Efficient, logical, effective, and practical |
Using all resources to the best of our ability |
Changing, designing, adapting our mentalities |
Improving our abilities for a better way of life |
Babies, mother, hospital, [Incomprehensible] |
Creature, judgment, butcher, engineer |
These are the little children, the future in our hands |
When all God's children on this earth inherit all our plans |
These are the lies they tell us but this is the only way |
When all God's children on the earth will evermore be saved |
Babies, mother, hospital, [Incomprehensible] |
Creature, judgment, butcher, engineer |
[Incomprehensible] |
Babies, mother, hospital, [Incomprehensible] |
Creature, judgment, butcher, engineer |
These are the little children, the future in our hands |
When all God's children on this earth inherit all our plans |
These are the lies they tell us, the future's good as sold |
In all the things we do and know, we really must be told |