Endymion By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

歌曲 Endymion By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
歌手 YoungStar
专辑 Words For You - The Next Chapter


[00:00.90] Endymion by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - Terence Stamp
[00:11.71] The rising moon has hid the stars;
[00:14.74] Her level rays, like golden bars,
[00:17.58] Lie on the landscape green,
[00:20.38] With shadows brown between.
[00:23.55] And silver white the river gleams,
[00:26.10] As if Diana, in her dreams,
[00:28.57] Had dropt her silver bow
[00:30.55] Upon the meadows low.
[00:33.08] On such a tranquil night as this,
[00:36.89] She woke Endymion with a kiss,
[00:39.82] When, sleeping in the grove,
[00:41.98] He dreamed not of her love.
[00:45.47] Like Dian's kiss, unasked, unsought,
[00:49.07] Love gives itself, but is not bought;
[00:53.59] Nor voice, nor sound betrays
[00:56.94] Its deep, impassioned gaze.
[01:00.71] It comes,--the beautiful, the free,
[01:04.99] The crown of all humanity,--
[01:07.14] In silence and alone
[01:09.90] To seek the elected one.
[01:13.46] It lifts the boughs, whose shadows deep
[01:16.73] Are Life's oblivion, the soul's sleep,
[01:20.89] And kisses the closed eyes
[01:24.55] Of him, who slumbering lies.
[01:27.38] O weary hearts! O slumbering eyes!
[01:30.58] O drooping souls, whose destinies
[01:34.43] Are fraught with fear and pain,
[01:38.72] Ye shall be loved again!
[01:41.32] No one is so accursed by fate,
[01:45.11] No one so utterly desolate,
[01:47.27] But some heart, though unknown,
[01:49.31] Responds unto his own.
[01:52.33] Responds,--as if with unseen wings,
[01:56.75] An angel touched its quivering strings;
[02:00.04] And whispers, in its song,
[02:03.18] "'Where hast thou stayed so long?"


[00:00.90] ēn dǐ mí wēng, hēng lì huá zī huá sī lǎng fèi luó
[00:11.71] míng yuè chū shàng, ràng xīng xīng bú jiàn le zōng yǐng
[00:14.74] tā róu hé de guāng, rú jīn tiáo bān
[00:17.58] jìng wò zài qīng cōng de fēng jǐng zhī shàng
[00:20.38] tóu xià xī shū jiāo cuò de suì yǐng
[00:23.55] yín bái guāng zài hé liú shàng shǎn shuò
[00:26.10] yóu rú dài ān nà zài shú shuì zhōng
[00:28.57] diào xià le tā nà yín sè de gōng
[00:30.55] sàn luò zài jiān jiān de mù chǎng shàng
[00:33.08] zài rú cǐ jìng mì de liáng yè lǐ
[00:36.89] tā yòng wěn huàn xǐng ēn dǐ mí wēng zhī shí
[00:39.82] tā hái chén shuì zài shù cóng zhōng
[00:41.98] tā de mèng zhōng rén bú shì tā
[00:45.47] rú dài ān nà zhǔ dòng de wěn yì bān
[00:49.07] ài qíng xiàn chū le zì jǐ, ér fēi huàn lái
[00:53.59] shēng yīn, shēng xiǎng bú huì bèi pàn
[00:56.94] tā shēn suì rè qíng de níng wàng
[01:00.71] tā chū xiàn le, màn miào qīng yíng
[01:04.99] jí hé le yī qiē rén xìng de zhì měi
[01:07.14] zài jì jìng hé gū dú zhōng
[01:09.90] zhǎo xún yì zhōng de rén ér
[01:13.46] tā liāo qǐ zhī yā, nà yōu shēn de shū yǐng
[01:16.73] nà shi shēng mìng zhī yí wàng, xīn líng zhī cháng mián
[01:20.89] tā qīng wěn tā nà hé shàng de shuāng yǎn
[01:24.55] shú shuì de tā jìng jìng dì wò tǎng
[01:27.38] ó nà pí juàn zhī xīn, nà chén shuì zhī mù
[01:30.58] ó gān hé de líng hún, tā zhù dìng
[01:34.43] yào yǔ kǒng jù hé tòng jiū chán
[01:38.72] ài de kuì zèng jiāng jiàng lín yú nǐ
[01:41.32] mìng yùn tā bú huì zhè bān zhé mó yí ge rén
[01:45.11] bù céng yǒu rén rú cǐ gū dú
[01:47.27] rán nà wèi zhī de xīn líng
[01:49.31] kòu xiǎng le tā de zì wǒ zhī mén
[01:52.33] yìng dá zhe, fǎng fú huī dòng wú xíng zhī yì
[01:56.75] nà tiān shǐ qīng fǔ zhe zhèn chàn zhī xián
[02:00.04] qīng shēng xì yǔ, chī qíng yín chàng
[02:03.18] " guāng yīn rěn rǎn, rǔ zài hé fāng"