24.08] 总是在内心深处温柔地支撑着我
[03:30.43] 不引人注目
[03:32.15] 但是比谁都很强大
[03:35.17] 一边守护着我
[03:38.21] 你就像是海洋
[03:39.90] 在你的海洋中遨游着的我
[03:43.82] 似不知所谓般
[03:47.47] 能够自由自在的
[03:50.46] 这就是我想要的让你知道
[03:54.52] 你也可以痛爱我
[03:56.94] 你可以把我算在里面
[03:58.51] 卸下重物
[04:01.91] 卸下力气也没有关系
[04:04.11] 不管什么时候 你都是我的阳光
[04:06.24] 太阳和海洋都将是永恒的
[04:09.96] 你就像是海洋
[04:11.20] 在你的海洋中遨游着的我
[04:15.04] 似不知所畏般
[04:18.78] 能够自由自在的
[04:21.89] 这就是我想要的 也让你知道
[04:30.61] 你永远知道的
[04:42.47] 结束
Eternity 歌词
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