[00:03.200] M'sieur, I bless your name
[00:07.810] I am ready, Fantine
[00:10.740] M'sieur, lay down your burden
[00:15.370] At the end of my days
[00:18.350] You raised my
[00:19.630] child in love She's thebest of my life.
[00:24.370] And you will be with god
[00:39.190] Papa, Papa, I do not understand!
[00:41.690] Are you alright? They
[00:43.380] Why did you go away
[00:47.990] Cosette, my child, am I forgiven now?
[00:51.050] Thank God, thank God, I've lived to see this day.
[00:54.860] Marius:
[00:55.040] It's
[00:55.230] you who must forgive a thoughtless fool
[00:57.600] It's you who must forgive a
[01:00.400] thankless man
[01:03.030] It's thanks to you that I am living
[01:07.030] And again I lay down
[01:08.580] my life at your feet.
[01:11.400] Cosette, your father is a saint.
[01:15.190] When they
[01:15.950] wounded me
[01:17.320] He took me from the barricade
[01:21.440] Carried like a babe
[01:23.870] And
[01:24.310] brought me home to you!
[01:40.970] Now you are here
[01:48.790] Again beside me
[01:55.030] Now I can die in peace
[02:00.270] For now my life is blessed...
[02:05.820] Cosette:
[02:06.080] You will live, Papa, you're going to live
[02:11.070] It's too
[02:12.060] soon, too soon to say goodbye!
[02:16.310] Valjean:
[02:17.610] Yes, Cosette, forbid me now
[02:22.240] to die
[02:25.120] I'll obey,
[02:29.740] I will try.
[02:33.420] On this page
[02:37.230] I write my last
[02:39.590] confession.
[02:44.650] Read it well
[02:47.210] When I at last a***eeping.
[02:53.890] It's the story
[02:56.810] Of one who turned from hating
[03:01.500] A man who only learn to love
[03:05.860] when you were in his keeping
[03:11.160] [The other spirits, including Eponine
[03:12.410] Fantine:
[03:12.590] Come with me
[03:14.220] Where chains will never bind you
[03:20.270] All your grief
[03:23.210] At last, at last behind you.
[03:29.070] Lord in Heaven,
[03:31.630] Look
[03:32.250] down on him in mercy.
[03:37.130] Valjean:
[03:37.490] Forgive me all my trespasses
[03:39.610] And
[03:40.050] take me to your glory.
[03:46.180] Fantine and Eponine:
[03:46.800] Take my hand
[03:49.540] And
[03:49.980] lead me to salvation.
[03:55.720] Take my love,
[03:58.470] For love is everlasting.
[04:02.960] Valjean, Fantine, and Eponine:
[04:04.830] And remember
[04:08.070] The truth that once
[04:10.250] was spoken
[04:13.440] To love another person
[04:17.020] Is to see the face of God!
[04:26.530] Finale
[04:26.910] Chorus:
[04:27.270] Do you hear the people sing
[04:29.150] Lost in
[04:29.590] the valley of the night?
[04:32.080] It is the music of a people
[04:34.950] Who are climbing to
[04:36.640] the light.
[04:38.190] For the wretched of the earth
[04:41.130] There is a flame that never
[04:43.310] dies.
[04:44.310] Even the darkest night will end
[04:47.120] And the sun will rise.
[04:50.800] We will live again in freedom
[04:53.420] In the garden of the Lord.
[04:57.580] They
[04:57.890] will walk behind the plough-share,
[05:00.820] They will put away the sword.
[05:03.690] The
[05:04.130] chain will be broken
[05:05.380] And all men will have their reward.
[05:09.820] Will you
[05:10.450] join in our crusade?
[05:13.000] Who will be strong and stand with me?
[05:15.740] Somewhere
[05:16.370] beyond the barricade
[05:18.620] Is there a world you long to see?
[05:21.800] Do you hear the
[05:23.350] people sing?
[05:24.480] Say, do you hear the distant drums?
[05:27.720] It is the future that
[05:29.600] they bring
[05:30.340] When tomorrow comes!
[05:33.650] Will you join in our crusade?
[05:36.400] Who will be strong and stand with me?
[05:39.210] Somewhere beyond the barricade
[05:41.580] Is there a world you long to see?
[05:45.320] Do you hear the people sing?
[05:47.630] Say,
[05:48.380] do you hear the distant drums?
[05:51.060] It is the future that they bring
[05:53.750] When
[05:54.050] tomorrow comes...
[06:06.190] Tomorrow comes!
[00:03.200] 先生 我祝福你
[00:07.810] 我准备好了 芳汀
[00:10.740] 先生 卸下你的重担
[00:15.370] 在我生命的尽头
[00:18.350] 你用爱
[00:19.630] 抚养了我的孩子 她是我一生最好的部分
[00:24.370] 你将与上帝同在
[00:39.190] 爸爸 爸爸 我不明白
[00:41.690] 你还好吗
[00:43.380] 你为何离开
[00:47.990] 珂赛特 孩子 你可否宽恕我
[00:51.050] 感谢上帝 感谢上帝 我得以看到今日
[00:54.860] 马吕斯:
[00:55.230] 求你宽恕 我这自私的傻瓜
[00:57.600] 求你宽恕
[01:00.400] 我这忘恩负义的人
[01:03.030] 多亏你 我才活下来
[01:07.030] 我再次将生命
[01:08.580] 置于你脚边
[01:11.400] 珂赛特 你父亲是位圣人
[01:15.190] 我受伤后
[01:17.320] 是他带我离开防垒
[01:21.440] 一路抱我回家
[01:24.310] 带我到你身边
[01:40.970] 现在你们来到
[01:48.790] 重回在我身边
[01:55.030] 现在我可以瞑目
[02:00.270] 我这一生已经满足
[02:05.820] 珂赛特:
[02:06.080] 你会活下去 爸爸 你会活下去
[02:11.070] 现在
[02:12.060] 还太早 道别还太早
[02:16.310] 冉阿让:
[02:17.610] 好 珂赛特不许我死
[02:25.120] 我听话
[02:29.740] 我尽力
[02:33.420] 这封信
[02:37.230] 是我最后的
[02:39.590] 忏悔
[02:44.650] 等我长眠之后
[02:47.210] 你再仔细阅读
[02:53.890] 故事的主人公
[02:56.810] 不再仇恨世界
[03:01.500] 在抚养你之后
[03:05.860] 他才学会如何爱人
[03:11.160] 【其他精神
[03:12.230] 包括爱潘妮出现】
[03:12.410] 芳汀:
[03:12.590] 跟我来吧
[03:14.220] 去那没有枷锁的地方
[03:20.270] 所有苦难终于
[03:23.210] 终于离你而去
[03:29.070] 吾主在天
[03:32.250] 求你垂怜他吧
[03:37.130] 冉阿让:
[03:37.490] 宽恕我一切罪孽
[03:40.050] 带我去天堂美景
[03:46.180] 芳汀 爱潘妮:
[03:46.800] 牵我的手
[03:49.980] 你将得到救赎
[03:55.720] 接受我的爱
[03:58.470] 因为爱永恒常在
[04:02.960] 冉阿让 芳汀 爱潘妮:
[04:04.830] 请记得
[04:08.070] 千古流传
[04:10.250] 的真理
[04:13.440] 心中有爱
[04:17.020] 便与上帝存在!
[04:26.530] 【终章】
[04:26.910] 合唱团:
[04:27.270] 你可听到人们在唱
[04:29.150] 失落在
[04:29.590] 深夜之中
[04:32.080] 这歌声来自人民
[04:34.950] 向着光明
[04:36.640] 攀登
[04:38.190] 世间悲惨无数
[04:41.130] 其中必有火苗
[04:43.310] 长存
[04:44.310] 最黑的夜也会结束
[04:47.120] 太阳终将升起
[04:50.800] 我们将重获新生
[04:53.420] 在上帝的自由花园之中
[04:57.580] 我们
[04:57.890] 将推犁播种
[05:00.820] 再不与刀枪为伍
[05:04.130] 枷锁将被打断
[05:05.380] 所有人得到报偿
[05:09.820] 要加入
[05:10.450] 我们的行列吗?
[05:13.000] 可有勇气与我并肩作战?
[05:16.370] 防垒之外
[05:18.620] 是否有你渴望的世界?
[05:21.800] 你可听到
[05:23.350] 人们在唱?
[05:24.480] 可听到远处战鼓隆隆?
[05:27.720] 他们带来
[05:29.600] 崭新未来
[05:30.340] 只等明日到来!
[05:33.650] 要加入我们的行列吗?
[05:36.400] 可有勇气与我并肩作战?
[05:39.210] 防垒之外
[05:41.580] 是否有你渴望的世界?
[05:45.320] 你可听到人们在唱?
[05:48.380] 可听到远处战鼓隆隆?
[05:51.060] 他们带来崭新未来
[05:53.750] 只等
[05:54.050] 明日到来
[06:06.190] 明日到来!
Epilogue 歌词
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